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Group Name : Central Events Organization
Group Tags : [CEO]Name<Rank>
Group Wannabe Tag : [CEO-H]Name
Group Motto : "The event of your is responsibility of ours"
Group Color Code : #00DC00
Group Leaders : Seth & Terry
Group Founders : Seth and Arone
Group Base : LV
Group Date of Creation : 13/Aug/2018
Groug Media Archive : https://saesrpg.uk/topic/4094/central-events-organization-official-media-archive
Group Discord Server : https://discord.gg/kT83aXQ (New Discord Server)

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Seth dad was use to work in a Events organizing company, He was Construction Manager, Seth was 16 year old at that time and he was studing in the collage. Seth dad was working in that company for a long time so he got a opportunity to host a event of the year.
Company's old security manager died in an accident so there was a new security manager who was the secret spy of the criminals, Company didn't checked his background as the event was advert all around San Andreas and a lot of peoples already had brought the tickets online. While the event was going on the security manager sended the whole security to the other side of the event while a breach of criminals rushed into the events, A lot of peoples died in the event including Seth's dad also died in the accident.
Company gave Seth 50,000$ for what his dad for the company, Seth was sad. After 3 years Seth completed his study and became a professional builder after talking classes about building. Seth dad had saved a lot of money for Seth's future, Seth took all the money which he saved and what his dad had saved and created a Group whose mission is hosting events with proper security. It was the time when "Central Events Organization" was created.

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Hosting Events : We have only one role which is hosting events, We try to host event when someone need us, We try our best to build as quick as we possible can. We have worker/Medic assistance at our events so nothing can possible can go wrong, We provide our best security at the events so nothing can go wrong security wise either

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Total Members : 12
Level 5 - Boss (leader)
Tags : [CEO]Name<Boss>
Boss : @Seth

Level 4 - Vice Boss(Vice leader)
Tags : [CEO]Name<VB>
Vice Boss : @Terry

Level 4 - Manager (HQ)
Tags : [CEO]Name<M>
Manager(s) : @Kaylerr

Level 3 - Construction Manager
Tags : [CEO]Name<CM>
Construction Manger(s) : N/A

Level 3 - Security Manager
Tags : [CEO]Name<SM>
Secuirty Manger(s) : N/A

Level 2 - Construction Planner
Tags : [CEO]Name<CP>
Construction Planner(s) : N/A

Level 2 - Professional Builder
Tags : [CEO]Name<PB>
Professional Builder(s) : @Andre

Level 1 - Worker
Tags : [CEO]Name<W>
Worker(s) : @hope , @FastYounq , @Leonidas @Matias , @Rowdy35 and @SoulFly

Level 0 - Worker Trainee
Tags : [CEO]Name<W*>
Worker Trainee(s) : @Wolf , @Lily and @Douglass

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In order to join you must compete with following requirements :

1- You must have good skills of building.
2- You must have 100+ hours in game.
3- You must be active ingame.
Must use Discord! (Make sure you join our sever https://discord.gg/kT83aXQ after applying!)
Recuritment :

Your Ingame nickname :
Your username :
Your ingame hours :
Do you use Discord ? if yes had you joined our Discord ? :
Your building skills ?/10 :
Your English skills ?/10 :
Your current G/S/C :
Your Current Group(s) :
Why you want to join CEO and why should we accept you ? :
Any additional attachment ? (Optional) :

Recuirtment System
Apply only if you compete with our given requirements otherwise you will be DENIED, After applying try to help CEO's members at their events, After a short period of time you will get your application's results,

~[ACCEPTED]~(lime) - You worth to be part of us.
~[PENDING]~(yellow) - Keep on hanging with us, or if any reason for getting pending will be given in the results.
~[DENIED]~(red) - You can't be part of us, reason will be given in the result.


Your Ingame nickname : Netro
Your username :XxNetroxX
Your ingame hours : 350 hours
Your building skills ?/10 : 8/10
Your English skills ?/10 : 8/10
Your current G/S/C : N/A
Your Current Group(s) : DZTG
Do you have Discord ? : sure
Why you want to join CEO and why should we accept you ? : I'd like to join CEO because I love that kind of groups and we will help others players who they will do event and i do a event with CEO and i like the group this group will be official soon


Your Ingame nickname : staifiz
Your username : [WA]Staifi
Your ingame hours : 567
Do you use Discord ? if yes had you joined our Discord ? : Yea i do, and yes i did join the disc
Your building skills ?/10 : 7.5 out of 10
Your English skills ?/10 : 8.5 out of 10
Your current G/S/C : Wild angels
Your Current Group(s) : N/A
Why you want to join CEO and why should we accept you ? : its the right place where i can show my building skills, also where i can i upgrade it and help people out with events, and im pretty sure that ceo will be much better in the future, im looking forward for a positive reply ^^


Your Ingame nickname :RadiO
Your username :oussama88
Your ingame hours :180
Do you use Discord ? if yes had you joined our Discord ? :Yes
Your building skills ?/10 :7/10
Your English skills ?/10 :7/10 but sometimes a grammer Mistake
Your current G/S/C :N/A
Your Current Group(s) :N/A
Why you want to join CEO and why should we accept you ? :i like CEO ,buulding and host events Also i can help this groupe
Any additional attachment ? (Optional) :just some perssonal informations we can talk about it ingame


