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FBI - Federal Records and Media Archive

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@brondy said in Cuban Cars :: Media Archive:

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Activity type: Internship-program (LS-LV Highway Garage)
Participants: @baphomet @Morde @Skes
Cuban cars Mecanico(s): @Vynee
Mechanic(s): @PaiN500 @kira

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We fixed a lot of cars in our garage today. Cuban cars assistants @PaiN500 and @kiraa helped me. We changed the engine of the first car that came into the garage and made it more powerful than before. Cuban cars helpers replaced and repaired the engine oils of some vehicles. Our garage had a really busy day today and we had the opportunity to fix a lot of cars.



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Activity Type: Interfering to Los Santos BR
FBI Members Involved: @Energizer @NEUTRO @Greed
Date: 01/05/21
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/jsj7IX3


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Event: Kill Steven around LV 10 year anniversary
Reward: 2.500.000
Winner: @ottoy
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ilmxKzG

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General Activity:

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Activity Type: [Escort of a Truck Delivery to DE base]
FBI Members Involved: @puskas @tireur
Date: 03.05.2021
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Activity Type: Interfering to Los Santos BR
FBI Members Involved: @Weppo @icemanultra75
Date: 04/05/21
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/0EkiYCe

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Activity Type: Interfering to Store Robbery
FBI Members Involved: @Weppo @icemanultra75 @besho11
Date: 04/05/21
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/7pefn4g

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