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January 1991 - Berlin Kreuzberg 36

Violent in the streets was significantly increased after the fall of Berlin Wall, that was even less than 2 years passed, especially for the immigrant people who came in Berlin in full of good willing. For the adults the situation was hard but also not so difficult to manage due to their most of the daily time has been occupied. But what about the people who didn't grown up yet and wasting their time in the streets? For them it was the moment that they are obligated to be grown up suddenly. Especially the the violent incidents coming from pro-nazists called 'skin heads'.. It was terrifying and mandatory to be against for the boys who is willing to keep living with freedom. They established one of the first modern immigrant gang called 36 Boys.

December 1995 - Berlin Kreuzberg 36

Things were a bit evolved. After strong fights with skin heads, as a result of a lot pain, sacrifice and suffer, nazist was weak. But lots of gangs has been gathering around.
Two members-friends from 36 Boys were walking on the street OranienStraße to meet with others in KottbusserTor. During the way they saw their one of the highest hierarchy member has been kidnapping by two cars fulfilled by afros. They killed 8 of afros badly after a long and continues fight but they also got injured badly. Cops arrested three of them in the crime scene.

April 2000 - Berlin 

During the years they have been staying in prison of Berlin, cops and detectives pushed them a lot to make them snitch the other members crimes but it was a key word they have learned from an Italian friend in prison, Omerta. Despite they kept each secret they have safely most of the members of 36Boys were being a storyteller due to the attractiveness of being a famous person, as like rap-stars who are the image of rebellion. 

January 2005 - Berlin & Istanbul

Three post 36 Boys members were out together with more than 100 prisoners in Berlin, from different nations and cultures but only having one common sense, Omerta. They established a new organisation called 'Omerta Guardians'. They used this power of recruitment from prison life to make an huge well qualified organisation who will lead also 36 Boys under shadows. For sure most of different voices has been suspended. The aim of this upscale organisation is to use existing sources of famous people, companies, organisations and co-operations to wash their money that made by arms, drugs, tribute and gang territories owned after gang wars.      

Omerta Guardians in San Andreas

After a lot been in Europa, Omerta Guardians was ready with all its capabilities to play in another league. They decided to target San Andreas to grow and keep the big organization they built up sustained for future.   


Casinos: Aim to keep grow by owning the world of gambling from official casinos to unofficial street games. There is only rules, soon or later, OG keeps the money. 

Music and Filming Industry: Having big music producers and film starts especially from people that they grown up from streets. Aim is to keep other companies in the sector owned and/or under control. To launder the money in these two most easy money shown sectors, we take care well the film&music stars, under our winds unless if someone breaks the main rule, Omerta..   

Clubs and Bars: For our own joy and to keep money recorded in legal systems, we keep strip clubs and famous bars owned, which is an useful item to keep especially against legal courts and business mans in order to have tribute.. Aim is also to produce the alcohol itself.

Drug Traffic: By having the famous places and people owned by the organisation from the streets of Vinewood to East LS, we use our sea side also to transfer huge amount of narco cargos around San Andreas.

Arms Dealing: Safe ways our organisation has been created is useful also for arms delivery in terms of routes and distribition system from the streets to the most elegant customers.


Gang Name
Omerta Guardians


" From the streets of SF to the heights of LS <OG> Loyalty, Power, Respect. "



OG*>Name (Probationary)
36>Name (Helper)

Organization Color (#55218C)

 Organisation Cash



Media Topic

Management Team

Leader: @baphomet

Vice Leader: @Morde

HQ Team: @nCov @Shikomaru @Skomorje

sHQ Team:  -



Los Santos Casino:




Los Santos Strip Club:




LS Film Workers Pub:




Los Santos Groove Hood:




Los Santos East Side Hood:




Los Santos Market Tower:




LVX Arms Dealing Warehouse:




LS Liquor Store:












@Shikomaru @nCov @Skomorje



Respected / Retired











@Casuall @Egon@Cortex @mIKy1909 @Napier @ungo @yazzan @Fuego @kr @Netro @Nexroth @Genetrix @tomaz96 @bobbyz @Acidus @Eusebio



Total Members: 22



Please apply with the format below, either via forum or discord.

In-game name:
Rate your English Level (1-10):
About yourself:
Average in-game time:
Previous organizations you've been in and reason why you left:
Previous Punishments: 
Explain Omerta Guardians with your words:
Why you want to join us:
Anything you want to add:


Remember the only rule!


Edited by baphomet
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