Today while i was thinking for somthing to make Saes Realistic i found thing simple and useful and that can make server more realistic wich is Driving License + cars papers and give ability to cops to know if the car is stolen or not by checking papers or Car plate in cop cars and criminals too to give and back the papers ; whoever steal the car will get stars and be wanted / and give each Car it papers .
Positive of the suggestion :
That can make RP realistic and give it nice acting .
Stop and finish stealing cars of other players .
It is easy to get The Driving license .
Negative of the suggestion :
Nothing Negative Conversely that will make the server Great .
~[IDEA:]~(red) I wish from Saes HQ's add Spawn and new Character To teach players and give driving licenses .
!! Hello and Welcome Everyone !!
Today while i was thinking for somthing to make Saes Realistic i found thing simple and useful and that can make server more realistic wich is Driving License + cars papers and give ability to cops to know if the car is stolen or not by checking papers or Car plate in cop cars and criminals too to give and back the papers ; whoever steal the car will get stars and be wanted / and give each Car it papers .
Positive of the suggestion :
Negative of the suggestion :
~[IDEA:]~(red) I wish from Saes HQ's add Spawn and new Character To teach players and give driving licenses .
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