Prophet Posted January 18, 2019 Posted January 18, 2019 Event Number: 20Event Type: FalloutPrize: 1.000.000$LWS/G6 Helpers: @DufaboWinners: @PetrowScreenshots:::::::
lil_borivoje Posted January 18, 2019 Posted January 18, 2019 RP Number #24Roleplay Title: Ritual.The Story: Prophet and i were talking about some verse in a book we read , we couldnt understand it , we werent lucky lately , we tought that maybe the spirits werent satisfied with us , we decided to change that , we were thinkin of a sacrifise.. We got to work..I was tracking one female , remembering when she would leave the house to go to work , and when she would come back.After some time i figured out the times and we went on to do the kidnaping.After the kidnaping was successfull we went on to do the ritual.The ritual went on with no troubles.Participants: @Prophet @batyaDate: 18.1.2019Screenshots:
lil_borivoje Posted January 18, 2019 Posted January 18, 2019 Event Number #21Event Type: LMS Deagle.Prize: 2.000.000$LWS/G6 Helpers: @DuracellWinners: @BidrilScreenshots:
Prophet Posted January 18, 2019 Posted January 18, 2019 RP Number #25Roleplay Title: Kidnapping a farmer for ritualThe Story: Today I woke up and had a cup of green tea to chill a bit before dirty things we had to do this morning. We were going to sacrifice one more soul to the spirits, so we got into our car, played some heavy music and started going around San Andreas looking for a victim. Near the Flint Country Farm we noticed a farmer fixing his combaine and thought it was the perfect victim. Then we took a look around and there was no one else. A priest and me came closer and asked farmer for help because no fuel left. So the farmer went for some fuel and in the moment he was going for the fuel we attacked him from behind. After that we put him into the trunk and started going back to the church but in the middle of our way there was really no fuel left so we had to buy some petrol. We went to the nearest gas station, which was not as far as it could be, and bought some fuel. When we came back to the car the farmer was still in the trunk so we drove back to church and sacrificed his soul...Participants: @Prophet @laminee @ShadroDate: 17.01.2019Screenshots:::::::
iani Posted January 19, 2019 Posted January 19, 2019 Event Number: #22Event Type:Blind MarathonPrize: 1,000,000$LWS/G6 Helpers: @LegendWinners: @FacecontrolScreenshots:
RadiO Posted January 19, 2019 Posted January 19, 2019 RP Number #26Roleplay Title: Checking out Los Santos CemeteryThe Story: It was a normal day at Red County Crunch, when i decide to get out with Prophet to save our time by looking for Something can help us. When Prophet give me a great idea to go and check Los Santos Cemetery. We get in the "Romero" and take the way to the Cemetery. Once we came to the cemetery we start looking for something useful for PoS. We start with a grave written on it " Willyan_Cesar 1890-1975 Venwood". i ask Prophet to come and check it, and he said that was one of the famoust warlock, so we decide to open the grave and take a look Inside. After few munites we found a book written with old greek languge. we take it, we close the gave, get in our car and go beck to our Crunch.Participants: @prophet & @RadiODate: 19.01.2019Screenshots:::::::
Rowdy35 Posted January 19, 2019 Posted January 19, 2019 RP Number #27Roleplay Title: Unexpected rapid deathThe Story: I was traveling with my car heard a loud noise and I went to where I heard the sound.I went to where I heard the sound and I saw a man lying on the ground. it looked like he was in an accident with his car.I walked slowly towards him and I touched his heart to decide if he was dead. He was unfortunately dead, I slowly lifted him up and loaded him to the car and I headed towards the cemeteryI went to the cemetery and opened the trunk of the car.I got him out of the car and went to the cemetery to bury him. I buried him. He wasn't with us anymore.Participants: @TheClaw @Rowdy35Date: 19.01.2019
Matvey.g88 Posted January 19, 2019 Posted January 19, 2019 Event Number: #23Event Type: Box all vs allPrize: 1,000,000$LWS/G6 Helpers: @DuffWinners: @UE|zKIll98
