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^[Role Play]

^[Participants: CIA]

@TaJ said in Central Intelligence Agency - Media Archive:


^[~[THE WISE BAR STAFF]~(#7d5752)]

~[R]~(#69514D)ole Play Number: 1

~[P]~(#69514D)articipants in The RP:

  • From CIA : @TaJ @TurB0 and Helper @Luffy

  • From DDMC : @XgangsterX @chemist @McJoni and @Griffin

~[R]~(#69514D)P Scenario: An early morning patrol. Newly established CIA San Andreas Branch's few agents were on a state wide patrol to keep a check on the crime rate and know what all was the underworld planning when the sun was in bed. With this in minds, and an intel from a trusted source of Red County did the officers came to the county. As per the source, a "new rising badass motorcycle club" which had a legal face business of a bar. Yes, a "legal" one. The officers who were indeed quite tired and thirsty planned on to visiting it.
Upon reaching, the officers contacted the manager and had a seat. The service people indeed looked dangerous, just as "bikers" are supposed to. This being said, the officers split up showing the fact that they were not together and it was not some sort of raid, and had a seat. After this the serving staff arrived to the officers and the officers got some Ice Teas' and more. With alcohol not even on their mind, they did notice some criminal attitude by the staff lately. Some people from the staff kept on going from kitchen area to the front door and met some weird guys. All this was just going when the officers felt the requirement to go to their next route because the sunrise was just about minutes away. The officers cleared the dues respectively and went on to the next destination, meanwhile all this incident was noted in their daily report book so as to collect future proofs on the attitude from the "rising" champions.

~[S]~(#69514D)creenShot(s): Click here!


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^[ Event #4]

^[Event Name: Freeway Race]

^[Event Prize: 1.000.000$]

^[LWS Helper: @Star ]

^[Winner: @IceCold]

^[Screenshots: ]


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