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@Iheb-sa said in San Andreas Taxi Services ~ SATS:


In-game nickname: ICE|Xhak|R.

In-game username: Dayler11.

Age: 18 yers old.

Languages spoken: English / arabic / French.

Gender: Male.

Rate your english skills (1-10): 7.5/10.


Tell us about yourself: Hello, My name is Ayoub, 18 years old from Tunisia. I know Xhak in the
game as I mentioned in the application before. I love football, gm and video games, I usually
waste free time playing on the computer I joined the SAES: RPG community 6 months ago.

Why should we accept you?: maybe because me is good Driver i am Active.

Previous punishment(s): N/A.

Reason(s): N/A.

Rate your driving skills (1-10): 8.5/10.

aye Applicant, improve your activity ingame such as hanging etc... You're now ~[PENDING]~(#d7df01) alt text

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In-game nickname: ICE|Max|PVT
In-game username: rana
Age: 17
Languages spoken: English, Arabic
Gender: Male
Rate your english skills (1-10): 7/10


Tell us about yourself: My name is Max, i live Alexandria, Egypt and i like playing MTA, and i like arrest. and i like play as taxi driver
Why should we accept you?: Because i'm agood player and im active every time
Previous punishment(s): none
Reason(s): N/A
Rate your driving skills (1-10): 8-10



In-game nickname: OC|>Naker
In-game username: Naker123
Age: 18
Languages spoken: Arabic, French and English
Gender: Male
Rate your english skills (1-10): 8.5/10


Tell us about yourself: Hello, My Real name is Ali and nicknamed in game as Naker. I'm a Moroccan PLayer. Since I got born, I love something named as Gaming, So I bought my first computer when I had 8 Years old. I have many friends on all games. I started Playing GTA SA 2 years after. I have 2 cousins are playing MTA SA, So I decided to play it too I starting playing RPG servers, I found it Simple and amzaing, I love it, and I started by reading the rules well it means I'm experienced. And actually I bought my new gaming computer and I'm playing all games. I'm a good driver while my dad is a taxi driver
Why should we accept you?:
Previous punishment(s): none
Rate your driving skills (1-10): 9.75/10


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In-game nickname: BobRov
In-game username: wissou
Age: 17
Languages spoken: French , English ,Arabic,Turk
Gender: Male
Rate your english skills (1-10): 7


Tell us about yourself: Im Wassim ....i Like playing Online Games ,First time to go inactive because my EXams soo i cant open the Computer for Long time Secound time
My Laptop Not Working soo i cant open the game but i went back to the game to be active back .

Why should we accept you?: im Active ,Skilled and i have god Driving skills too.

Previous punishment(s): N/A
Rate your driving skills (1-10): 7.5


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Dear applicant first of all thanks for interesting. Second , I want to say that you are accepted. You are showing good activity , maturity , english skills and that's why the HQ team of SATS decided to ~[ACCEPT]~(lime) you. Congratulations @Naker

@Nakeer said in San Andreas Taxi Services ~ SATS:


In-game nickname: OC|>Naker
In-game username: Naker123
Age: 18
Languages spoken: Arabic, French and English
Gender: Male
Rate your english skills (1-10): 8.5/10


Tell us about yourself: Hello, My Real name is Ali and nicknamed in game as Naker. I'm a Moroccan PLayer. Since I got born, I love something named as Gaming, So I bought my first computer when I had 8 Years old. I have many friends on all games. I started Playing GTA SA 2 years after. I have 2 cousins are playing MTA SA, So I decided to play it too I starting playing RPG servers, I found it Simple and amzaing, I love it, and I started by reading the rules well it means I'm experienced. And actually I bought my new gaming computer and I'm playing all games. I'm a good driver while my dad is a taxi driver
Why should we accept you?:
Previous punishment(s): none
Rate your driving skills (1-10): 9.75/10


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In-game nickname: Verdinho .
In-game username: MiMo223 .
Age: 16 .
Languages spoken: Arabic , French And English .
Gender: Male
Rate your english skills (1-10): 9 .


Tell us about yourself: My Real Name Is Mohamed I Live In Algeria,I'm 16 Yo,Ilike PLaying Video Games "Pro Gamer", I Love Playing Mta In Saes Rpg Server Wich There Are Many Good Players, Ilove Patrol With Friends And To Be Realistic "RPG".

Why should we accept you?: I'm Loyal And Active Player , I Like Giving People Food "Roleplay" , I Can Help This Groupe To Raise And I'll Be More Realistic, I Know All Rules Of Server And Knowledge.

Previous punishment(s): N/A .

Reason(s): N/A .

Rate your driving skills (1-10): 7.5 .


@IsLeMou223 @Wassim

Hello, although you have not posted anything on your topic, we realize you're really active in the game and after a short discussion we've been able to accept you. Do not disappoint us.
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~[STAGE I.]~

In-game nickname :Kristy
In-game username :lunaexe
Age :14
Languages spoken :Turkey , English ,Arabic
Gender :Male
Rate your english skills (1-10) :7


Tell us about yourself :Well , My Name in Game is Kristy in real Rayen Raies i have one brother and i love my family and my friends because my friends help me a lot in fights and study in real life i have many friends and i have many people i hate him girl or boys because and in some day i exposed to Harassment from some people and i love share my games and my food with my family and my friends but not all my friends .

Why should we accept you? :I'm Good Person First i'm active guy and respectful and careful also my skills in RP its really nice and i have many story in my brain for TS Also When i work in Taxi i'm a lot concentration A person reach to his place safely
Previous punishment(s): N/a
Reason(s): N/A
Rate your driving skills (1-10) :8.3

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