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Your opinion about a Gang / Squad / Company

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Okay i continue Your opinion about a Gang Squad or Company on this Forum!
It works as the same like the other one!

Tell us your opinion about a Gang / Squad or Company.

  • What makes them so awesome?

If there is something you don't like about a Gang / Squad or Company.

  • Do you have any good advice how they can do it better?

-=(red)Only share opinions about a S/G/C, don't start to insult others, if you don't agree with the opinions then ignore it!!

Gangs - level 1-5

-=(#C34A2C)[TT] - Thuga Thugs=-
~[Gangs - level 1-5]~(maroon)

-=(#cc0066)[AA] - @Arms-Assassins =- : [state your opinion here]
-=(#ff8c00)[B~B] - @Black-Bullets =- : [state your opinion here]
-=(#99cc66)[Z] - @Organization-Zero =-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#800000)[UE] - @Underground-Empire =- : [state your opinion here]
-=(#80002b)[CDC] - @Comando-Da-Capital =- : [state your opinion here]
-=(#696969)[O] - @The-Outfit =-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#00554f)CripZ - @CripZ =-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#ababab)[THC] - @The-Company =-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#C34A2C)[TT] - @Tuga-Thugs =-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#700000)[Rebel MC] - @Rebels-MC =-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#776117)[C] - @Clandestine-Mob =-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#3B311B)[U] - @Undisputed-Command =-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#D4BDA5)[LE] - @Los-Escondidos =-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#C20000)[BloodZ] - @BloodZ =-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#635437)[CDS] - @Cartel-De-Sinaloa =-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#5d5163)(X) - Generation X=-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#363636)[GJMC] - Gypsy Jokers MC=-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#4A092B)[INKAS] - Los INKAS=-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#9b6c62 )[M] - Medellin Cartel=-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#523D3A)[P~B] - @Peaky-Blinders=-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#144000)[Rogue 21] - Rogue 21=-: [state your opinion here]

-=(blue)Squads - level 1-5=-

-=(#000080)[FBI] - @Federal-Bureau-of-Investigation =- : [state your opinion here]
-=(#0000ff)[SWAT] - @S-W-A-T =- : [state your opinion here]
-=(#0000cd)[SAFP] - @San-Andreas-Federal-Police =- : [state your opinion here]
-=(#2f4f4f)[FOX] - @Fox-Operations-X =- : [state your opinion here]
-=(#0066ff,#00a1f7)[ICE] - @ICE-Immigration-Customs-Enforcements =-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#00eaff)[Five-0] - @Five-0 =-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#2F2E2A )[ETF] - @Emergency-Task-Force =-: [state your opinion here]

-=(orange)Companies - level 1-5=-

~[[RadioSA] - Radio San Andreas]~(#ff0022): [state your opinion here]
~[[Cluck] - Cluckin' Bell]~(orange): [state your opinion here]
~[[GXT] - Global Express Trucking]~(#DC3005): [state your opinion here]
~[[SAS] - San Andreas Studios]~(#B8B894): [state your opinion here]

Here is a Format to copy it:

~[*Gangs - level 1-5*]~(maroon)

-=(#cc0066)[AA] - Arms Assassins=- : [state your opinion here]
-=(#ff8c00)[B~B] - Black Bullets=- : [state your opinion here]
-=(#99cc66)[Z] - Organization Zero=-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#800000)[UE] - Underground Empire=- : [state your opinion here]
-=(#80002b)[CDC] - Comando Da Capital=- : [state your opinion here]
-=(#696969)[O] - The Outfit=-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#00554f)CripZ=-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#ababab)[THC] - The Company=-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#C34A2C)[TT] - Thuga Thugs=-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#700000)[Rebel MC) - Rebel MC=-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#776117)[C] - @Clandestine-Mob =-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#3B311B)[U] - @Undisputed-Command =-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#D4BDA5)[LE] - @Los-Escondidos =-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#C20000)[BloodZ] - @BloodZ =-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#635437)[CDS] - @Cartel-De-Sinaloa =-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#5d5163)(X) - Generation X=-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#363636)[GJMC] - Gypsy Jokers MC=-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#4A092B)[INKAS] - Los INKAS=-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#9b6c62 )[M] - Medellin Cartel=-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#523D3A)[P~B] - @Peaky-Blinders=-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#144000)[Rogue 21] - Rogue 21=-: [state your opinion here]

*-=(blue)Squads - level 1-5=-*

-=(#000080)[FBI] - Federal Bureau of Investigation=- : [state your opinion here]
-=(#0000ff)[SWAT] - Special Weapons & Tactics=- : [state your opinion here]
-=(#0000cd)[SAFP] - San Andreas Federal Police=- : [state your opinion here]
-=(#2f4f4f)[FOX] - Fox Operation.X=- : [state your opinion here]
-=(#0066ff,#00a1f7)[ICE] - Immigration and Customs Enforcement=-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#00eaff)[Five-0] - @Five-0 =-: [state your opinion here]
-=(#2F2E2A )[ETF] - @Emergency-Task-Force =-: [state your opinion here]

-=(orange)Companies - level 1-5=-

~[[RadioSA] - Radio San Andreas]~(#ff0022): [state your opinion here]
~[[Cluck] - Cluckin' Bell]~(orange): [state your opinion here]
~[[GXT] - Global Express Trucking]~(#DC3005): [state your opinion here]
~[[SAS] - San Andreas Studios]~(#B8B894): [state your opinion here]

-=(maroon)Favorite Gang=- :
-=(blue)Favorite Squad=- :

If you can't pick the Gang, Squad or Company you are in now. What would be your :

-=(maroon)Favorite Gang=- :
-=(blue)Favorite Squad=- :

Any Gang/Squad or Company missing, getting promoted or demoted then please Contact me.