Matvey.g88 Posted January 21, 2019 Posted January 21, 2019 RP Number #28Roleplay Title: Making contacts with the criminal worldThe Story:We decided to meet with my father, Prophet to discuss when we will have the next mass. We had a long discussion and suddenly we wanted coffee. I went to the nearest store for coffee, while the Prophet was waiting for me on the bench. When Prophet was waiting for me, a drunken gangster came to him. Gangster began to threaten him and demand money from his holy father. Prophet gave him all the money without hesitation. When I came back with coffee, prophet told me what happened. I decided to contact my old friends who helped me in the criminal world before I became a holy father. The Prophet doubted for a long time, but I persuaded him and we went to the ghetto. We met up with my friend Kawaii. I told him what happened. Kawaii was very angry because he was a believer and would not allow him to raise his hand on his holy father. We went in search of this gangster.We started from groove street ,and immediately found him . ur friend ordered to give everything he stole from us. But the gangster refused and kawaii killed him He got everything he had in his pockets and gave us. We thanked our friend. When kawaii left we took away the body of the murdered.We gave his sinful soul to the gods.Participants: @Prophet @Kawaii @Logi @Matvey.g88Screenshots:
Matvey.g88 Posted January 25, 2019 Posted January 25, 2019 Event Number #22Event Type: Sky Box all vs allPrize: 1.000.000$LWS/G6 Helpers: @HarmyWinners: @DisasterScreenshots:
Skerdi Posted January 26, 2019 Posted January 26, 2019 RP Number: #29Roleplay Title: Feeding the beasts!Participants: @Skerdi @LaserStory: Sunny morning, thats how it all started, Cluck operator just said 'what a sunny morning' and the phone rang. It was PoS priest Raycen. He wanted 20 bags of pizza and 30 fried chickens Cluck operator blinked fast and asked: 'Are you planning to run a food business now? Rycen laughed and answered: 'No we just need food to feed our beasts'. Anyway cluck is business is to cook and sell food. So, the operator talked with chef and after cooking was done, he packed the food and putted it into a van, and drove to the destination where he met the priest. They had a chat and packed the food. Raycan took it out of the van and put it somewhere in an empty area. After that, they had a chat and the priest paid the operator. But what was PoS going to feed? After successful zombies experiment, another was done and a beast was woken up. But that isnt dead so it needs a lot of food or it will go out of control.Screenshots:
Nikki_ Posted January 26, 2019 Posted January 26, 2019 Event Number #23Event Type: Chicken ShooterPrize: 1.000.000$LWS/G6 Helpers: @LazaWinners: @batyaScreens::::
Prophet Posted January 27, 2019 Posted January 27, 2019 RP Number #30Roleplay Title: Buying a new carThe Story: Today I got up at 8:30 AM, had a morning shower and a cup of coffee with milk. After all these morning procedures me and father Matvey went to the nearest car market where cars were getting sold. A bit earlier some believers had donated our church some money to buy a new car to make the deads feel comfotable while transporting. At the moment we came two people were choosing a car. Also we met car dealer we had made some connections with earlier. I told him what our needs were and he recommmended us to buy gray brand new Romero. We were thinking and we realized it would be a nice choice, so we decided to buy the car recommended by manager. Then Matvey noticed that front bumper was hit so we asked for a discount. We got 10% discount, checked if documents are okay and then we payed for the car. After that we went to the nearest autotune and there we bought a new front bumper and it was installed by mechanics for free! We thanked good mechanics and went back to the church we started from. We hope the deads are going to feel comfortable.Participants: @Prophet, @Matvey-g88, @Logi**Date:**24.01.2019Screenshots:::::::
Prophet Posted January 31, 2019 Posted January 31, 2019 RP Number #31Roleplay Title: Feeding the beastsThe Story: This day I woke up at noon and had a morning shower. After I had a cup of coffee and read a newspaper. At 3 P.M. we gathered in the forest to pray for ghosts leading our organization. At the moment we were praying father Staifi got a call by another member of PoS and he said that some people disappeared in Bone Country. And then we realized that that were our beasts, they ate those people. We went to the farm weve been growing some magic plants up. Fortunately, plants weve used for some spells were our beastss favourite food after the people. We got out the car and ran to the plants to harvest it. We did it and drove to Bone Country as fast as possible. Then we accurately got in the cave our beasts lived in and one of our priest that was not hated by beasts as much as others was. He came closer, left some food and got back, looking to the beastss side. Luckily beasts didnt eat us this time.Participants: @Prophet, @StaifiDate: 30.01.2019Screenshots:::::::
