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Applicant Main Information :
English Skill's:7/10
Languages you can speak:english,arabic,frensh
How long have you been playing on SAES? :1year
Do you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) :N/A
Are You In Any G/S/C now?No
You know any members of Racing & Cunning Brother's? If yes , who ?yes,Pablo and Spider and witti
Why you want be a RCB member ?I'm Good Driver And I like Race


Applicant Main Information :
English Skill's:6/10
Languages you can speak:ARABIC and English.
How long have you been playing on SAES? :1.5year
Do you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) :HMC
Are You In Any G/S/C now?No i not in any g/s/c now
You know any members of Racing & Cunning Brother's? If yes , who ?yes,i know all member's
Why you want be a RCB member ?I love race car's and i want join a group for raceing


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Applicant Main Information :

English Skill's:7\10
Languages you can speak:Arabic,Frensh
How long have you been playing on SAES? :im start playing saes in 2017(2years)
Do you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) :ye,xWolf
Are You In Any G/S/C now?None
You know any members of Racing & Cunning Brother's? If yes , who ?Yes,i know WiTTi is first Friend and Pablo Max .....
Why you want be a RCB member ? i will help RCB Membres and im good driver and Creative in Stunts.


Nickname: OC|>Naker
Username: Naker123
Age: 19
Nationality: Moroccan
English Skill's 9/10
Languages you can speak: Arabic, French and English
How long have you been playing on SAES? : 5years
Do you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) : Ye, I was in SAFP, C, VLA and now with OC
Are You In Any G/S/C now? OverdoseCrime
You know any members of Racing & Cunning Brother's? If yes , who ? Yes, @PaBLo
Why you want be a RCB member ? Well, With my driving skills and My ideas in racing and RCB Role, I can be a best driver and show to SAES Players that RCB Has choosed a good member


Applicant Main Information :
**English Skill's:**8/10
**Languages you can speak:**English,Arabic,French
**How long have you been playing on SAES? :**3years
**Do you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) :**FBI,OC,BBMC,CDS,OC,ICE,CripZ
**Are You In Any G/S/C now?**Ye CripZ
**You know any members of Racing & Cunning Brother's? If yes , who ?**Yes I know all members except some
**Why you want be a RCB member ?**I want to be a member of you to help you and provide more possibilities


Racing & Cunning Brother's
Nickname: Culter
Age: 15
Nationality: Algerian
English Skill's 8/10
Languages you can speak: Arabic, French and English
How long have you been playing on SAES? : 3.years
**Do you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) NO
Are You In Any G/S/C now? No
**You know any members of
Racing & Cunning Brother's? If yes , who ?**Yes I know all members except some
**Why you want be a RCB member ?**I want to be a member of you to help you and provide more possibilities

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