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Role-Play #18 - Easy profit
Mongols had no plans for the day and went to their bar located at Dillimore. They were chilling and having fun until some random person came to the bar. The stranger looked around the bar and had sat on one of the bar's chairs. He asked Sira what is the most expensive alcohol they have. Sira suggested the stranger to try one of the CripZ's moonshines so he did. The Mongols's president noticed how expensive is the outfit of the stranger . Later on Sira knew he was right because the stranger did not stop talking how many vehicles he is owning , how big is his house and etc. Mongols did not really pay attention to the self-indulgent cunt. When Sira asked him if he could pay his bill he refused. After the second attempt of asking nicely the stranger took few dollars from his wallet and threw them at Sira's face. Sira took his bat behind the bar, jumped over and attacked the stranger. All Mongols jumped from their tables and beated the shit out of the cunt. Once he was knocked out Mongols took his wallet and clock but they thought it was not enough. Balla$ took the stranger on his shoulder and carried him to their van.
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Mongols drove him to their base and dropped him inside of one of their shacks. Sira took the stranger's phone and called his dad. Mongols's president explained to him that they must pay $500.000 till the end of the day or for every day late their son will lose one finger. The family had to drop a black sack behind the pizza shop located in Palomino Creek. In his panic the stranger's dad called FBI because he did not know what to do. The FBI's agent explained to him that the best way to process the situation is just to pay. The victim's dad took out of the bank half million dollars , put them inside of black sack and gave it to the FBI's agent. The agent went to the given location and dropped the sack. Mongols knew that the dad could ask the law for help so they went to take their money five hours later. Once they saw all of the money are inside the sack they went back to their base and released the victim. It was an profitable day for the Mongols.
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Road Trip #7
It was stressful day for the Mongols. After having an gun fight with the law they wanted to chill out by riding the San Andreas's roads. Mongols regrouped at their base and took their way. They drove by Rebel's base and noticed their vice is standing there alone. Mongols parked their bikes and let Corn to fight with Bagetto. The Mongol rekted his ass and they continued their road trip. Mongols drove through Palomino Creek and took their way to Los Santos. After LS Mongols went to their bar located at Dillimore and had some fun. Oh and yeah Mongols had escort by some ETF's agent , but both sides didn't pay attention to each other.
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Role-Play #19 - Daily business

It all started at Tuesdays morning.
When Jose from well known gang, Underground Empire, called a guy named Cornelius on the phone. He asked if Cornelius could meet him at his business place, where all the requests or deals are being done or they are planned there with Mongols MC help. Cornelius of course accepted it, since he was a part of Mongols MC crew and Cornelius wanted the MC crew to get known in the town and between gangs. After some time Jose came to the place and saw three Mongol MC group members, one of them was the Cornelius, who dropped the cigar after he saw the car coming, other two were Ballas with his friend. Corn and Jose greet each other and then they started talking. Jose told that one of the Rebels friend had to deliver tenth kilograms of drugs from the town to the farm, which was near the town, so they did not ask for any help from Rebels as far as Jose knew. Cornelius trusted Underground Empire people and knew that they have people inside of Rebels gang, so he already knew what to say and understood what he is talking about. Cornelius replied okay, so when the delivery is going to happen, do we need more people to handle the truck, do we even need the truck. Then Jose answered the questions. He stated that it is going to happen tomorrow, three people is enough, we do not need the truck, because if we steal it, it will be evidence that we stole it. Then Cornelius, Ballas and his friend nodded and said it is a deal. Jose said good, call me when you are done, I need the drugs, I will pay for the services do not worry.


