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Tour De SA in SAES!
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Group name: ~[Tour De SA]~(#f09d73)
Group tags ~[(depends on your role) :
If you are spawned as a Pilot your tag will be like this: Pilot-SA | Name

(Bus Driver ) : Bus-Driver | Name
(Boat Capitan):Capitan | Name ]~(#f09d73)
Group creation date: ~[10/11/2019]~(#f09d73)
Discord Link: click here
Color Code: ~[(#f09d73)]~(#f09d73)
Owners: @johnn @Kristiina
Motto: ~[Relax Youre with us! We make it simple. Tour de SA]~(#f09d73)

Back Story:

The 10th of November 1831, a mechanical engineer decided to create, a way of transport that could go around the city, and transport a lot of people. He was working really hard to create this machine, he had absolutly no idea, of how or where is he going to find an idea for the form of the machine.
One night, while he was in his workshop, his little son @johnn drew a drawing and decided to show it to his dad. The dad wasn't really focused, he was stressed and obssesed by how is he going to find the form of his vehicule.
@johnn Was really sad, he crushed the paper into a ball, and threw it on his father's desk, and went to sleep.
After 30 minutes, the dad, who felt guilty about this, decided to open up the paper, and saw the drawing.
He screamed "Yes! Yes!! Thank God!! This is exactly what i wanted!! @johnn !! @johnn !!"
He ran as fast as he could to his son's bed, and gave him a gian hug!

The 10th of November 1842, The Dad, died. @johnn was only old 13.
@johnn was home alone..everyday he goes to his Dad's workshop and stay there, for hours and hours..
And one day, while he was going to his Dad's workshop, he made a promise, he said "I will continue my dad's work, and i'll show him, that i can really help him"

The 10th of November 1867
@johnn finalized the project, he created what he called the "Bus" a vehicule, that can transport more than 10 people, and reach a speed of 60 km/h.

The 10th of November, 1868
@johnn decided to go to a party, and he met this beautiful lady, called Jeanne, she was french, and they get married and had a kid.

The 10th of November, 1882
@johnn 's son began to work with his dad on the project..

137 Years Later..

The Family created a project called "Tour De SA"
This Group conisists of making some tours around San Andreas City, using bus, boats, and airplanes.
We will make you travel around every single corner of our city, some monuments, but also some landscapes, that you've never discovered.

How Can You Join Us?!

Well, try to hang as much as you can with our members, make some activities, and post the SS in our discord server, as a imgur link.
And of course you should apply, using this format:

-Name and Account Name:
-Where are you from?:
-Since when you started to play at MTA/SAES:RPG:
-What are your biggest strength/weaknesses.
-Why do you want to join us:

-What is your RP name?:


(( Any further informations, will be fount on our discord server))


-Name and Account Name:RadiO (oussama88)
-Age:16 years old
-Since when you started to play at MTA/SAES:RPG:Since 2015
-What are your biggest strength/weaknesses.i am good at RP and TeamWork, i have a good driving Skills but i have problems with English skills if we rate it we can say 7/10 but Always a grammer mistake
-Why do you want to join us:Well, i hope to know this you better and make a new relashionships.Also i can help i am an active player and i am Always free for hang and RPs

-What is your RP name?:Mr.Dogless


-Name and Account Name: Lightning (lightning12)
-Age: 17
-Since when you started to play at MTA/SAES:RPG: I started playing MTA at 2012-13 and SAES About a year ago.
-What are your biggest strength/weaknesses. Well my biggest strength that I have a good driving skills , I have a good "leader" mind , so I can lead stuff and make people follow me.
I dont have any weaknesses.
-Why do you want to join us: Well I like the idea of this group and I want to try it out , And also I want to help to make it successful.
-What is your RP name?: Edward Morello


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Dear @Lightning
I and the HQ team has checked your application and we would like to tell you that you're ~[Accepted]~(lime)
Meet HQ Ingame for more Information.


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Dear @RadiO
I and the HQ team has checked your application and we would like to tell you that you're ~[Accepted]~(lime)
Meet HQ Ingame for more Information.


