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-TMH Racers Take On [Name your opponent here]-
Type: RF
Participants: Baphomet,Altra,Rondaw
Location: LV
Winner & Prize:

  • 1st Baphomet

  • 2nd Rick

  • 3rd Altra



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@Lou-2 & @nCovv & @Rick Congratulations both of you for passing the first stage in order to join out beloved group, now please meet a TMH HQ for your next stages


~[AdemBygt]~(005550) - ~[TMH HQ - Divisonal HQ of the Technical Division]~(#4b8a08).


~[-TMH Racers Take On:]~(black) TMH-H|Altra
~[Type:]~(black) RaceFlag
~[Participants:]~(black) @Rick @Sira @Altra
~[Location:]~(black) Los Santos
~[Position:]~(black) 3rd

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~[-TMH Racers Take On:]~(black) TMH-H|Altra
~[Type:]~(black) RaceFlag
~[Participants:]~(black) @baphomet @Rick @Rondaw @Altra
~[Location:]~(black) Las Venturas
~[Position:]~(black) 3rd

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-TMH Racers Take On: TMH-H|Mazen
Type: RaceFlag
Participants: Rick Bass SWT
Location: RC
Winner & Prize: 1st Rick 2nd Bass 3rd Mazen


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-TMH Racers Take On: TMH-H|Mazen
Type: RaceFlag
Participants: Ahmed Escanor Fnabbe
Location: LS
Winner & Prize: 1sr Fnabbe 2nd Mazen 3rd Escanor


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-TMH Racers Take On: TMH-H|Mazen
Type: RaceFlag
Participants: Bodo Zeno andrew
Location: LV
Winner & Prize:: 1st andrew 2nd Zeno 3rd Mazen


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~[-TMH Racers Take On:]~(black) TMH-H|Altra
~[Type:]~(black) Mechanic
~[Average Time:]~(black) 1 hour
~[Participants:]~(black) @Makeeeh @215|Cena @Richard @Lou-2 @sushii @DG>Medrano @[SAM]ChriS-|U|<FP> @Patevis @blood @ICE|Spanish|HQ @CheeseBotMk2 @Zodiyac @VernoX @SkulioN @minx @Monserrkayeb @Nick_Wilde @James_Hendricks @NuB
~[Location:]~(black) LVx
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~[-TMH Racers Take On:]~(black) TMH-H|Altra
~[Type:]~(black) RaceFlag
~[Participants:]~(black) @SoA|Paul|vPrez @Jason @Animator18
~[Location:]~(black) Los Santos
~[Position:]~(black) 2nd


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~[-TMH Racers Take On:]~(black) TMH-H|Altra
~[Type:]~(black) RaceFlag
~[Participants:]~(black) @CleSteR @Bodo420 @tommyshelby
~[Position:]~(black) 3rd


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~[-TMH Racers Take On:]~(black) TMH-H|Altra @Rocker
~[Type:]~(black) RaceFlag
~[Participants:]~(black) @Zodiyac @Bodo420
~[Location:]~(black) San Fierro
~[Position:]~(black) Last


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~[-TMH Racers Take On:]~(black) TMH-H|Altra
~[Type:]~(black) RaceFlag
~[Participants:]~(black) '@Ali' @Bodo420 @Animator18
~[Location:]~(black) Los Santos
~[Position:]~(black) 2nd


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~[Participants:]~(black) @Lou-2 @Memati @Altra
~[RolePlay Screnario:]~(black) The sun was about to set. I was driving a little with my car. Someone came to me in a luxurious car. He offered me a $ 500k race. Since his car is better than my car, I am not to accept it first. But I had an idea. The lights will come on, follow me, I said let's talk calmly. We talked a street a little ahead. I talked to a little man. Half an hour later, I said that we will go to the place where we will compete, and then we will race. For the first time, he asked why we are not competing now. As an excuse I said I have to put my car in mechanic. He accept and went away. I called my friend after the man disappeared. Soon he came to near me. I told him half an hour later that a man would come here and let him have an accident using drugs somehow. He accepted and told me to get away from here and not to return without calling. I got away from there. Then the man came to that place. My friend secretly gave the drug to him by telling him that there were many races here and that a shape in his hand would create a doping for him. The man secretly called me while waiting there and told me to come. I came soon after. We were going to start the race, but I wanted to talk to the man once more. But the man could not even stand. I got into my car . He also barely got into his car and started the race. Soon the man had an accident. I won the race. I immediately went to the man. I barely took the money out of his pocket. Then I went back to the side street and gave my drug-selling friend 100k Dollars of money and got away from there.


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~[3T:]~(yellow) Do you wanna race ? For 500k dollar.
~[Altra:]~(red) Yes but light soon green,come with me. Let's talk about the race

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~[Altra:]~(red) If you want ,We can race 1 or 2 hour after.
~[3T:]~(yellow) Why not now.
~[Altra:]~(red) because my car need to repair.
~[3T:]~(yellow) Okay , see you later

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~[Altra:]~(red) Hey Bro can you come here? We need to talk.
~[Lou:]~(teal) Okey bro where are you?
~[Altra:]~(red) I'm in Los Santos.
~[Lou:]~(teal) I coming.

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~[Lou:]~(teal) Hi bro.
~[Altra:]~(red) Hi bro, thx for coming.
~[Lou:]~(teal) Always, What happened?
~[Altra:]~(red) A man offered racing but his car was better than my car.
~[Lou:]~(teal) So what do you want from me?
~[Altra:]~(red) If you can make him drunk, I can win the race and I will give you 100k money
~[Lou:]~(teal) Ofc man. Go now and wait for my call.
~[Altra:]~(red) OK, see you later.

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~[Lou:]~(teal) I have good drug for go fast, are you want?
~[3T:]~(yellow) Why not, give me one drug.

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~[Lou:]~(teal) Bro this guy done, come here.
~[Altra:]~(red) OK, I coming.

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~[Altra:]~(red) Hey are you Okey?
~[3T:]~(yellow) Yes, let's go race.
~[Altra:]~(red) Okay, go car.

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~[Lou:]~(teal) Ready, 3 2 1 go!

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~[Altra:]~(red) Pay my money!
~[3T:]~(yellow) Okay, take it
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~[Altra:]~(red) Thx bro for help.
~[Lou:]~(teal) I told you bro.Always!
~[Altra:]~(red) OK bro.see you later...
~[Lou:]~(teal) Good Bye.

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~[-TMH Racers Take On:]~(black) TMH-H|Altra
~[Type:]~(black) RaceFlag
~[Participants:]~(black) @Yorker @baphomet @Ragnax
~[Location:]~(black) Red Country
~[Position:]~(black) 3rd


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~[-TMH Racers Take On:]~(black) TMH-H|Altra
~[Type:]~(black) RaceFlag
~[Participants:]~(black) @Bodo420 @Animator18 @DarkSideR @Colo
~[Location:]~(black) Bone Country
~[Position:]~(black) 3rd


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~[-TMH Racers Take On:]~(black) TMH-H|Altra
~[Type:]~(black) RaceFlag
~[Participants:]~(black) @Bodo420 @Beckham @Cristian
~[Location:]~(black) San Fierro
~[Position:]~(black) 2nd


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@Altra Congratulations you for passing the first stage in order to join out beloved group, now please meet a TMH HQ for your next stages


~[AdemBygt]~(005550) - ~[TMH HQ - Divisonal HQ of the Technical Division]~(#4b8a08).


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TMH Racers Take On: TMH-H|Mazen
Type: RaceFlag
Participants: @Ram @ChasinTLSN @Treepufffer @IceCold
Location: RC
Position: Last


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