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Wednesday noon.
After checking whole town. Cornelius saw suspicious activity near one of the buildings in the town, so he stayed near someones house and tried not to be suspicious himself, till the truck comes. After hours and hours of waiting, Ballas spots the truck heading to the building, Cornelius immediately dropped his food after he heard it and headed to the house, near the building, for a closer look, he took out his camera and zoomed the view, near the truck, Cornelius only saw one guy closing the trucks back. And later on he saw the guy get into the truck. Cornelius told everyone to get on their bikes and wait till the truck gets into the road. The truck finally came out of the side of the building and headed its way. Cornelius told that it is coming and gave a signal to follow him. The truck went fast, but by the traffic rules. Cornelius went in front of the truck and slowed his bike till the truck stopped. The guy got outside and said what the fuck and armored guy also exit the truck, which bikers did not expect before they stopped. Cornelius asked who are you to the armored guy while pointing a gun with the bikers. The guy shook, while shaking he told that he is from IAC security and his name is Kim. Cornelius said we will take a look at the truck and leave, no jokes or you will end up dead. Then Cornelius jumped into the truck started looking for drugs under jackets, near driver seat, till he found the drugs, then he placed them under the motorcycle seat and went to take some more to put it under Ballas bike too. Then nervous Kim from IAC security got his M4 out and started aiming at Ballas, Ballas friend did not see it, but luckily Cornelius saw it and shot Kim from the back, Kim fell on the ground and blood was spreading everywhere, then Cornelius ran and dropped drugs into Ballas bike. Cornelius was so mad that the guy almost shot his one of the best friend, so he decided to come up to the criminal who had to deliver drugs and punched his face with the bat, that Cornelius had. Then Cornelius told that it is it and everyone jumped on their bikes and left the driver injured and security guard dead on the street. After doing the business bikers came back to the place together and alive, they collected the drugs and gave it to Cornelius, Cornelius placed it in near bike so he would deliver it later to Jose. Cornelius told to Ballas that no matter what I will always have your back, you are like a brother to me and the rest of Mongols MC crew members. Ballas also said that he has Cornelius back if something happens. Then they started speaking what will happen this night, will Rebels or IAC security hunt the Mongols members and who was the Kim we did not know about. After speaking, Cornelius phone rang, it was Jose, he told that Cornelius can bring drugs tomorrow, whenever he wants, because Underground Empire is having meeting and they will be in their base whole day.


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Thursday evening.
Cornelius called Jose to deliver the drugs. Jose replied to come. Then Cornelius went to the Underground Empire base and saw Jose smoking outside. Cornelius firstly showed the drugs then started greeting Jose. Cornelius also immediately told Jose that there was a security guard named Kim and he had to kill him, then Cornelius told that everyone is alive and the guy who had deliver the drugs is beaten up. Jose interrupted, he said that the guy is dead, because he did not do the job and the guys who killed Kim, I mean YOU GUYS, have bounty on your heads, watch out, do not tell anyone about this deal, if you do, IAC will find you. Cornelius passed the drugs and told everything is fine, I will have a drink, I will message you tomorrow for the money, then Cornelius went on his bike and took a loop around Las Venturas to think what Jose told. Later Cornelius called Ballas and his friend to join him for a drink, to clear things up. While drinking they dealt to play dumb if someone asks what happen, even the closest people they knew. After they got drunk, they went outside and saw that their seats were not comfy, after opening it they saw money inside of it, then Cornelius said call it a day boys and went to sleep.


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Thank you for reading my role play, I hope you liked it!

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Role-Play #20 - The mechanic clothes
As usual nothing last forever. Our vehicles are good but they need to be look after. Sira and Forg has sent their members to do their tasks and they had no work to do. That's why they decided to have an chill day. They went to the Mongol's garage located in Las Venturas and put the mechanic clothes. The day was so beautiful so they decided to work outside instead inside the dark garage. The Mongol's leaders took their mechanic's equipment outside and started to work. Forg wanted to change his Harley's wheels. Later on he noticed that the Harley's oil level is below the limit so he poured brand new one. While Forg was working on his Harley , Sira cleaned his Van. After the cleaning he wanted to get rid of the clatter sounds that were coming from the engine. Sira had to demount half of the engine to notice they are few loose bolts which cause the annoying sound. Sira and Forg's day passed with beer and bolts , they had so much fun.
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Role-Play #21


@Pump said in Clandestine Mob - Media archive:

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Participants: Clandestine Mob & Mongols Motorcycle.

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Tenth day passed since the creation of Clandestine Mob, Tony, the boss of Clandestine Mob, was busy doing his own missions, that's why he hasn't given any missions to his gangmates, James was having hard times looking for requests from anywhere and giving it to the members until he found out a very nice deal for himself, it was a Trade or we can call it an exchange between the manifactured drugs of Clandestine Mob which were getting too much of a popularity and the manifactured guns of Mongols Motorcycle, one of the Motorcycle gangs in San Andreas, Indeed, Clandestine Mob needed some guns since they've lastly found nothing in their hideout so James found this deal as the biggest chance to gain them some high quality guns and confidence from Mongols Motorcycle.

