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The Police Officer Trainee spawn



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so basically this post is mostly dedicated to the cop side of the server
the purpose of this suggestion:

  • adding more weps to the trainee spawn, i know that squad will complain about but atleast add a M4 for trainees and a rifle or a sniper, or just a M4.

  • Making trainees able to spawn with weps, even 1 weapon without spending money on buying weapones which they may forget saving it.

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@Darius In disciplinary measures to kill for no reason and this is not a convincing reason because it is a great injustice means because of some trainees
All trainees are oppressed and a moment in the process of escape from prison they need weapons to prevent the escape and this disrupts their work and in the bank also and all because of some trainees grievance all trainees

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Just NO! If you wanna' get weapons then get PC or join an official squad. If they would have weapons, then the whole server would suffer from Deathmatching. Get weapons from an Ammu-Nation or an arms dealer.. not a big 'deal' (ahaha) .

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