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SAFF-San Andreas Fire Fighter

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..........................................~[San Andreas Fire Fighter]~(yellow,orange,red,gray)...........................................
alt text
--------Groupe Definition--------
The definition of a firefighter is a person who works at a fire department, either as a volunteer or by profession, who fights fires and rescues people and Houses from fires

  • Groupe Name:San Andreas Fire Fighter

  • Groupe Tag:[SAFF] or [SAFF]Name|Rank

  • Groupe Date Start:25/2/2019

  • Groupe Panel:[SAFF]San_Andreas_Fire_Fighter[SAFF]

  • Groupe Color:~[#ffff00]~(yellow)

  • Groupe Money:(Private)

  • Groupe Propertes:Power Vidoe Near LS Bank

  • Groupe Leader:SsCorpion

  • Groupe HQ:n/a

  • Groupe Skin:

  • Los Santos firefighter.alt text

  • Groupe Cars:Fire Truck
    alt text

  • Groupe Level :0.2 (0.3=82%)

    • Groupe Application:
      alt text

::: Application

In Game name:
Real Name:
How Long You Play MTA:
How Long You Play SAES:
Have you joined any g / s / c :
Why I should Accept You:
language skills:
About Me:


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