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Local Voice Chat


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4:45 am,
What about an option that will make you able to communicate via voice chat (in the police teamchat aka radio) or to communicate with nearby people (15 metres away players can hear u) via voice chat. I know some people will say it will be a mess or idk, but why not if you can mute people just like the /ignore command.
This option will help alot performing rps and adding some fun to the server. And of course keeping the normal chat too
(sorry if my english is a bit broken, wala ta3rf kifach ? Broken w yfz)

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Well this is a nice idea and i'd like to see it implemented but i am pretty sure none will respect it or use it for rp purposes, it'll be more likely made for trolling and probably insults, so if there is anyway to prevent this, I agree.

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@Anas_ said in Local Voice Chat:

Well this is a nice idea and i'd like to see it implemented but i am pretty sure none will respect it or use it for rp purposes, it'll be more likely made for trolling and probably insults, so if there is anyway to prevent this, I agree.

Man i already said, an option of muting people will come with it, just like /ignore

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@Zei Its a fantastic idea I am with you, but I dont have the time to mute players that i dont want to hear theirs Voice.

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Ye just imagine if someone use it to earrape :D -1

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@JoeX said in Local Voice Chat:

@Zei Its a fantastic idea I am with you, but I dont have the time to mute players that i dont want to hear theirs Voice.

Its not a fucking general voice chat, only nearby players

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In general yes but it was working in any chat (Local, Vehicle, Group, Global) until the server owner implemented a script which slapped and stopped players from talking in the global chat. Was a mess when the server hadn't installed this kind of script because you had to mute every damn russian one by one! (no offense against russians but they were really annoying!)

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@Ghost722nd said in Local Voice Chat:

In general yes but it was working in any chat (Local, Vehicle, Group, Global) until the server owner implemented a script which slapped and stopped players from talking in the global chat. Was a mess when the server hadn't installed this kind of script because you had to mute every damn russian one by one! (no offense against russians but they were really annoying!)

If it will be implented in saes let's disable the way to talk in general chat

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Already did suggest this. But they don't seem to care or give a fuck about it. even tho it's a really nice idea to make RPs way easier for slow niggas who can't type without looking at the keyboard twice
Link : https://saesrpg.uk/topic/5390/suggestion-voice-chat-ingame

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