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However, their message talked about the meeting location which was their headquarters & its location and it said to bring ten packs of drugs since they're having a really big party since one of them is getting married. Anyways, It was a matter of time James got out of the headquarters to go to the warehouse to load in the needed amount of drugs after taking Tony's permission to leave the base & to take the drugs for this deal. With pleasure, Tony accepted without any problems. After loading up the drugs, James got on his way to the headquarters of Mongols Motorcycle where he has found Jorge, one of their trustworthy members waiting for him in order to get the deal accomplished, After a little talk, they had no arguments nor fights, both were ready to give up the stuff needed for the exchange. They've made the trade in the same time then they've shook their hands hoping for the best for each other.

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Role-Play #22


@Pump said in Clandestine Mob - Media archive:

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Participants: Clandestine Mob & Mongols Motorcycle.

Continuation of Roleplay Number: 33.

...So James decided to call out Mongols Motorcycle since he heard that they're popular when it comes to torturing & beating up People when getting big prizes. However, he wanted to hire them in order to torture one of the members that rushed out his buddy & got all of their loans. Tony made a call to James saying that Cartel Da Sinalos are all out of the headquarters since they've gone to a party in San Fierro near the station. James has taken this as an opportunity since as he heard the guy they needed was kept to defend the headquarters. As fast as possible, he went to the headquarters of Mongols Motorcycle, there, he found out the guy that he has hired, he was Jaden, one of their best fighters.

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James told him about what happened and how did Cartel Da Sinolas carelessly tried to mess with Clandestine Mob declaring that it's time for punishment, Jaden understood the case very well and he had the same reactions as James, he was literally shocked, whatsoever, They've shook hands up after having dealt with the prizes that would Mongols get, then they've gone to Los Santos in order to reach Sinalos Base.

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Right there, they've made a pretty good plan, it was to James to distract the guard's attention by asking him for some drugs when Jaden comes from behind to do his job. All went smoothly, James made the member of Cartel Da Sinalos distracted while Jaden got into the field and start hitting him so hard with his bat that he did lose concious, James has gotten inside the base, brought back the loans with some money that he has given all to Jaden, then, the member of Mongols finished his job by getting Sinalos's to the hell.

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Role-Play #23 - Getting rid of the law

Since few weeks some officer were so much around the bikers . Mongols cought him spying on them several times. The officer were walking around asking civillians if they have heard something about the criminal organisation named Mongols Motorcycle Club. He even tried to arrest one of the mongols. The officer was so young probably it was his first task , to be more correct , he probably had to get more information about the bikers. Mongols couldn't continue their criminal activities meanwhile there is a cop behind their ass. They had to get rid of that rat asap. Mongols sent one of their hangarounds to follow the cop patroling's route dressed as civillian. Once Mongols got the route they picked an place where they could ambush the cop . They waited the night time to hit and decided to act. Mongols got their axes and went to one tree close to the road. They cut it down and waited for the officer. Few minutes later the cop was noticed driving slowly towards the bikers. Mongols were hided in the branches of the tree. The officer went outside of his car to check what happened. Mongols jumped behind the tree and attacked the officer. They tied his hands, taped his mouth and pushed in their van. Now they had to ged rid of the cop without killing it. They knew if they killed the officer they would have even more problems with the law. Sira decided to ask for help from an organisation which Mongols had business before. Mongols jumped on their bikes and took their way to Los Santos.
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Mongols arrived at Vndalos de el Corona's street. Fortunately they were there. The Vandalos recognized Mongols from the past. The bikers took out the officer out of their van and pushed him infront of the gangsters. Ted explained that this officer must be gone and Mongols can not make their hands dirty because once the police find out that the officer is missing they will immediately gonna raid Mongols. Vandalos accepted to do it in exchange of money and future work together. Mongols were happy about the deal and jumped on their bikes to celebrate in their bar.
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Vandalos pushed the officer into their van and went to the closest train rails. They knew in the next few minutes there should be a train goin on. Vandalos tied the officer to the rails and just waited for the moment. Three minutes later they saw a train coming. They waited till the train crush him over. Vandalos wanted to be sure they have done their job.
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