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Activity Type: Interfering to SF bank robbery
FBI Members Involved: @mIKy @Weppo @KiroSa
Date: 04/03/21
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/WtfUoP7


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Activity Type: Interfering to Los Santos Banck Robbery
FBI Members Involved: @Weppo @JojoDb @Real @NEUTRO
Date: 04/03/21

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Case Name: Drug Traffic
Participants: @NEUTRO @KanoX @MrTo
I got a report of a suspicious car that was loading drugs, then I saw the car that they told me to cross, then the chase began and when he parked we asked him for the license, insurance, identification documents, then after checking we asked him if we could check the car. He said yes and we started after a long time searching and looking for one of my colleagues, he found the drug hidden in the trunk, very very well hidden, I saw the criminal, this got out of the car and started running to reach him, we had to hit him with the electric gun, there we could arrest him and take him to the patrol and in the patrol we take him to jail and in jail it will last from 3 to 6 years in prison for drug trafficking.
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Activity Type: Routine patrol and store robbery intervention
FBI Members Involved: @KanoX @KiroSa @Weppo @Troones
Date: 05/03/21
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ExhDh0v


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Activity Type: Patrolling around & Intervention of TR bank and Store Robbery
FBI Members Involved: @Weppo @mIKy @Troones
Date: 05/03/21
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/wEs1Hd1


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Activity Type: Interfering to Tierra Robada BR
FBI Members Involved: @TripleX @nvidia
Date: 05/03/21
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/WuBSPps


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Activity Type: Interfering to Las Venturas BR
FBI Members Involved: @TripleX @nvidia @KiroSa @Troones
Date: 05/03/21
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/rnddTO3


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Activity Type: Routine patrolling and LV BR intervention
FBI Members Involved: @nvidia @Troones
Date: 06/03/21
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Wrs9wxg


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Event: Capture and hold the objective - Defend the security car (Cops vs Crims)
Participators: @KiroSa @Troones @Final324 @Martin_
Reward: 10 millions
Winner: None. Draw and cancelation.
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Activity Type: Securing the VIP
FBI Members Involved: @NEUTRO @Weppo
Date: 06/03/21
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/zSupuXO

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