Your Ingame nickname :freezoom
Your username :maxismuz4141
Your ingame hours :621
Do you use Discord ? if yes had you joined our Discord ? :I have discord I'didnt join yet
Your building skills ?/10 :7.5
Your English skills ?/10 :7
Your current G/S/C :FBI
Your Current Group(s) :Cluck
Why you want to join CEO and why should we accept you ? :I love build someone and I'like doing this job and you can accept me because I'have Build skills,english skills and I'm active
Any additional attachment ? (Optional) :N/A


Your Ingame nickname : OC|>Alex
Your username : alex0107
Your ingame hours : 1369
Do you use Discord ? if yes had you joined our Discord ? : 1. Yes, I'm using discord. 2. I didn't join your server, but will do it soon.
Your building skills ?/10 : Will say 6-7/10
Your English skills ?/10 : 8/10
Your current G/S/C : OverdoseCrime
Your Current Group(s) : IAC
Why you want to join CEO and why should we accept you ? : Well. I want to join CEO, because I want to help to my gang with events and not only my gang. I want to help everyone who needs help with event. You should accept me, because I will be active.
Any additional attachment ? (Optional) : No


@XxNetroxX said in Central Events Organization - Official Topic:

Your Ingame nickname : Netro
Your username :XxNetroxX

Already @~[Pending]~(yellow), Find any HQ ingame for test. Make sure to join our Discord.

@RadiO said in Central Events Organization - Official Topic:

Your Ingame nickname :RadiO
Your username :oussama88

~[PENDING]~(yellow) , Shown a great support ingame at CEO's event, Find any HQ for test.

@Freezom said in Central Events Organization - Official Topic:

Your Ingame nickname :freezoom
Your username :maxismuz4141

~[PENDING]~(yellow) , Help CEO members ingame at events if need, Let us know more about you ingame.

@alex0107 said in Central Events Organization - Official Topic:

Your Ingame nickname : OC|>Alex
Your username : alex0107

~[PENDING]~(yellow) , Help CEO members ingame at events if need, Let us know more about you ingame.


@XxNetroxX & @RadiO Welcome to ~[CEO]~(yellow) Excellent Passing the Test Contact @Sethesta steh to join us in our discord. ~[Accepted]~(lime)


Your Ingame nickname : Aboody
Your username : abdel
Your ingame hours : 1300
Do you use Discord ? if yes had you joined our Discord ? : Yes, i have
Your building skills ?/10 : 9/10
Your English skills ?/10 : 8/10
Your current G/S/C : Zero
Your Current Group(s) : Tdsa
*** *** im very pro builder ,active a lot and loyal i was old builder i was building in LV's worker site i was building amazing buildings for events before CEO but when i heard about CEO that have a active members and they are pro builders i decided to apply for it to be a member for CEO family AS im a pro builder i can help the Group doing activities and post a lot of events and i will show my skills to your


@alex0107 & @Aboody You deserve to be part of us you contact with @Sethesta for add you to our discord. ~[Accepted]~(lime)

@Freezom Never saw you In our activities and you haven't shown any Interest In order to be one of us, I'd suggest you to keep hanging with us and show us that you really want to join. I'm sorry to Inform you that you're ~[DENIED]~(red), Apply again In 2 weeks If you're still Interested.


Your Ingame nickname : Aspect
Your username : firas19
Your ingame hours : 1084 hours
Do you use Discord ? if yes had you joined our Discord ? :Yes i have discord but i didn't join your discord but i'll do that.
Your building skills ?/10 : 9.5/10
Your English skills ?/10 : 9.5/10
Your current G/S/C : TST
Your Current Group(s) : N/A
Why you want to join CEO and why should we accept you ? : well, i'm an experienced player, i've got some skills to show i have to say, like Rping , communicating with other, building,ect... and i would like to be a part of this organization to help u guys improve and become much better with sharing ideas and i'll make sure i'll do my best to make u guys pround and be a good example for others.
Any additional attachment ? (Optional) : i wanted to post my old screen shots but i found out that the screen shots are gone cuzz i reinstalled MTA for login problems ss contain my constructions that i prepared to share it with u guys, and just for the record from time to time i offer my help as a cop to some ceo members in order to make their events works much better if that would help ofc and i'm sure that being in CEO would make u guys satisified as much as our clients wil be, i just need a chance to show u guys what i'm capable to do, thx.


Your Ingame nickname :Skinner
Your username :ItzSpicey
Your ingame hours :782
Do you use Discord ? if yes had you joined our Discord ? :Yes and to both
Your building skills ?/10 :
Your English skills ?/10 :7.5 /10
Your current G/S/C :N/A
Your Current Group(s) :N/A
Why you want to join CEO and why should we accept you ? :i'm active and loyal player i'm good to building i like to help other ppl to be happy with events and help with him with gang/squads events for media archive and i like to making somebody happy later from event to have win. CEO they are nice Group and he will be the best in some long and i will be happy to show my Build skills if you want...!!!


@Aspect & @Spicey Thanks for showing interest.We, the HQ team want to recruit members who can provide us a good activity and allow time to the group.Haste makes waste so we decided to give you some time before a final decision, and we would like to see if you are the member profile we're looking for.Please support us in our any activity along them.~[Pending]~(orange).


@Spicey & @Aspect
we have decided to prooced with your application. Your experiences at the server and general knowledge is decent, your activity looks fine so far, please keep it up. Anyway, you are ~[ACCEPTED.]~(lime) Since you have been already tested & invited, there's nothing else to say. Welcome aboard!

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