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Group information:

Group Name: San Andreas National Costguards
Group Tag: SANC|name|rank

Color code: #e5a200
Group creation date: 26.11.2018

Other links
Media Archive: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/4360/sa-national-costguards-media-archive

Discord server: https://discord.gg/BW7HcVV

April 12, 1980. Two brothers at age 12 went fishing with their father. They constantly watched coastguard boats and their dream was to be such.

29 August 1982, their father was killed while they were fishing. They said they would get revenge for it very soon, and that the killer would pay dearly.

25 February. The two brothers were already what they wanted to be like small. They were looking for the killer but there was no sign. One day a very interesting thing was given on television. It was again a victim in the same river where their father was murdered and told the killer's location. They boarded the boat and went to the place to find him and avenge the death of his father. A loud bullet was heard at one time.One of the brothers was shot in the head and died in the place. Avoided by the death of his brother, the other boy walked after the murderer. They hit a heavy hand fight. They were to death. Lastly, the other boy died, in honor of all their friends. colleagues formed a team named SANC. They were much stronger and fought to the end. But unfortunately they had no trace of the killer and could not find him.


Member list:

Commander: iani

Captain: RadiO


Sergeant: N/A

Dispatcher: N/A

Cadet: Rainy,Crankyyy

Recruit: Polenta,Timbo,Luna,Guard

Recruitment status: open

alt text: you've showen us that you put a lot of effor in your application.You should to contact whith any HQ ingame for test

alt text: You could do better we give you 1 week to hang with us and show us more effor that you wanna join. If the 1 week passed away the HQ team will decide what we should do with you (be patience).

alt text: Bad application you should put more effort in making a application not any of our members saw you hanging around with us you can apply again with the date we give you in your apply.

Application format:

First Part:
Ingame name:

Second part:
How long have you been playing in SAES:RPG?:
How long have you been playing MTA?:
Have you been banned before? say why:
Why u want to join SANC?:
Why we should accept you?:
Explain what is Roleplay.
Explain what is Deatmatch:

Third part:
Rate your sailing skills (0/10):
Rate your shooting skills (0/10):
Rate your flying skills (0/10):
Rate your roleplaying skills (0/10):
Rate your english skills (0/10):


Name: Edgaras
Ingame name: Patevis
Country: Lithuania
Age: 17Years
How long have you been playing in SAES:RPG?: For 1 year
How long have you been playing MTA?: 3Years
Have you been banned before? say why: Yes , for deathmatch
Why u want to join SANC?: I have been participating in trainings , and i liked this organisation , i wan't to help this organisation grow , and get better myself.
Why we should accept you?: Becouse im active player in SAES , i have experience in MTA , i have good driving , piloting , boat sailing skills , i have great shooting skill.
Explain what is Roleplay. Real - Life Copying In Game.
Explain what is Deatmatch: When you shoot everyone without any reason.


Name: Kestas
Ingame name: Angle
Country: Australia
Age: 17
How long have you been playing in SAES:RPG?:1year
How long have you been playing MTA?: 3years
Have you been banned before? say why: Yes I was banned. Reason deathmatch
Why u want to join SANC?: I would like to join in this organisation because I want help this organisation to grow up and also I want improve my skills
Why we should accept you?: I have good shooting driving and communication skills.
Explain what is Roleplay. Is mean that you have play with tactic do teamwork and also talk with yours partners
Explain what is Deatmatch: killing people with no reasons


Dear @Angle and @Patevis
Your applications are good but you didn't show all of your skills.We decide to give you ~[Pending]~(orange) status. Hang around with SANC members and we will decide to accept or deny you.

  • 2 weeks later...

