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1.Personal information
In-game name:MelodicPenguin52
Account name:weedman655
Real name:Travis M
Languages spoken:English
When did you start playing MTA?: 2 weeks
How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG?:1 week
Do you have Team Speak 3?:
Are you active on SAES Team Speak?:
Do you have IRC?:
Are you active on SAES IRC?:
What previous gangs/squads/companies have you been in?:
Why did you leave?:
What previous gangs/squads/companies have you been warned/kicked from?none
And reasons?:
Have you been kicked/banned from SAES before? Reasons?:na
Tell us something about yourself:im always a arms dealer

  1. Questionnaire
    Describe in your own words what is Tuga Thugs:A group of SAES
    Why should you be a Tuga Thugs Member:good aim
    Name three of your biggest strengths?:
    What is your biggest weakness?:
    What does role-playing mean? Give a detailed example of it:
    What does Avoiding arrest mean?:Running Away in a chase
    What does Death-matching mean? Give a detailed example of it:Shootin a afk player
    If someone starts DM'ing you, what are you supposed to do?:Report
    You find a player waiting outside the store rob marker, he wants to join at the end. What should you do?:
    If you see a gang member using his base to avoid the cops what should you do?:Report
    If you come across an AFK cop, what should you do?:ignore
    Have you read the SAES F1 rules page?:yea
    Tell us three Turf War rules:
    Tell us three Basic rules we follow

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