-Name and Account Name: Rainy (pronoob)
-Age: 19
-Since when you started to play at MTA/SAES:RPG: I started playing MTA 4 months ago
-What are your biggest strength/weaknesses.
Strength: Im good driver, very active member, good at flying and the most importantly, iam very friendly
Weaknesses: Not really good at shooting
-Why do you want to join us: Well I think I can improve myself in this group. I want to experience something new and I think I find that group
-What is your RP name?: Mr. Kristian


Ooou something new ha .. great luck @Lucifer and team :clap:

and before you say anything, shut up @Kristiina :slightly_smiling_face:


Oh, Tour De SA? interesting i hope this group gets successful. If ya'll need any help i may help you! Good luck Guys!


Dear @Rainy, after a long discussion with our leadership, we came out with the final decision.. to ~[ACCEPT]~(lime) you in our group. We hope that you will enjoy your stay.

~[Relax Youre with us! We make it simple.]~(#ffcda1)
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Lucifer Morningstar
HeadQuarter TDSA.


-Name and Account Name: Zei (ahmed007007)
-Age: 15
-Since when you started to play at MTA/SAES:RPG: mta 3 years / saes 1 year
-What are your biggest strength/weaknesses: my rp level and team workinh are my biggest strenths and my biggest weakness is when someone annoy me i get really rude but like for real
-Why do you want to join us: intresting group and original idea i really like it and i think something like this in SAES does not exist and it will be successful and i want to join this group mainly to share and grow my RP skills and share knowledge with others
-What is your RP name?: Jeremy David


Dear, @Zei Your application seems to be done in a 3 minutes laps, It's very disrespectful to write something like this.
The application must be written correctly, because it's the only way, that we can decide if you are able to join us or not.
You need to develop your answers, "Why do you want to join us: intresting group and original idea i really like it and" and what..
You have 6 hours, to fix your apply, adhere to failure, you will be denied.
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Lucifer Morningstar


@Lucifer said in ~TOUR DE SA~| Group Forum.:

Dear, @Zei Your application seems to be done in a 3 minutes laps, It's very disrespectful to write something like this.
The application must be written correctly, because it's the only way, that we can decide if you are able to join us or not.
You need to develop your answers, "Why do you want to join us: intresting group and original idea i really like it and" and what..
You have 6 hours, to fix your apply, adhere to failure, you will be denied.
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Lucifer Morningstar

I fixed it
Sorry for that mistake my phone bugged


Dear @Zei, After a long discussion with our leadership, we finally decided to give you a chance,and to ~[ACCEPT]~(lime,lime,lime,lime,lime) you.
Welcome Aboard.
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Lucifer Morningstar


-Name and Account Name: Naker/Naker123
-Where are you from?:Morocco
-Since when you started to play at MTA/SAES:RPG:mta=8 years /SAES=i played SAES in 2014 with my friends just some hours and i went inactive for 4 years and now i am back.
-What are your biggest strength/weaknesses.Strength= RP teamwork and driving / Weaknesses= Parachuting
-Why do you want to join us:i have 2 goals.i wanna get new informations abouut Tour and i wanna give a good picture about TdSA
-What is your RP name?:Franclos_Jay


@Xany I and HQS has checked your applicant and we would like to tell you u are ~[PENDING ]~(orange),Hang around with members , fix you application And meet any HQ in game for the test


-Name and Account Name: MortalSupreme (MortalSupreme)
-Age: 14
-Where are you from?: Indonesia
-Since when you started to play at MTA/SAES:RPG: 1 Month Ago
-What are your biggest strength/weaknesses: My Strength is at the TeamWork and my Weaknesses is Driving like 5/10
-Why do you want to join us: I Like something new and i think i will improve myself in this Group
-What is your RP name?: PewD


-Name and Account Name: Name [BBMC]Netro[=P=] / Account Name XxNetroxX
-Age: 17 years old
-Where are you from?: Isreal (Arabic 48)
-Since when you started to play at MTA/SAES:RPG: 7 month ago
-What are your biggest strength/weaknesses.
Strength: Driving / shooting / RP / jump with parachut
Weaknesses: low Fps
-Why do you want to join us: i want join TdSA to learn new Skills and i have Friend name Radio
-What is your RP name?: Mr.Master


Dear, @MortalSupreme After a pretty long discussion about your case with our leadership, we finally decided to change your status to ~[PENDING]~(orange), try to hang with some TdSA members.
Lucifer Morningstar

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