Ardron Posted June 6, 2019 Author Posted June 6, 2019 ^[]^[~[''The Work of a Nation. The Center of Intelligence.'']~(#69514D)]^[]^[]^[The Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.) is one of the principal intelligence-gathering agencies of the Government of San Andreas and the United States of America. As of now, It is one of the main intelligence workforce of the Government prior to the win of (Insert President Name), thus C.I.A is fully supported by the Government and vice versa.]^[Some of the principal activities of the C.I.A. are gathering information about foreign governments, foreign activities, corporations, individuals; and analyzing these pieces of information. C.I.A also does their own research and intelligence on the "inside", prior to their top-notch workforce of well-mannered agents and its Board of Directors.]^[Within the state of San Andreas, the C.I.A. offers their ability to investigate for other organizations. Either to gather information about (business) rivals and/or to smooth down differences within the organizations, and assist other policing and governmental units. We also focus on new methods to prevent certain crime activities within the state.]^[It is also included that any individual person can contact the Agency whenever they need their help, Although this varies, not anyone can call for C.I.A's help, as the Agency is always working and responding to other important things. Security for the members of the C.I.A. is our priority. Our intelligence unit will be seen undercover and their names will not be disclosed.]^[Security for the members of the C.I.A. is our priority. Our intelligence unit will be seen undercover and their names will not be disclosed.]^[On the 1st of March, Mr. Lowrey, the former Director of the Agency has decided to retire from his position due to him wanting to take a break from everything and spending his retirement funds on his family. In his spot, coming from various squads, a Veteran of the veterans, Mr. Ardron Dawson, who has gathered a lot of experience during his time in the law enforcement units that he has been part of. Mr. Dawson is well known to have lead such squads like the SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics) and HLS (Homeland Security) thus maximizing his potential leadership capabilities as a whole, making him fit for any leading role that he is employed to. ]^[Mr. Dawson is expected to continue the past legacies of the former Directors of the Central Intelligence Agency, and in charged to groom the right candidate when the time comes. But as of now, C.I.A will keep focusing on its main purpose, which is participating in Pro-Government activities and to repel the evil that is within our state. The Work of a Nation, The Center of Intelligence.]^[]^[]^[Squad Details -]Squad Level: 1Founders: @Ardron, @TaJFounding Date: 1st of March, 2019Color Code: #69514DTotal Members: 16Bank Balance: ~200.000.000$Squad Motto: "The Work of a Nation. The Center of Intelligence."Squad Discord Group: Media Archive:^[]^[]^[1. Make sure to follow all the server rules listed on the F1 panel.]^[2. Always try to act your role once spawned as a law enforcement unit/undercover, as you represent the tags you are wearing.]^[3. Never disclose private CIA information out in public. Some information is classified, and a confidentiality contract will be signed upon joining. Failing to do so will result in an immediate sacking.]^[4. Respect your fellow mates and the general server population.]^[5. While doing undercover work, please adhere to all the server rules and do not enforce your roleplay upon others.]^[6. Tags are mandatory upon doing general agency work. Tags are not mandatory during undercover work. During so, agents will be seen using roleplay names or other information relating their character]^[7. Use binds when patrolling as much as possible. It is not mandatory, but it is recommended.]^[8. Minimum wanted level for instant arrest is 15.]^[]^[]^[Do you wish to contact us for a possible contract or alliance? Please make contact with one of our HQ members listed down on the roster. We are looking for close communication with other law enforcement units and not only, for which we can offer certain intelligence information and not only. More information can be discussed upon a request, which you can submit through a private message to any of the squad HQs. We respect any request and will analyze it closely.]^[]^[]^[Directorate of Analysis]^[The Directorate of Analysis (DA) is where all information is gathered by various C.I.A. agents before providing this accurate and objective Intel. Being part of DA, your job is to anticipate any international development, positive and negative, even if this means infiltrating in either government or criminal activities.]^[Directorate of Operations]^[Directorate of Operations (DO) is probably the most secret Directorate of C.I.A., DO serves as the clandestine arm of C.I.A. and is responsible for any kind of mission worldwide. The mission of DO is to strengthen national security and foreign policy objectives.]^[Directorate of Science & Technology]^[The Directorate of Science and Technology (DS&T) is responsible for adapt, create, develop and operate any kind of threat for the country. DS&T employees range from programmers to scientists or even engineers. The DS&T works side-by-side with other Directorates of C.I.A. and even other partners/agencies with the main function of defending against the most difficult national security challenges.]