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Suggestion "Reviving Bank Robberies to Boost Server Activity"



Good evening,

I believe SAES might lose some activity if there's not enough to keep both sides engaged. Bringing back the old bank robbery system with three BRs daily and reducing the cooldown for resetting banks would help keep both the cop side and criminal side active. This would boost overall activity and make the game more dynamic. If needed, admins could also buff the cop side in other ways to maintain balance.

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I honestly think you are approaching it from the wrong angle. Yes bank robs are key activities that engage the most crim v cop activity, but at it's current state it doesn't need changing. Cop activity tends to fluctuate - Don't let the current state fool you, there is no need for buffs.

What you should be looking at is the current state of turf wars.  Turf wars, Imo, are even more crucial for engagement than bank robs. No clue why it turned out death after the last changes where it was made gang v gang, but everyone used to login to participate in turfs.

It might sound selfish coming from me as a cop, but I don't think it would be a bad idea to involve squads in the turf war script.

Idea being that squads would have to gather X amount before being able to start - Once they reach required amount (discussable) they would be able to trigger the neutralization process of turfs in 1 city. Neutralized zones would be blank & owned by no one. 

- Arresting would be a no-go

- Squads would only be able to neutralize 1 city followed by a cooldown.

This would do turf wars good as squad members would no longer kill turf wars by arresting everyone but it also doesn't effect balance as its limited to 1 city.

Though I see how this would easily be cockblocked by cops that would rather arrest than participate in the activity.


For the reset time on banks - Failed bank robs (not 8/8) should be resetting faster than those where the bank robs was succeeded (8/8).


Edited by Lincoln
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Everything was fine with turfing until people started using hacks. I’m not sure if cops in their roleplay should even be able to engage in turf wars, especially since the server aims to simulate real life. Turfing is supposed to involve gangs fighting for territory or whateven i can say, especially after admins introduced systems like HS. Anyway, about the cooldown you mentioned for failed BRs—that’s actually not a bad idea. Let’s focus more on BRs in general. Instead of allowing three BRs daily as a first step, the cooldown time should be reduced to keep things balanced. Also, it’s important to note that cops' activity depends on what criminals are doing. If criminals don’t engage in activities like BRs, turfs, or other crimes that make them wanted, cops will have nothing to do and will just stay AFK all day.

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criminal turfs are a way of indicating a gang "owns" that part of a city. Cops in return could be able to "neutralise" it. So RP wise it would fit in.

The main issue would be that cops who don't have turfs enabled while their squad mates have are likely to receive punishments. Or the ability to turn it off to arrest and then turn it back on to capture. Both of these can be fixed in a way (force enabling turfs when nearby {turf radius + x distance} and keeping them on or with cooldown). But as it stands this is what I believe holding back turfs for cops. 

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