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The OUTBREAK presents: New year special Team Deathmatch

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The Outbreak would like to present you an New Year special Team Deathmatch event!

General Informations:

There will always be a team of 5 Players taking part in the event.
We are playing Team vs Team randomly choosen. The winner team will climb up to the next round.

The location of the event will be in the 2nd dimension on the city in the middle of the map i think it used to be some trainings ground for the Desert Egales in the past. They used it for their recruitments as well so far as i know.

Here are some screenshots:


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Lets get to the important part. The winner will get an huge amount of money the Price at the beginning will be 20.000.000$

The time of the event is set to the 12th January at around 18:00 GMT!

How to participate?

Just leave a post down here with this informations:

  • Name or Tag of the team

  • Players of the team (may leave a 6th player if someone needs to be replaced)

Greetings Kowalski and the hole =OB= Team

~[THROUGH ADVERSITY TO FREEDOM, OB FTW !!!]~(sienna,#a32020,#a32020,#a32020,#a32020,#a32020)


Name or Tag of the team: [JewGang]

Players of the team (may leave a 6th player if someone needs to be replaced): @Diamychuu @Dudi @Elegant @Benny (And me of course :D)


Name or Tag of the team: name|Niggers

Players of the team (may leave a 6th player if someone needs to be replaced): @Zwolle @Franks @Disaster @Harb and me


@Petrow there are all "standard" weapons allowed even nades will be allowed

All current replies are noted and set as team!

Greetings Kowalski


Name or Tag of the team: Bangbros
Players of the team (may leave a 6th player if someone needs to be replaced): me, Ment, clario, krecik and pozmester hari sub

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