Staifi Posted January 31, 2019 Posted January 31, 2019 RP Number #32Roleplay Title: The poor biker !The Story: Priests of sodom, had a boring day, they had nothing to do on Monday, they finished feeding the beasts, they prayed, they sacrifised and they were waiting for anything else to happen.One Of the fathers, received a call from a young boy saying that they were racing on bikes and one of them had an accident, it was so bad to the point where they couldnt even look at the body or touch him ! the father was glad and acted as a real priest , we will be on our way son, dont be scared and be patient said the father, then we took our romeroes and went to the location he mentioned, we found them crying and scared, one of the fathers went to calm them down while the other acted like checking the body, the guy was bleeding but breathing, the father knew he will survive so he did what he had to do, he cut off his oxygen sources and letted him die ! while the others didnt see anything, then the father said that we lost the man, the young boy wanted to call his parents, but we didnt agree we were scared the have other problems, so we said no ! lets it for us, you guys can go sit somewhere and try to forget about this! They were too young and believed what we said,Every father knew our plan, the beast our boss was hungry he had no food for 3 days , last thing he ate was the Seeds given by Father Prophet, so we took the body and went down to Bone county, exactly to the tunnel the scary tunnel as people call it since weird noise comes from there everynight and no one knows its real story but us! As soon as we arrived the beast started moving he knew someone was there, but as soon as he saw that one of us is going forward with a dead body in his hands he calmed down and waited for him, the beast was trying to thank us , but since we havent learned his language yet , we dropped the body and left, the body started moving step by step, someone pulling it , few seconds later the beast dropped us his bones !We were glad that he isnt hungry anymore and we wont face problems with feeding him anymore !Participants: @Prophet, @StaifiDate: 31.01.2019Screenshots:
Skerdi Posted February 2, 2019 Posted February 2, 2019 RP Number #33Roleplay Title: A weird deal.Roleplay With: Invest Arms Coorporation.Practicants: @Skerdi @Warrior213Story: 'New experiments new ways, this world has to be set everything must be tried', thats how the call started. Nathan was sitting in his office working on the new rocket project when PoS called him. They asked for 10 mp5-s, 5 m4-s, and 20 hand grenades. Nathan shouted: 'Are you starting a gang or what? Are you planning to invade a military base or what, do you even have a license for those'? PoS replied: 'No, its about our new experiment, and we want to use ilegal ways in order to complete this'. Nathan was shocked but this was not the first time IAC sold many weapons ilegaly. Nathan loaded up the truck with weapons and drove to the destination where he met the priest. They had a chat and after priest checked and tested the weapons he loaded them in a warehouse near cement. After that the priest gave Nathan 3 bags full of money. Each of them had 10.000$ money value. When Nathan was going back to the truck the priest whispered: 'If those weapons are the most quality ones, you will hear about us before than you expect'. But why do some priests need so many weapons? "Give devil more power and he will be able to control everything."Screens:
Matvey.g88 Posted February 4, 2019 Posted February 4, 2019 RP Number #34Role play Title :Do not stand in the way of the saintsThe Story :Today was a good day. We had a lot to do, in the evening we got to the most important. We needed to fill the car, because in the evening we were collected by the main father for holding a mass in another city. When we refueled the car, something happened to the headlights in the car. But none of us noticed this, we got into the car and drove on. It was already getting dark, but the headlights were still not working. And when we started to enter the city, an officer was on our way. He stopped us. We immediately understood what was going on, but we're not gonna let him go. My father and I decided to take his soul and give it to the spirits. The officer went to the window, I lowered it and he began to explain why we were stopped. I pretended that I was surprised and did not notice that the headlights were not working. I asked the officer to help me with the repair, to which the Officer politely agreed. We went to the headlights, I sat down to see what was wrong, and the officer told me what to do with headlights. That was his big mistake. While I was distracting the attention of the Officer, the father approached him from behind, made a blow to the head and the officer fell unconscious. We quickly took his body and put it in the trunk. After that we went to our church in order to give his soul to the spirits.Roleplay With : @Sanek @Prophet @Matvey.g88Screenshots:
