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-Jailbreak 135- [+2Hour]

OutBreak Members/Helpers: @Rubik @TaaviLaudur @Tyga @Willy @Noisyboy @Adistar @RadiO @Punch And more criminals.

Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/lfSu5qm


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Outbreak Activity - Event
Event Type: arrest OB-31 at @Jail
Prize: 50.000.000$
Winner(s): none won it
OutBreak Helper(s) : OB-1 / OB-8 / OB-17/OB-69 / OB-34 / OB-55 / OB-51
Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/FueeUzY
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Outbreak Activity - Event
Event Type: TDM 4 per team
Prize: 20.000.000$$
Winner(s): @A7md @nyx_ @Harb @Honer112

Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/wGj1M2S
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-Jailbreak 137-

OutBreak Members/Helpers: Killer, Jasser, Zodiac, Willy, Anarchy and Dexter
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/r28uIHT


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-Jailbreak -138-

OutBreak Members/Helpers: OB-45:Daglow, OB-31:Jasser, OB-43:Zodiac, OB-42:Willy and OC-41:Killer
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/hIeP8eL

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