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~[NOTE:]~(red) Do not post anything here, only gang managers and saes members and Cartel Da Sinaloa leaders can post here.

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~[Cartel Da Sinaloa]~(#8a3f3f) is an international association of drug trafficking, money laundering and organized crime. In the 1980s, the cartel is primarily located in San Andreas, an international criminal organization among the world's most powerful drug trafficking gangs. It is based in Los Santos.

However, after the cartel was implicated in torture and murder in 1985, the state has long been involved in the manufacture of illegal drugs as home to marijuana and poppy crops, and has also been home to many drug traffickers,

At that time, partly because of the death of various drug traffickers, and we had prepared the preferred route for the transfer of drugs to Las Vanturas. As we gained popularity as a path to drugs, the power of their criminal organizations, especially the Carte DA Sinaloa force, which had benefited from innovative methods of smuggling, particularly through tunnels, and the intensive use of bribes increased. According to various reports, it has taken full control of the region in 1995.

Was in 2001. They weakened organizations and led to the emergence of dissident groups. In the ensuing grass fights, the areas were swept by a wave of unprecedented violence. Sinaloa gained particular territory from each of the gangs, reinforcing its position as one of the strongest drug syndicates in San Andreas. By the early 21st century, the Cartel has operated in more than 50 countries. According to reports at that time, they were responsible for the majority of illegal drugs especially marijuana, cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine smuggled from Los Santos to its northern neighbor, and in 2015 officials claimed that Sinaloa controlled drug markets in almost every state. Its annual revenue estimates ranged from $ 3 billion to $ 39 billion. While other organizations have expanded in human trafficking and extortion, among others, cartel Sinaloa has been largely focused on drugs.

As of 2017, CDS is one of the most active drug trafficking gangs in the arms trade. Are traded through foreign areas, particularly their most famous gambling and money-laundering roles.

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~[Cartel Da Sinaloa]~(# 8a3f3f) has mastered money laundering. Money laundering is usually used in the CDS using several methods of washing in San Andreas. They are gambling and black salaries. Furthermore, we are known to provide jobs for the elderly, veterans, the poor and homeless, as well as cover some of their illegal jobs, such as drug sales, arms trafficking and theft. That's why CDS likes citizens too. Cartel Da Sinaloa is also known for narrow friendships in government to do business effectively.

~[Gambling ,Black salaries]~(# 8a3f3f): Cartel Da Sinaloa using services for this method. Money is spent on gambling, preferably on higher odds. One way to minimize risk with this method is to bet on every possible exit of some event where there are many possible outcomes and no consequences have short odds the bettor will only lose the tigerish and will have a winning bet that can be shown as the source of money should be this requested. A company may have unregistered employees without a written contract and pay them cash salaries. There are more than 150 employees ready to work as unregistered whenever they needed. Cartel Da Sinaloa using dirty money to pay their salaries and cover it up.

~[Our internal Sectors]~(#8a3f3f): Drugs dealers /arms dealers, Robbers, Carjackers. This is our profit fountain distributed by a lot of sectors in order to invest on better quality equipment for work and for the generally gang growth.

~[Robbers, Carjackers]~(#8a3030): We had the ability to steal everything, shops, banks, anything that can bring advantage to us, somehow we can control difficult situations and maintain them well, when the money runs out, and we need a good amount of money then we steal the banks. We are professional in stealing cars without leaving any suspicious objects / tip, it's the next generation of car theft, we are very good at stealing cars.

~[armes dealers]~(#8a3f3f) : We specialize in arms trade with good qualities and low prices. We imported the weapons in the whole of San Andreas, and we bought schemes from different countries so that we could make better and stronger weapons than others.

~[Drugs dealers]~(#8a3030): We have had great experience in producing such things, especially in drug cultivation, we make pure drugs from crabs and other things. According to research, the drug addiction rate was accepted by 30% of people in the whole SA. After reaching 48%, another San Andreas military study found that Cartel Da Sinaloa had 40% of the population.

