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All Kart Club related items can be shared here.

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[Kart Club topic]: Click Here!

Regarding to events, roleplays & races, please stick to the following formats;

Event Format


**Event** #number
**Event type:**
**KC members:**
**LWS/G6 Helper:**


Roleplay Format


**RP** #number
**Roleplay title:**
**RP scenario:**


Race Format


**Race** #number
**Race type:**



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Event #1
Event type: Gokart fallout
Prize: 1,000,000
Winner: Bean
KC members: N/A
Screens: https://imgur.com/a/cieBv7y


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Event #2
Event type: Gokart race
Prize: 1,000,000
Winner: Jaimy
KC members: [KC*]Mixpeko
Screens: https://imgur.com/a/1eXFfwy


Event type: 2v2 GoKart Elimination!
Prize: $2,000,000.
KC members: @Jim @Marcus
LWS/G6 Helper(s): @PulaR
Screens: https://imgur.com/a/QebxMY6
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Event #4
Event type: Gokart race
Prize: 1,000,000
Winner: Koko
KC members: [KC]Louis
Screens: https://imgur.com/a/vDrNo4C


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Event #5
Event type: 1 vs 1 boxing
Prize: 1,000,000
Winner: MR.Lag
KC members: [KC]Jim
Screens: https://imgur.com/vPPKAOM

  • 2 weeks later...

Roleplay title: Deal with Outfit
Participants:[KC]Marcus and O|Thebadguy
RP scenario:
got a call from Thebadguy who wanted to have a look at our newest kart we have in stock. So I got a kart in our van as fast as possible and drove to Outfits base.
I got the kart out from the van and I presented the kart to Thebadguy. we talked about what the benefits of having our karts for our big upcoming events in the future. He ended up buying 4 karts.
After we came to an agreement we shake hands I packed my stuff and went back to our base and started working on their 4 new karts.


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Roleplay title: Crashing Practice.
Participants: @Reggi @Marcus
RP scenario: ##spoiler
Reggi and Marcus were hanging out at Kart Club base when they decided to test their skills and do a couple practice runs.
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They loaded their karts in the truck and went to a small city near LV. They started to do laps and laps around this one neighborhood really testing the speed of our karts.
Reggi reached the top speed in his kart and when he turned one corner too sharp.
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He crashed his kart into a powerline pole and fell hard off of the kart. Marcus rushed to the rescue, he helped Reggi off the kart and when I was feeling ok we put the karts in the truck again and drove off.
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As they were driving back to base Reggi asked to be stopped at the ER just for a quick checkup.
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Everything was fine and we headed back to the base to repair and rebuild that kart. We broke it down and got it all rebuild and fixed and shook hands on a job well done.
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  • 1 year later...

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~[Event #7]~(green)
Event type: 1v1 Kart Race
Prize: 1,000,000$
Winner(s): @TaffyC

KC members: none
LWS/G6 Helper(s): @KARIM
Screens: https://imgur.com/a/hERatkm


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Event #9
Event type Kart race
Prize: 1,000,000$
Winner: @Scorpyo
Hoster: Biggie
KC members: [KC*]Zlatan
LWS/G6 Helper(s): Karim
Screens: https://imgur.com/a/rI90RQj


Event type: Kart Race
Prize: 1.000.000$
Winner(s): @Satanas
Hoster: Draven
KC members: None
LWS/G6 Helper(s): @KARIM
Screens: https://imgur.com/a/TXADbNr


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~[Event #15]~(green)
Event type: 1v1 Kart Race
Prize: 1,000,000
Winner(s): @Pazoo
Hoster : [KC*]Zlatan
KC member(s): [KC*]Draven
LWS/G6 Helper: @KARIM
~[Screens]~(green): https://imgur.com/a/zlbPOsI


Event #16
Event type: Land inside the box
Prize: 2,000,000$, 1M each round.
Winner(s): Elektrik and Alex
Hoster Jim
KC members: [KC]Knele, [KC*]Zlatan, [KC*]Draven
LWS/G6 Helper: Jim
Screens: Click here


Race type: Custom race
Racers: [KC]Jim , [KC]Knele , [KC*]Draven , [KC*]Zlatan.
Winner: [KC]Jim
Location: Las Venturas (Redsands west)


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Event type: Gokart race
Prize: 1.000.000
Winner(s): @hRL [ThC]hRL
Hoster [KC]Knele
KC members: N/A
LWS/G6 Helper: @KARIM


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~[Event #18]~(green)
Event type: Kart Race to LS AP
Prize: 1.000.000
Winner(s): @Pazoo
Hoster : [KC]Zlatan
KC members: [KC]KARIM , [KC]Draven
LWS/G6 Helper: @KARIM
~[Screens:]~(green) https://imgur.com/a/2oyywyE

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