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change blips back thanks


21 answers to this question

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No, it will look like every other MTA server, it will also make the surprising part of the game dead, for examples, crims will be able to see where and how many cops are approaching them.

Big No.

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Yes, even since this was implemented I had the feeling of emptiness. Having blips allows people to search groups of people to play with easier

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@Cappo Works both ways.

Besides, we had it like this for years and it caused no issues, the change in blips was a random update by Brophy (?) Kasimir which no one asked for, it just happened. I personally prefer blips to be always on, perhaps somehow keep the radar to close proximity because that was the only annoying thing, not being able to see everything else on your radar because of player blip spam.
I think it helps with the multiplayer aspect because you can drive around aimlessly at the moment not finding anyone to interact with. Where as if blips are always on then you know where to travel to.
Plus i low key miss seeing 15 laggy blips as everyone is grabbing onto a heli making their way to a bank.

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I remember looking at the map seeing where the cops were before grabbing on to an illegal cargo as a trucker, so I could plan my route :)

Anyhow, I like the blip-less aspect of the map. Keep things clean.

I voted for no, but I wouldn't mind if cops could see cops and crims could see crims. So, official squads and police team would see each other and official crims and criminals would also see each other. Also if the blip-less mode (before shooting) could be triggered when /war is on, would also be cool.

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-> Let all criminals (and gangs and all other teams except de/clo and cem) see each other if in a 400 metre radius
-> Let all police (and squads and all other teams except de/clo and cem) see each other if in 400 metre radius

Or that but add clo/cem and de respectively. In other words, return to the old blip system but don't allow different teams to see each other, unless in line of sight, which should include turf zones.

I agree the server feels empty, especially to new players. If I was here first time I just would log off.

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And how about that you can only see other blips while being unwanted, maybe as an on/off feature?

This way wanted crims couldn't see cops. Cops could chase wanted crims easier. And the rest can find each other faster! Just my opinion.

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and its not unfair for cops that crimes can see em, it works tje both ways..
we had blibs for years & it worked, cops can see when criminals regroups for brs/turfs etc & can stop em, and criminals can prepare "if" there is someone always checking f11, its completly fair & equal. (i feel like i try deffend man from feminists that thinks everything unfair for them).
or atleast make it seeing everyones blib in the radar radius, i mean in real life i would hear an heli flying to me instead ninjaheli or ninjacar

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~[BLIPS .. YES ..]~(red,lime,pink,red,orange,yellow,lime,cyan,blue,blueviolet,violet,magenta,maroon,sienna,olive,green,teal,navy,purple,white,silver,gray,black)

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