^[Directorate of Human Resources]^[The Directorate of Human Resources (DHR) is a directorate that reports directly to the Director of the C.I.A. and its main objective is to search, attract, hire and reward each and every agent by enhancing human capabilities and planning, developing and supporting our workforce.]^[Directorate of Public Affairs]^[The Directorate of Public Affairs (OPA) serves as the principal adviser to the C.I.A., OPA oversees the daily interaction of C.I.A. and the media and the general public. OPA staff objective is to be as responsive as possible to the media while protecting classified information and intelligence sources ]^[]^[]^[Grade 5]^[Leader/Vice/Sub: Top Brass of the squad, helping one another to keep the functions working neatly. Pretty self explanatory in nature.]^[Grade 4]^[Chief of Staff: Stands above the normal HQ team and helps clear any problems the normal HQ team can't take care of.]^[Chief of ... / HQ: HQ's spots are limited to 5. Each HQ is a Chief of a certain Division that he leads freely, but also commands any Agent below him, even from another Division. They are the face of the Agency and have to make absolutely sure anything runs fine. Any problems, both internal and external are reported to the HQ team.]^[Grade 3]^[Captain: Captain's can assign patrol teams and organize Operations with other squads.]^[Strategist: The very first instructing rank. Strategist are able to ran big scale operations and trainings whenever they please. They are also responsible for testing new recruits and make sure they fit our standard.]^[Grade 2]^[Supervisor: They are responsible for any Grade 0 Agent. Supervisor must make sure that everything works well with new Agents and show them everything they need to know. If any grade 0 Agent makes a mistake, it's the supervisor's job to clean after him and help him not to repeat those mistakes.]^[Handler: Same as Supervisor, except for Grade 1 Agents.]^[Grade 1]^[Field Agent: More experienced than Agents. They may join normal raid operations as they wish. They stand directly under any Handler available. This will also be the first rank where you decide to join a Divison (this option is not final, you can still change Division's later on)]^[Special Agent: Specialized in Stealth tactics, Special Agents may do their own infiltration and other stealth operations and request help from any Grade 0 and 1 Agents. They still stand under any Handlers orders.]^[Grade 0]^[Agent: Congratulation Agent, you just made it past your probation and you're now a fully functional member of the Agency. Agent's are still very new and untrained and have to join in regulary on trainings. Agents respond directly to any Supervisor and have to follow every order given by them.]^[Probationary Agent: After joining the Central Intelligence Agency you will automatically be assigned to this rank. Here you will have to proof yourself and see if this is the right job for you. Probation can differ from person to person but will usually take one or two weeks to complete before automatically be assigned to the next rank.]^[]^[]^[Directors]^[Director of the Central Intelligence Agency: TaJ - @TaJ (L)]^[Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency: Hope - @hope (vL)]^[Executive Director of the Central Intelligence Agency: Martin - @matu368 (sL)]^[Executive Team]^[Chief of Staff: Ricarda - @GirlyPrimis (CoS)]^[Chief of Analysis: (HQ)]^[Chief of Operations: -Vacant- (HQ)]^[Chief of Science and Technology: -Vacant- (HQ)]^[Chief of Human Resources: -Vacant- (HQ)]^[Chief of Public Affairs: -Vacant- (HQ)]^[Grade 3]^[Captain: Darius - @Darius (C)]^[Captain: Star - @Star (C)]^[Strategist: -Vacant- (St)]^[Grade 2]^[Handler: Wolf1 - @Wolf (H)]^[Supervisor: -Vacant- (S)]^[Grade 1]^[Special Agent: Leon - @Leon (SA)]^[Field Agent: -Vacant- (FA)]^[Grade 0]^[Agent: Kenneth - @Kenneth (A)]^[Agent: Starwars - @StarWars (A)]^[Agent: WitherDce - @WitherDce (A)]^[Agent: Elias - @Elias (A)]^[Agent: Andre - @Andre (A)]^[Agent: Dova - @Dova (A)]^[Agent: Cookies (A)]^[Probationary Units]^[Probationary Agent: Bogitoo - @bogiito (CIA*)]^[Probationary Agent: Abdallah - @abdallah (CIA*)]^[]^[Total Members: 16]^[]^[]### **GENERAL INFORMATION** **In Game Name:****Username:****Age:****Nationality:****Languages:****Total Server Playtime:****Previous Gangs/Squads/Companies:****Current/Previous Groups:****Have you ever been banned, if yes, why:****On a scale of 0-10, rate your English skills:** ### **ROLEPLAY INFORMATION** **For you, what is C.I.A.:****What unit would you like to join in the future, and why:****What is our main role:****What can you bring to the squad:****Describe a short situation (a few paragraphs), on how you would act during a spying mission:** ### **OTHER INFORMATION** **Any other information you wish to specify:****Anyone recommended you to apply, if yes, who:****Why did you choose C.I.A.:** ^[]^[]The testing procedure is individually created for each applicant, in constant change, to avoid a predetermined "mechanical" learning of the test. It may always involve a roleplay scenario, each time different, some driving part to test both driving ability and map knowledge. Working under pressure is always an important aspect kept under consideration by the tester. Shooting test wherever it is necessary and an interview.^[]^[~[Thanks for viewing!]~(#69514D)]^[Old topic can be found here!]
TaJ Posted August 25, 2019 Posted August 25, 2019 Application topic fully updated (thanks to @Ardron).
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