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[LWS-STAFF] Tamer's LWS Events


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  • My name is Omar Fouad ,i'm 22 years old , from cairo - egypt , i started my career in saes since 2014 , i have many strengths that could help me to be differentiated from others, i've been in saes community for almost 7 years, i'm mature enough and very helpful and trying always to be serious and act my role as intended , i'm respectful and loyal enough , i can deal with many things at same time and solve issues and i like to be responsible, i'm always listening to high ranks orders , and trying to do it as intended.

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  • I can offer many things , i almost know everything about lightning world support , i'm not that person needs only to spawn as lws and show that he's hosting events to saes community players and be clever in front of HQs and hosters, but the most important thing to make people really enjoy by hosting high quality and creative events , also i dont need to learn anything like how to build from construction panel, or event panel ( if i became a trusted member for sure :D ) , i really enjoying by building new creative events , it's my favorite thing since i started to play SAES , so for that i will work as intended and be a creative person for sure.

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Photos on banners taken by @Star , and it's not belong to me .
all of this photos shared in event pictures topic

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^[Event Number : 39]
^[Event Type : CarShow ]
^[Event prize: 1st Winner : 750k , 2nd Winner: 500k , 3rd Winner: 250K]
^[Helper as (LWS/G6/ZIP): @KARIM ]
^[Hosted for: OverdoseCrime]
^[Winner : 1st: Secure , 2nd : Bartman , 3rd : Freezoom ]
^[Screens: here]

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^[Event Number : 42]
^[Event Type : Knock me from NRG ]
^[Event prize: 500 K Each Round]
^[Helper as (LWS/G6/ZIP): @Filex ]
^[Hosted for: OverdoseCrime]
^[Winner : 1st winner : LaZer , 2nd : Diamond ]
^[Screens: here]

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^[Event Number : 45]
^[Event Type : Boxing All vs All ]
^[Event prize: 1.000.000$]
^[Helper as (LWS/G6/ZIP): @alex0107 ]
^[Hosted for: OverdoseCrime]
^[Winner : [ThC]Griffin ]
^[Screens: here]

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^[Event Number : 47]
^[Event Type : Land On DFT ]
^[Event prize: 1.000.000$ 2 Rounds (500k each) ]
^[Helper as (LWS/G6/ZIP): @SAFP-Carl ]
^[Hosted for: OverdoseCrime]
^[Winner : *O|Disaster & [FOX]elekrik]
^[Screens: here]

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^[Event Number : 50]
^[Event Type : 1 vs 1 Tournament At GT ]
^[Event prize: 3.000.000$ ]
^[Helper as (LWS/G6/ZIP): @Filex ]
^[Hosted for: OverdoseCrime]
^[Winner : sharkshadow ]
^[Screens: here]

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