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Ingame username: snoopys
Ingame nickname: Snoopy
Previous nicknames: None
Age: 20

Date started playing on SAES: 01/01/19 00:00

Current memberships: FBI ALT BRINKS HELVETE PC

Previous memberships: n/a

Previous punishments/bans: n/a

My strengths: i'm active and i can balance teamwork and leadership when needed. and i know how to plan, execute, and adapt in high-pressure situations.

My weaknesses: Being strategic is great, but sometimes you might analyze things too much instead of just acting.

Additional information: n/a

I agree to the rules of this organisation: Yes
I agree to the rules of the community/server: Yes


Hey i want to introduce my First Build It's A night Club .

Title: The Velvet Vice 

I tried to make a night Club using the available Resources in worker pannel  It has that classic GTA vibe a bit of luxury mixed with a touch of rebellion.


**Phase 1**

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**Phase 2**

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