Prophet Posted February 4, 2019 Posted February 4, 2019 Event Number #24Event Type: Chicken ShooterPrize: 1.000.000$LWS/G6 Helpers: @DuracellWinners: @ArcticScreens:::::::
Prophet Posted February 6, 2019 Posted February 6, 2019 Event Number #25Event Type: Box all vs allPrize: 2.000.000$LWS/G6 Helpers: @ICE|SamWinners: @StrreTScreens:::::::
Prophet Posted February 7, 2019 Posted February 7, 2019 RP Number #35Role play Title: Preparing to breed animals for the beastsThe Story: The evening before this RP started, the nice idea came into priests mind. Instead of buying expensive meals for beasts, they can just breed some chickens. The following day started, priest, that was to buy some seeds for chickens, woke up, had a morning shower, shaved and had a cup of green tea. He was looking for a place he could buy some seeds at and then he came with a sigh of thought about his friend working as a farmer. Priest Matvey called his friend. Firstly it was like a friend talk and then they started talking about seeds and money. As long as Matvey was the farmers friend, he got a discount. They negotiated and then Matvey came to his farm. It seemed to be a really quick deal but that was just because everything was agreed during the phone call. So Matvey came and had a friendly talk with farmer, they reminded the school times, how it was good. Nostalgia is what makes us feel olderAfter the talk, farmer shew his seeds, Matvey liked them so he surely decided to buy. It wasnt a big deal but it was important for the start of breeding animals for beasts. The friends put 2 bags of seeds into the Matveys car, the farmer got paid and wished a good luck to Matvey.Participants: @Prophet @Matvey.g88Screenshots:
Prophet Posted February 7, 2019 Posted February 7, 2019 Event Number #26Event Type: Last Man StandingPrize: 1.000.000$LWS/G6 Helpers: @[SWAT]SamWinners: @PazooScreens:::::::
Matvey.g88 Posted February 7, 2019 Posted February 7, 2019 RP Number #36Role play Title: God's bliss.The Story:Today we had to visit a drug dealer. We asked to make it a special drug for our church members. That they were easy to manage, nd they did not suspect anything.We talked about our trip with father. We took a big car and drove to an abandoned airport. Where have already agreed to meet with a drug dealer. We specifically chose this place so that no one would see us. We arrived at the place where we met with the drug dealer. He showed us the goods, we discussed the price and agreed on 7000 dollars per kilo, It seemed to us that it was a little expensive, but we needed to keep control over the people and we agreed. On the way back, we decided that we need to find sponsors who will give us money. Later we got to the church and unloaded the goods.Participants: @Prophet @Drugs_DScreensots:
lil_borivoje Posted February 8, 2019 Posted February 8, 2019 Event Number #27Event Type: Chicken ShooterPrize: 1.000.000$LWS/g6 Helpers: @DuracellWinners: @VerdinhoScreens:
Matvey.g88 Posted February 10, 2019 Posted February 10, 2019 RP Number #37Role play Title: Bringing the PoS member back to lifeThe Story:This morning priests had a meeting, everyone came except Prophet. It was really weird because he always visits the meetings. Matvey was his close friend and he realized something bad happened to him. The priests started searching Prophet. Matvey went to Bone Country where the enemy church was situated. He came to church and saw that it was built up after being burnt. He hoped to find any priest of that church to torture him and get some information but he didnt meet any person, it was really strange. Prophets corpse was found not far away from there. It was in a big hole, that was dug short time ago. Matvey had such an awful feeling seeing his dead friend. He just wanted to kill everyone who was taking apart in killing Prophet. After he chilled a bit, he called other priests to come there and then they took Prophets corpse to the graveyard, where all the rituals had been done. A bit earlier priests had found a magic spell that can turn zombies back into humans. They made a ritual of reviving the dead and Prophet became a zombie. Until the moment Prophet got hungry, priests used a the last spell they had to turn him back into human and it was done successful.Participants: @Prophet @Balla$ @Matvey.g88Screenshots:
RadiO Posted February 12, 2019 Posted February 12, 2019 Event Number #28Event Type: Half-Blind FalloutPrize: 1.000.000$LWS/g6 Helpers: @LegendWinners: @batya8890Screens:
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