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I recruit to my gang the AIC (Alice In Chains)
Talk to me [AIC]Voidka_27 in the game for the recruit
Pick The AIC Discord!


Entrando no nosso Discord ns teremos uma sala onde voc deixara as informaes abaixo!

Seu Nome(Saes):
Voc Atira Bem No Jogo?:
Voc Dirije Bem?:
Voc Aceita Ajudar A Sua Gang?:

Regras da Gang

1-Ajude todos os membros

2-Mantenha o Respeito por todos na Gang e aos Staffs Do Servidor

3-No faa coisas erradas no servidor que d problemas ao Lider da Gang ou aos Membros Da Gang

4-Qualquer Membro que Fazer Deathmatching com o pessoal de fora da Gang levar Ban da Gang


A Gang vai preparar alguns eventos como:

Deathmatching entre ns
entre outros

os Eventos valer Dinheiro no jogo
Queremos q voc se divirta ao maximo em nossa Gang
voc Bem Vindo!


Entering our Discord we will have a room where you will leave the information below!

Your Name (You):
Do You Shoot Well In The Game ?:
Do You Drive Well ?:
Do You Agree To Help Your Gang ?:

Gang Rules

1-Help all members

2-Keep Respect for Everyone in Gang and Server Staffs

3-Do not do wrong things on the server that causes problems to the Gang Leader or Gang Members.

4-Any Member who do Deathmatching with people outside the Gang will take Ban of gang


Gang will prepare some events like:

Deathmatching between us

the Events will be worth Money in the game
We want you to have the most fun
you is welcome!


You posted in wrong link here is the real one https://saesrpg.uk/category/5/crews-groups-criminal-gangs-civilian-companies post ur gang information right there not her ,thx

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