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  • The History of the Latin Kings begins in the 1920s or 1930s, but at this time they were known under a different name.

  • In the beginning of the 20th century a lot of Puerto Rican immigrants came to New York. A lot of groups were formed, such as "Noble Knights" (who have ties to today's Latin Kings) or "Young Lords".

  • The group still has connections to these gangs. The founder of the original Latin Kings is called "Papa King" or "Papa Santos".

  • He started the gang in the 1950s in Chicago. Although he is an important person in the history of Latin Kings you don't know much about him or his life.

  • Even his birthday is unknown. He himself was a "Young Lord". Due to oral stories the LK were formed on the Southside of Chicago on the corner of 18th and Wabash.

  • During the 60s they became more and more successful and expended to the north. They grew faster and were the best organized gang these days.

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coming soon

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Date of Creation: 12-06-2018

Gang Name: Latin Kings

Gang Tag: [LK]Name[Rank]

Gang Panel: Latin-Kings

Gang Cash: 5.000.000

Gang Level: 0

Color Code: #fffb3d

Members Count: 1

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*Application Results
-=(lime)Accepted=-: You have put much effort in making this apply for joining this gang
-=(sienna,orange)Pending=-: We didnt have seen you on your best yet, show us you can more
-=(red)Denied=-: You havent put much effort and havent showed much interesses for joining the gang, try another time and proof us we are wrong.
Blacklisted: Never apply for this gang anymore (reasons can be private)

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Have you ever been kicked/banned, if yes why?:
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