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Role-Play #1 Cooking The Meth

After the warm welcome to the San Andreas district. We were ready to cook things up. Building a criminal organisation takes time and also money. We might have started from the beginning but MMC always had old connections in San Andreas state and today we'll visit these old friends. Following days, I made up some calls and asked for a safe warehouse house to cook meth, in order to make some contribution to the club's safe. I found out one place in Los Santos, the place was well hidden. I personally checked the place and talked to the broker about renting, he told me that place was long gone for a period of time so, this plan could benefit both sides in a good way so I dealt with him and started to organise the cooking. After a couple of weeks, things were going fine, it was the time to sell the stuff to local drug dealers. We started to distribute and keep the meth flow to the market. From now on we get our fair share on San Andreas market. We'll see what will happen in the next weeks.




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Role-Play #2 The preparation

Mongols were involved in few turf wars and fought with the law several times. With that our ammunation began to disappear , inclouding our weapons. We needed to get brand new weapons and ammunation asap because if we kept on the same way we would only have bats now. Yesterday when I was chilling in the dillimore's bar with my fella Forg we heard three gentlemens talking about some pirate organisation that just hit some ship delivering weapons to San Andreas. That was our chance. Once the gentlemens left the bar I went to the bartender and for the 100 dollar tip I got the needed infromation. On the next day I used the phone number I got from the bartender and surprisingly a men answered. He presented himself as one of the pirate organisation . Later I understood they call themselves ''San Andreas Pirates'' . I wanted to keep it secretly so I didn't ask for any names. He sent me GPS coordinates where we will meet. So with my fellas I went on a trip.
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Once we arrived to the GPS's coordinates we saw it's a small port close to ALT base. We waited around 5 minutes when something appeared in the river.
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We recognised the pirate by his dress , also by his voice so we started the bargain. I wanted to end it as fast as it was possible because the pigs were patroling around. He showed me the weaponry and let me to try one of them. Everything was fine and I paid him the asking price. Called my boys to load our vehicle and we left the port .The pirate told me it was a pleasure to have deal with the Mongols and if we need him somehow just to call him once again. That's how we made new contact.
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We arrived safely at our warehouse and loaded it once again with fresh ammunation and weaponry.
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Role-Play #3 The betrayal
Mongols's sources shared interesting information about the brand new organisation ''The Pirus'' . The Pirus has been seen on Los Santos docks loading plenty of boxes with the lettering ''weapons'' and ''ammunition''. Our sources followed them to their warehouse and confirmed the boxes's content. Mongols saw a easy target. Our warehouses are still half empty so we decided to act. Somehow I found contact with one of the Pirus's members. We explained that we are willing to buy some of their weapons on a fair price. By his voice I understood he is super thrilled and afterwards he told me location and hour where we could meet. We jumped on our bikes and Burrito and headed to the location. Before to arrive there we decided to scout the area. The streets were utterly quiet. No vehicles , no civilians , that was the perfect time for acting.
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We got back to our vehicles and drove to the cartel. Once he showed everything we wanted to see , we continued on our plan. We used silencers in case someone was around. I told my fellas to load our van , meanwhile I moved the cartel's body to his vehicle. We shot the vehicle's tank and waited few minutes. I lighted up a cigarette and when I saw there is enough diesel on the ground I threw my cigarrette. Everything burnt and there was no evidence left. Mongols drove back to the Dillimore's bar to celebrate.
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alt text Role-Play #4 Contract killing

So my old friend from the organization zero called me on the phone and asked to meet near the lil'probe'inn, I came with my mates and asked him whats the issue?He aswered what he need to kill some guy from the Willifield and gave me his photo.We agreed that he will pay half of the amount at the beginning and half at the end.I took a 50.000$ of fresh green paper, and dropped it into my"Buritto".Then we started our vehicles and drove to the Willifield.We wandered a lot at the Willofield and we found this guy from the photo that i recieved from the zero guy, when he saw us he understood what happens, raised his hands up and begged for mercy.But we didn't hear him and started to shoot, when he layed down, we started to run cuz cops can came in any second.We meet with the zero guy again and asked for another half of this ammount.So nothing irregular happened, i just took it and drop another briefcase full of dead presidents into my"Buritto"and started to discussing this day with my Mongols.
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One day, having a drink at the bar, my brothers and I were aware of a new situation. we heard the rebels hired a cop to catch us, and the cops raided our bar. When the cops hit our place, we opened fire on them, and we killed all the cops. But this was supposed to be a turnaround, and we found out where Rebel was. We went to the area where they were, and we ran into them. First, they wanted to infect us orally, but there was something they didn't know. If Mongols came to your place, they didn't come to talk. We started fighting with the Rebels , and we beat the Rebels Motor Club members hard.



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alt text Role-Play#6 Buying arms

So its ain't secret that every gang need to be armed, and i found an armsdealer who got mountain of guns and low prices. So i called Sira on the phone and he told me to meet that arms dealer guy.I called Corn, cuz he got Buritto van. And we drove to the LV .When we came to this guy, i talked with him and he showed his arsenal to me. So i was shocked to see a 50 cal full auto machine gun in the trunk of his burritto, so i asked for the gun, he asked for the money. I opened my trunk and showed how much i got .I bought every gun that he got, and store it to our warehouse with my friend Cornelius.
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Mongols took their way on a long way road trip. They started up from Dillimore's bar and headed to Los Santos. They drove almost the half part of Los Santos and headed to Red County. Then they continued through Bone county and Las Venturas. Mongols's road trip ended at one of the San Fierro's store robberies.
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Role-Play#7 - Upgrading Harley Davidson

In the past days we bought new garage in north Las Venturas. It is not one of the greatest garages but it will work for now. We cleaned it and brought our accessories. In the next day we got an phone call by unknown man. In consequence he said his name and it's was Spinkess. He explained that he has some Harley which is heritage by his grandpa. Our client wanted from us to restore his Harley. He gave us an budged of 30k dollars. In the same day Spinkess brought his Harley and we explained that he left his bike on the right hands.

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Mongols started the work over the rusty Harley. Many parts couldn't be used twice so we ordered brand new parts straight away from Harley Davidson's San Andreas factory. We replaced the old engine with brand new Harley Davidson's SHOVELHEAD FX ENGINE. It has 38,494 miles on it and a 4 speed transmission. Brand new carburetor , inclouding brand new air ducts. We also put some 18 inch Harley's sport wheels for better handling. Our client also requested a luggage carrier on the back of the bike.
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The Harley was done in three full days of work. In the the same day Mongols drove the brand new Harley to Spinkess's apartment. Sira called him with the wild engine's roar. Excited of the new bike , Spinkess wanted to try the Harley. After the test drive he paid us the good amount of $30.000. Spinkess got his bike and Mongols got their profit. Slowly but gloriously Mongols are growing bigger and bigger.
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