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Activity Type: SR
FBI Members Involved: @Weppo @Rick @puskas @Friction
Date: 28/05/2021


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Activity Type: SR
FBI Members Involved: @Weppo @Rick @puskas @Friction
Date: 28/05/2021


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Case . ~[~]~(red)
Case name: Gang base Investigation.
Date & Time: Morning time - Sunday, 30th May 2021.

Gang name: JUMBO Clan
Date of creation: 6th November 2020.
People who runs the organization (HQ Team): Velo & ColdPlay & Terry & ILLUSION & pekekent &

Current gang equipment:

  • M4A1

  • Sawed off

  • Deagle


Current gang vehicles:

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Gang details: Gang base is located on the ocean near Los Santos, there is a small island built around with large rocks and waterfalls, on one side there's gang boats and the chopper. Their specialization is sumggling and gambling. Also their main income source is the illegal movement of goods into or out of a country, those goods being drugs, weapons, booze, tobacco, historical artifacts, paintings, actual people, basically anything that can make us some cash as well as running our own gambling businesses such as casino enterprises and other types of games of chance. That's the only gang which has the base on island.

One of the gang clan members, how does they look?:

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FBI personnel: Unfortunately FBI has received lately few reports about the other gang which is remote island of los santos. Meanwhile FBI agents used to keep eye on them, JUMBO Klan used to do illegal things which is the big problem, furthermore Federal Agents must keep also an eye on them and make sure to clean them as soon as possible.

Gang base how does it look?:

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Gang interrior & hidden stuff: ~[Classified.]~(red)



The FBI Law Enforcement
Federal Agent ID-342


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Activity Type: ~[VIP]~(yellow,orange).
FBI Members Involved: @Rick & @Cherry159
Date: 31/5/2021

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Activity Type: VIP
FBI Members Involved: @Weppo @Borasi @Troones @NEUTRO BOBisa
Date: 31/05/2021


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Activity Type: ~[VIP]~(yellow,orange) / ~[SR]~(red,maroon)
FBI Members Involved: @Ramzi @Rick @Friction @Pedro
Date: 01/06/2021

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Activity Type: VIP + SR
FBI Members Involved: @Weppo @Ramzi @Daryl @Energizer @Rick @BOB
Date: 01/06/2021


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Activity Type: VIP
FBI Members Involved: @Weppo @BOB @Ramzi @Daryl @Troones @Ragnar @KiroSa @Energizer @Rick
Date: 01/06/2021


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