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~Date founded:: 12/03/2019

~Our Discord : https://discord.gg/hUWPsTE

~Gang color:: #8a3f3f

~Tags:: CDS|Name|Rank -> Member // CDS*|Name -> Probationary // 701|Name -> Wannabes

~Our Motto:: ~[For peace to reign, be ready for war. ~Cartel Da Sinaloa~]~(#8a3f3f)

~Gang Panel:: ~[Cartel~Da~Sinaloa]~(#8a3f3f)

~Gang Level: : Level 0

~Founder/Leader:: KyLe

~Vice_Leader:: MeDai

~HQ Team:: Marouki

~Current gang money:

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Cartel Da Sinaloa Base :

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Cartel Da Sinaloa warehouse :

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Cartel Da Sinaloa Store :

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Our Media: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/7082/cartel-da-sinaloa-media-archive

Gang Activities:
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  1. Read the Server Rules @ F1.

  2. Always Speak English in Main Chat.

  3. Respect everyone on SAES.

  4. Listen the High ranked members.

  5. Constantly look at the map \ chat, you will be ready to help a brother in trouble, never let your brother back to be arrested, is arrested along with him.

  6. Is not allowed DM and re-connecting.

  7. Always watch the Gang news.

  8. If you want to play as a cop you are not allowed to arrest any of our gang members and always you need use officer tag. ( Officer_name ).

  9. If you want to report someone of our GANG, contact our HQ team first, provide us with screens.

  10. Do not make Turfs, Bank Rob or Gang Robs, without the HQ's permission.

  11. If you do a sequence of frags against cops, avoid provoking them, make jokes, it's their right to do the same, nobody wins all.

  12. Ignore provocations and Be mature.

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Leader(HQ team);Level 5 ~;[L]
(The Leader is who responsible for everything.)

  • ~KayLe

Vice(HQ team);Level 4 ~;[VL]
(The Vice Leader is who helping to the Leader to control the whole gang.)

  • ~MeDai

HQ (HQ team);Level 4 ~;[HQ]
(The Headquarter is who ability to make joint decisions with other heads in the absence the leaders.)

  • ~Marouki

Respected Level 3~ [=R=]

(The Respected is who had worked hard for the gang and which will be showing his skills towards higher ranks to let them make the final decision.)

  • N/A

Manager Level 3~ [=MG=]
(The Manager is who responsible for the clan income, expenses and obtained capitals from Drugs, Guns,Properties.)

  • N/A

Especialista Level 2~ [=E=]
(People with studies that helps Managers in their job. They're specialized in cracking, computer engineering and explosives. They're classed : gun specialist , Drug specialist , cracker.)

  • N/A

Scout Level 2~ [=S=] (The Scout are what kill people to change some money-stealing. He is also the director of the killings.)

  • ~Casper

  • ~Zabalito

Upper Member Level 1~ [=UM=]
(The Upper Member is the ones who have just been classified as a beginner, and are now trying to understand our main role.)

  • ~Ritta

  • ~Bounou

  • ~Devex

  • ~mrvarus

  • ~Lilskies

Member Level 0~ [=M=]
(the First rank is who just passed his probation, deserves to be a full member.)

  • ~swiPPo

  • ~Msaki

  • ~Doogle

  • ~Pablo

Probie Level 0~ [CDS'|name]

(the First rank is the new member under.)

  • ~Carry

Very important persons
(They who helps the gang without being in the gang)

[B~B] , UE|Soulfly , CripZ>ernsx , Z|flappy

~[- Members Active: ]~(lime) 13

~[- Members Inactive:]~(red) 2

~[Total Members:]~(#8a3f3f) 15

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~[How to join ?]~(#8a3030)
Be at least 15 years old
You need to know english so we can understand and communicate with you
You need to have experience inside SAES
You should know the rules inside SAES (f1)
if you meet all this conditions you might join in our organization
~[wish you goodluck! ]~(Green)

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~[Application Format: :pushpin:]~(#8a3f3f)

1. Personal Information

  • ingame Name:

  • Age:

  • Nationality:

  • English proficiency:

  • Roleplay skills:

  • What gangs/squads/companies have you been in?:

2. Questionnaire

  • Tell us in a paragraph explaining our role:

  • Previous punishments/bans and reason:

  • Why would you want to join us?

  • Any something else to add?:

Recruitment : ~[Open]~(lime)

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