@Angle @Patevis
~[DENIED]~(red): U stop hang with us and we don't accept rulebreakers.Try ro re-apply again after 2 weeks


Name: mojtabaR
Ingame name: Guard
Country: IR- Iran
Age: 15
How long have you been playing in SAES:RPG?: since 2015
How long have you been playing MTA?: since 1.4
Have you been banned before? say why: Yea I've been ban before because I couldn't understand the rules it was in 2016 i guess
Why u want to join SANC?: Well because I like to help SANC to improve and I want SANC to be a great enemy for SAP. I'm lawful that's why I want to join I want to be in the positive side of the law and I decided to be SANC so I can make more RPs and I wont be alone. In the other side I see that SANC has some great members and they'll support SANC too, so I want to be part of them, I know the members, I'm sure SANC will succeed because of the loyal and mature members that it has.
Why we should accept you?: Well since it's RP group and you guys are searching for some good RPers You can count on me. in the otherside I'm SAPA's full cadet so that means they've taught me everything that is required in RPing, I'm not only a great RP but also a great English speaker. so I wont let you down. My shooting skills are awesome since I play dayz and some other games.
Explain what is Roleplay. Acting like you're in real life.
Explain what is Deatmatch: Killing someone with making no RP or reason.


~[ACCEPTED]~(lime):SANC isn't an RP group but your application is very good and you show us skills.Meet any SANC HQ ingame for test


First Part:
Name: Abderrahmen
Ingame name: Gladiator
Country: Tunisia
Nationality : Tunisian
Gender: Male
Age: 17yo

Second part:
How long have you been playing in SAES:RPG?: more then 6 months
How long have you been playing MTA?: more then 6 months
Have you been banned before? say why: no
Why u want to join SANC?: i want to join SANC to help them and be one of the family
Why we should accept you?: because i am a good person and im loyale and courage
Explain what is Roleplay. RP is to act like real life and do the same
Explain what is Deatmatch: DM is when you kill some one with your car or with guns without any reason

Third part:
Rate your sailing skills (0/10): 6/10
Rate your shooting skills (0/10): 7/10
Rate your flying skills (0/10): 8/10
Rate your roleplaying skills (0/10) : 5/10
Rate your english skills (0/10): 8/10


Application format:

First Part:
Name:Rayen Raies
Ingame name:Luna
Nationality : Tunisia

Second part:
How long have you been playing in SAES:RPG?:I Found saes rpg since 2013
How long have you been playing MTA?:I starting playing MTA SA since 2012
Have you been banned before? say why:Nope i haven't
Why u want to join SANC?:Well , I would say i want join SANC because i want help them and with activity , teamwork , rp in this family .
Why we should accept you?:Well , I should i have experinece , Activity , mature , teamwork , i know's how did RP with my teammate in group .
Explain what is Roleplay. : Roleplay act real life , With Criminals if he didn't accepted the RP , you can arrest him .
Explain what is Deatmatch:DM Killed people with no reason : in Hospital , Cars , Base or AFK .

Third part:
Rate your sailing skills (0/10):7
Rate your shooting skills (0/10):8
Rate your flying skills (0/10):10
Rate your roleplaying skills (0/10):7.5
Rate your english skills (0/10):7

My Best favourite boats :


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  • 2 weeks later...

Application format:

First Part:
Name: Martin James
Ingame name: HRMC|MartinJames|M
Country: Philippines
Nationality : Pinoy
Gender: Male
Age: 13

Second part:
How long have you been playing in SAES:RPG?: 1 years and a half
How long have you been playing MTA?: 2 years
Have you been banned before? say why:no
Why u want to join SANC?:because i want to be part of them and im kind
Why we should accept you?: because im active
Explain what is Roleplay. acting like real life example : hrmc need more bikes so some deliveries quickly responded
Explain what is Deatmatch: killing other peoples/player without reasons

Third part:
Rate your sailing skills (0/10): 6/10
Rate your shooting skills (0/10): 8/10
Rate your flying skills (0/10): 9/10
Rate your roleplaying skills (0/10): 8/10
Rate your english skills (0/10): 9/10


@XxNetroxX We didn't have discuss and no one said u to reply his application.You have 1 hour to delete your posts or u will be demoted!


About @MartinJames, you are not accepted because no one from the players saw you hanging and your application is bad.

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@Gladiator You stop hang with us and we know that you aren't interessed for joinint SANC. You can apply again in 2 weeks.
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