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@RocK20 How did you learn english so quickly ? You went from zero to hero. Application is copied. Fix it within 4 hours to be even considered.

  • 2 weeks later...

Nom: zero.
Nom en jeu: anwar.
ge: 15 yors old
Nationalit: algiran
Capacit de parler anglais (1-10): 8-10

2 Informations en jeu.

Combien de temps jouez-vous sur SAESRPG?: 2 ans
Dans quels autres gangs / escouades / compagnies avez-vous t et avez-vous t expuls?: J'ai rejoint ICE mais je suis parti parce que c'est tellement ennuyeux l-bas et que la vie de flic n'est pas pour moi.
Avez-vous Discord et un microphone fonctionnel?: Non
Combien d'heures par semaine jouez-vous ?: Peut-tre 20 heures je ne sais pas
Quelles sont vos forces et vos faiblesses?: Ma force est le travail d'quipe, la conduite et le tir et ma faiblesse est le vol.

3 Gang et questions alatoires.

Qu'est-ce qui vous a donn envie de rejoindre BloodZ?: Parce que son niveau 0 et je vais essayer d'aider le gang.
Pouvez-vous apporter quelque chose de spcifique notre gang?: J'apporterai de la positivit, de l'argent et du respect
Rpondez aussi bien que possible aux questions suivantes:

#: Qu'est-ce que Roleplay? Le jeu de rle se joue comme une vraie vie.

#: Qu'est-ce que notre Gang RP et notre devise?: Le rle de Bloodz RP est qu'ils travaillent avec le trafic de drogue et qu'ils sont situs sur la cte ouest. Ils ne laissent jamais un frre derrire eux. La devise du gang est: Frappez-les et frappez-les rapidement

#: Qui est le leader de BloodZ? Makaveli

#: Que faites-vous si vous tes mort?: Je vais faire une capture d'cran avec F12 et signaler les gars qui m'ont tu.

#: Que faites-vous si vous voyez quelqu'un d'autre enfreindre une rgle?: Je vais faire SS et le signaler.

Parlez-nous de vous: je m'appelle Ilian Georgiev. Im 14 ans et im de Bulgarie. J'aime jouer MTA mon temps libre et sortir avec mes amis.


@Makaveli said in BloodZ - Level 2:

  1. Personal Information
    Name: Borislav
    Username: Levski1914
    Ingame Name: Levski1914
    Age: 1 month to 15
    Nationality: bulgarian
    Capability to talk english (1-10): 9.5/10

  2. In-Game information
    How long do you play on SAESRPG?: 31 hours and 40 min.
    What other gangs/squads/companies have you been in, and have you been kicked?: i leave from ''Narcos'', because they are rulebreakers
    Do you have Discord and a working microphone?: yes
    How many hours a week do you play?: 10+
    What are your strengths and weaknesses?: Im a good person. I don't want to get in problems with the others. i don't know what to text here ;c

  3. Gang and random questions.
    What made you want to join BloodZ?: I think this is the most powerful and friendly gang
    Describe in your own words what is BloodZ: for me BloodZ is the most powerful and good gang. Very big part of the clan play everyday.
    Can you bring anything specific to our gang?: With good and active every day gameplay, i will help to every person in our gang who have problem.
    Which set would you like to join ( listed under RP section) ?: I like to play ''Arms Dealer'' and ''Drug Dealer''
    Do you agree that Blue color is strictly forbidden in our gang?: Yes i agree

  4. Answer the following as good as you can:
    What is Roleplay? You can choose different roles and every role have different job and things to do.
    What is our Gang RP and Motto?: Hit 'em up and hit 'em fast
    Who is BloodZ's leader? Mr. Makaveli
    What do you do if you get deathmatched?: I will go to hide and tell the staff.
    What do you do if you see someone else breaking a rule?: i will screenshot and will /report him.
    Tell us something about yourself: I am bulgarian 14 years old (1 month to 15), i am good guy, i love to play video games


  1. Personal Information
    Alexandar Kolyovski
    Ingame Name:
    one mounth to 15y.
    Capability to talk english (1-10):

  2. In-Game information
    How long do you play on SAESRPG?:
    What other gangs/squads/companies have you been in, and have you been kicked?:
    I left my old gang , reason is because is a low gang, i wanna play with good people.
    Do you have Discord and a working microphone?:
    Yes,of course
    How many hours a week do you play?:
    maybe 10h.
    What are your strengths and weaknesses?:
    My strengths : i'm a good player,everyday i play with smile :) I dont have weaknesses...

  3. Gang and random questions.

What made you want to join BloodZ?:
I just look everyday to this gang,all playes play as a real team.
Describe in your own words what is BloodZ:
BloodZ is a good gang,good people,loyalty .
Can you bring anything specific to our gang?:
Maybe with good play, everyday
Which set would you like to join ( listed under RP section) ?:
I don't understand question but maybe with arms dealer.
Do you agree that Blue color is strictly forbidden in our gang?:
Yes,i don't have problem.
4. Answer the following as good as you can:

What is Roleplay?
RolePlay is a like real life game
What is our Gang RP and Motto?:
Hit 'em up and hit 'em fast
Who is BloodZ's leader?
Leader name is Makaveli.
What do you do if you get deathmatched?:
I first go to hide and after this i maybe write to admin for this because deatmatcking without reason is break the rules.
What do you do if you see someone else breaking a rule?: Again , write to admin.


@kolyovskii1914 said in BloodZ - Level 2:
1. Personal Information
Name: Alexandar Kolyovski
Username: kolyovski
Ingame Name: kolyovski1914
Age: one mounth to 15y.
Nationality: Bulgaria

@Levski1914 said in BloodZ - Level 2:
1. Personal Information
Name: Borislav
Username: Levski1914
Ingame Name: Levski1914
Age: 1 month to 15
Nationality: bulgarian

Hello, and first of all thanks for applying. Your applications aren't the best, also not the worst, so we decided to give you two a chance to prove yourself to us, that you're worth to be one of us. So you are "UNDER REVIEW". Hang with us meanwhile, so our homies get to know you two better.

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