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Rewards on killing cops in turf zones



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https://saesrpg.uk/topic/5869/reward-on-killing-cops?page=1 after the suggestion mentionned up i got the idea to limit it so no one will be affected in turf zones, indeed no dramas or dm fests will occur as turf zones are made for that.

credits to tuti fruti

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More like giving rewards to cops for killing criminals in turf zones, let's be realistic for a moment.

There are at least 20+ criminals at turf zones (Including helpers and such, most of the times it's even more), so that'll be much harder for cops to kill/arrest criminals at turf zones (That's a fact), also criminals are getting rewards for taking over turf zones so yeah... no reason to give them extra rewards.

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thats a bad idea.
Firstly it will cause alot of DM.As back in days alot of crims used to camp LS Burgershoot roof and killing every single cop who comming to them.
Second thing is abusing to get money,Its easy to spawn as a cop(even some of gangs does it when there is no 10 cops online for br).So you can just ask your friend spawn as a cop and dm him.+stats +cash.You said about hospital but we still have start new life button.

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Just why? Why would this be needed, you get money from turfing, the economy of SAES is already fucked up enough and would get even worse if you get money from turfing and killing cops when they come to the turf.
Actually, cops coming to the turfs isn't a big deal since there are so many criminals and they all will eventually be aware if a cop is trying to get them. Just no. There are many other ways to earn your bread.

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@Dufabo said in Rewards on killing cops in turf zones:

thats a bad idea.
Firstly it will cause alot of DM.As back in days alot of crims used to camp LS Burgershoot roof and killing every single cop who comming to them.

doesn't matter. DM is allowed in turf zones so it wouldn't change a bit if people are rewarded for killing cops in there.

@Dufabo said in Rewards on killing cops in turf zones:

Second thing is abusing to get money,Its easy to spawn as a cop(even some of gangs does it when there is no 10 cops online for br).So you can just ask your friend spawn as a cop and dm him.+stats +cash.You said about hospital but we still have start new life button.

the likelihood of someone earning cash off their cop friend is slim, you'll have ~10 other criminals in the turf who's going to hunt down the cop too. keep in mind that this suggestion is only for turf wars and none other place.

i personally think it'd be cool to get money but my opinion is based off cops kill arrest feature + the fact you already earn cash in turf wars. but my opinion is subject to change of course

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why not? I like it

There are some scenarios where people avoid to kill the cop that tazes the opponent I am sure this will change the decision they would make in a situation like that.

I myself see no downside to this and do not understand the reason why other people complain about it you should be happy that you even have the right to because crims also didn't have the right to complain about kill arrest before it got there.

Also people talking about economy. Kill arrest doesn't fuck up the economoy but killing cops in zones will?

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What a terrible way to earn some extra money. Now cops become chickens with a price tag on their forehead after all. How far from realistic is this?

The definition of a turf zone is more like a gang war to me. If you really want to earn some extra money, at least make a proper suggestion and suggest criminals will receive money if they kill people from the opposite gang. Not an event where you can kill cops for money? Lmao

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@Toreno said in Rewards on killing cops in turf zones:

What a terrible way to earn some extra money. Now cops become chickens with a price tag on their forehead after all. How far from realistic is this?

The definition of a turf zone is more like a gang war to me. If you really want to earn some extra money, at least make a proper suggestion and suggest criminals will receive money if they kill people from the opposite gang. Not an event where you can kill cops for money?

Bruder, They went NUTS, Btw hell no -1, impossibru to even think about it

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@Toreno I don't got your point, what do you mean with realistic it is a game, lol. And beside of that is kill-arrest realistic, yes? You don't complain about that as I see. Lets go to the suggestion self, I like the idea, it will be more challenging. +1

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@Siper_ said in Rewards on killing cops in turf zones:

@Toreno I don't got your point, what do you mean with realistic it is a game, lol. And beside of that is kill-arrest realistic, yes? You don't complain about that as I see. Lets go to the suggestion self, I like the idea, it will be more challenging. +1

More challenging in what way???
Also like said here before the reward you get for killing a cop is not have to sit in jail for a time up to 7 min
This is just another income way for criminals that already have plenty .

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