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#78 Roleplay


@Stay said in Undisputed Command | Media Archive:

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Roleplay #: 27
Date: 6/11/2019
Participants: @Mongols-MC
@Undisputed-Command Teo, Asking200, Venom, Myself

Mongols MC Call

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November 6th it was late afternoon I was at Undisputed Command Central Post Having conversations with my Tenientes Mateos, Villaroel and the Mayor en Jefe Gonzalez, we were speaking about the products we currently had of La Blanca which happens to be our Colombian recipe cocaine, everything was smooth and suddenly my phone started to sound, I've proceeded to check it up and it was Sira from the Mongols MC, I took the call and it went < Hey this is Sira from Mongols MC how are you, Marulanda?, Marulanda: Hello Mongol everything is good what is this call meaning? Sira: Hey hey remember we bought 50Pounds last time of la Blanca the quality of it was so good and so profitable that we want to get more from the Undisputed Command, Your cocaine. Marulanda: Aight I see fair enough Pendejo carechimba Meet us at Red County North East Bridge, we'll lead the way from there on.>

I hanged off the Call and then gave the order to my comrades of embarking the Patriot everyone was well armored, then we proceeded to head the place I said, took us no longer than 5 minutes, we reached the place and as expected they were there with their Vehicles and their man, therefore we continued the route, which would lead us later on to the South Command of Undisputed Command where we had the candy, once we arrived the place we spoke about business Sira and Me, he explained to me how good it was that he needed more. I was a good hoster invited him to the Cook-Cocina, where he saw la Blanca, his reaction was quite the one I was expecting, Yet, it was more of a surprise he realized how powerful we had gotten, He brought with him a briefcase with 100.000$ then offered it as payment for the cocaine, As I liked the offer, I informed him that'll buy MongolsMC 35 Kilo of La Blanca almost 60 Pounds this time, which he agreed on, After that they alongside us packed the cocaine on their vehicle for later on shaking hands and leave the business in good terms.

Undisputed MMC roleplay


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Role-Play #79

^[Illegal Stuff?]

It was the month of November, one of our spies got shocking news for us that we are not safe even after moving to Blueberry. The Immigration Customs & Enforcement (ICE) has informed the Federal Investigations knows that we are more than mechanics, they know about out illegal work. We did not have enough weapons or protection also not much-skilled peoples to finish them off. So we decided to keep an eye and follow the main source of problems, who knows all the plans of them and got some pieces of information against us. The second day, one of our spies gave us a message that he had successfully tracked his car and location via GPS. He was on a Cluckin' Bell near Bone County, which is not too far from our territory. We started to head off there, armed, before he calls for backup.

After reaching the exact location, we waited for some time outside the shop after parking our Van. Though, our doubts were clear as we found the same Police Vehicle outside the shop. But seemed like he was taking long, and one-by-one all customers left. We took the weapons quietly from the trunk of the car and went inside with the arms hidden. We found him and took him at a corner, but he refused to recognize us. We gave him drugs and made him fainted, took off all his weapons, mobile phone, and ID cards and got him inside the Van. Then we went looking for a safe place, where there are very few peoples nearby from a long-range.

Reaching our last and final destination, we tortured him and tried our best to make him speak the truth he knows about us. And what action is the State going to take, so we lied to him saying we kidnapped his family as well. Finally, he started to talk, he told us that they are going to raid our base after two weeks from now on. We couldn't trust a police officer, especially someone high ranked. So we decided to finish him off at the hilly area "Bang Bang Bang..". His last words were '' I will die serving my country. '' and then we went to a bar to chill out ourselves from this incident and completely forget it.

Screens lined correctly as a whole story: Click hre!

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Roleplay #80


@Freezoom said in InvestArms Corporation Media Archive:

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Attenders: @Cornelius
RP Story It was a sunny morning, I sat in my office reading the newspaper and smoked my cigar. While I was, my phone rang ... It was my friend Corn who wanted to help me with some things. When I asked him what he wanted he said that his gang MMC wanted some weapons and ammunition box, He said that we meet at MMC base ... I did not hesitate to help him, I started bringing everything and then the boxes were put in the truck and then I went to the well-known base on the streets of Red Country , it did not take me much time to get there ... I found him waiting In front of the door of the headquarters, the car stood at the base until we talked a little and the deal was done successfully ... After all, we dropped the boxes from the shipper Even taking them to the weapons room at home, I paid a lot of money which made me leave Red Country, very happy with the deal

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Roleplay #81


@Venom said in Undisputed Command | Media Archive: > alt text > > Roleplay #: 30 > Date: 8/11/2019 > Participants: @Undisputed-Command / @Mongols-MC > > alt text > > Four days have passed since the last connection with MongolsMC, We the Undisputed Command organized a meeting with every Capitan and Teniente de Frente we had regarding internal Matters of the economy and the Future of our Command, the conversation was getting warm by when the Tenientes suggested couple Ideas then it was the turn of the Capitanes, Lombardo suggested the purchase of more business in order to clean up the Money we were receiving from the Cocaine sell outs. Yet I the Mayor en Jefe Gonzalez took his Idea and maximized it to something more complicated. As I was explaining to my Comandos the Idea I was already thinking about calling back MongolsMC in order to have a successfully Reunion where we could enter in negotiations, where we could execute the Idea of Lombardo and Mine. > > I asked the General en Jefe Marulanda if we could go that same afternoon, to what he responded with an affirmation and commitment to it then we proceeded, We loaded the Patriots with La Blanca Pounds and Pounds of La Blanca Cocaine, by when we did it we embarked the Patriots got ourselves armored in case there would appear any casualty, As we were ready to get out I Proceeded to Call Corn from the MongolsMC, and it went; <Gonzalez: Hey Carechimba everything alright?, This is Gonzalez from the Undisputed Command After we last time we saw each other we came up with an idea you would like to hear, can we have a reunion on your Place? Corn: Hey Yeah that last time we saw each other was couple days ago actually, What is it? Anyways yeah we'll wait for you at the Place of ours. Gonzalez: Ok gringo>. > > We rushed out of the Undisputed Command Central Comando. Throughout the Trees and Roads, we made it to MongolsMC HeadQuarters, which to our surprise they were already there with all their Mongols waiting for us, They've welcomed us very well I had to say. We parked ourselves there, as we were getting out the vehicles the General en Jefe de Frente Marulanda started to talk with Corn getting the conversation warmed before the real purpose of our visit, after couple minutes Marulanda asked Corn if there was a place where we could have a chair and to speak more accordingly to the time, to what Corn answered with a yes and then he led the way and showed us a small place but in fact good to talk, the General Marulanda asked to Me, to enter in negotiations within the following seconds. I proceeded with the conversation. the afterward of it came with a successful negotiation to which We'll keep for us. Both sides accepted the Arrangement there made. We left them the Cocaine all the Pounds we had with us, Right after that we abandoned the Place and headed back to the Trees where we held our Command. > > https://youtu.be/o8BU51TVV_M


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Roleplay #82


@chris01 said in Comando da Capital Media Center:

Participants: @Chris01 @Corn
i was chilling in my base, i was taking a break from everything I did that day
My freind called me in the phone,He said he need some weeds, heroin, and any kind of drugs we have, and he needs the drugs a lot!
Ofcourse immedietly i go to the kitchen and take some item ,Arghh.. its taking a long time to take the drugs Corn ordered, and also i put the drugs into a 4x4 car called Huntley
So i go to the place that he want to met me immedietly
i see him waiting me, so i talked about the drugs and he said he will pay $30.000 for the drugs and fee for me
i transfering the drugs to Corn , he put it in his house , and paid me like he said and he thank me


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