Regards Sam

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@nirjhor said in Your opinion about a Gang / Squad or Company:

Tbh this should've been done by a SAES CS/Admin as the colors and much more stuffs needs to be changed from time to time.

I think it would be the same if a admin post it because i can't add colors and change it more nicer if an admin add the colors system i can change it after.

  • 1 month later...

Excuse me what are you talking about i think that you are the joke here, ICE is trying to make the best.


Ice should have shown more progress than activity. The first option should be to create an appropriate rank system and leaving fast promotions inside the squad. Secondly, the recruitment system should be based on a high standard for all of these test. If you succeed on these targets you may improve your quality on the server. I believe, when you solve these fundamentals, we could see better ICE in the future.

Regards Ted


@quiz said in Your opinion about a Gang / Squad or Company:

Lmao , 99,9% of the guys who applied got accepted

@Quiz mate. I appreciate your nice comment towards me but I do not appreciate the comment towards ICE. ICE is a new developing squad which its leaders and hq team are trying their best to progress through the levels and make the squad into an awesome level 5 squad. Now during this process ICE will unfortunately encounter some bad members but this happens for all gangs/squad, even when they are level 5. These unwanted people can make a bad appearance for the squad at an early age (ICE being level 2) so it makes it a lot difficult for us to get the amazing reputation that we are trying so hard to earn.

Also being a lower level a lot of the "more experienced" players do not want to join ICE because they could just join a level 5 squad instead. So ICE make best with who actually want to join us, yes we do accept a lot of people but that is because we like to give people a chance as we are a very friendly and respectful squad. However if those people who we gave a chance let us down by breaking our rules and the server rules, then well we get rid of them.

As said above, we are a developing squad and we will make many mistakes like every other squad has done in the past. SWAT made plenty of mistakes during is progression, so did MI6, FBI, SAPA, DEA (when it was alive) and TST. But all those squads learned from their mistakes and so will we.

So instead of slating us off, why not try help us and advise us to improve if you think we are doing something wrong. We are very open to continuous improvement. At the end of the day if you are slating a level 2 squad for trying its best, then maybe look at yourself dude.....


Gangs - level 1-5

[TT] - Tuga Thugs : [it have the most active gang leader in the server]
[AA] - Arms Assasins : [i don't see you so much ......]
[B~B] - Black Bullets : [it doesn't even need to think it's the best gang CAMELS IN DA HOUSE]
[Z] - Organization Zero: [i was saying that it's a fucking inactive gang but now it's getting active a lot so i take it back you are not inactive]
[UE] - Underground Empire : [.............]
[BS] - Black Syndicate : [it have a nice base : sorry but i sucked BS|zero's dick in the garage and pissed in one of your cars :nerd_face: ]
[CDC] - Comando Da Capital : [.............]
[O] - The Outfit: [i don't even know where is your base sorry]
CripZ: [most of it's players log in the server and stay AFK]
[WA]- Wild Angel: [second best gang in the server (in my opinion) it's RPs are cool and good and also the events and both are a lot as hell !]
[THC] - The Company: [great gang and it have a nice base]

Squads - level 1-5

[FBI] - Federal Bureau of Investigation : [it doesn't even need a talk it's a great squad]
[SWAT] - Special Weapons & And Tactics : [it have an nice people and it's a good squad]
[SAPA] - San Andreas Police Academy : [you are doing great job by making the PC diploma's test easier : sorry for sucking a PVT's dick :nerd_face: ]
[SAFP] - San Andreas Federal Police : [you have a nice base and a big activity]
[FOX] - Fox Operation.X : [great and nice]
[NNB] - National Narcotics Bureau : [you got a gay called quiz but you are good]
[TST] - The Strike Team: [get in , get it done , and get out]
[MI6] - Military Intelligence Section 6: [INACTIVITYYYYYYYYY]
[ICE] - Immigration and Customs Enforcement: [listen not because you payed a lot of money to the server so you can do a 2 lines RPs pleas put more effort on your RPs ]

Companies - level 1-5

[ALT] - All Load Trucking : [ty for the fuel may SAES be with you]

If you can't pick the Gang, Squad or Company you are in now. What would be your :

Favorite Gang : B~B
Favorite Squad : it's hard because FBI and SWAT both are great gangs but i will choose ............ FBI
hope this post will not be famous like the last one :kissing_smiling_eyes:

  • 4 weeks later...

[TT] - Tuga Thugs=- : nice
[AA] - Arms Assasins=- : nice
[B~B] - Black Bullets=- : nice
[Z] - Organization Zero=-: nice
[UE] - Underground Empire=- : nice
[BS] - Black Syndicate=- : nice
[CDC] - Comando Da Capital=- : nice
[O] - The Outfit=-: nice
CripZ=-: nice
[WA]- Wild Angels=-: nice
[THC] - The Company=-: nice
[FBI] - Federal Bureau of Investigation=- : ~[very mega ultra super dooper nice]~
[SWAT] - Special Weapons & Tactics=- : not nice
[SAPA] - San Andreas Police Academy=- : nice
[SAFP] - San Andreas Federal Police=- : nice
[FOX] - Fox Operations X=- : nice
[NNB] - National Narcotics Bureau=- : nice
[TST] - The Strike Team=-: nice
[MI6] - Military Intelligence Section 6=-: nice
[ICE] - Immigration and Customs Enforcement=-: gut
[ALT] - All Load Trucking=- : very nice

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