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Outlaws Level 5 Application


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Organization Current Level: 4

Organization Base Location: Los Santos

Organization Money: $120.000.000+

Organization Color: #450044

Organization Name Tag: oL|Nick

Organization Founders: @VeX @SpeeD1Tn

Organization Foundation Date: 24th of September 2023

Organization Recuitment Status: OPEN




(Properties owned by gang, places for members of organization to meet or bussiness places owned by OutLaws.)

Outlaws Base - LS 


Political Party Parlament of OutLaws.

OutLaws are infiltrated in political circles and this is their main political parlament.




OutLaws Restourant.

In this restourant, organization masterminds are having secret meeting, also our dirty money is being loundered trought this business.




OutLaws Dealing Motel.

This motel is well known in area because of it's connections with drug and arms dealing.




OutLaws Legitament Businesses.

OutLaws are also infiltrated in legitament businesses and here are their head quarters located.




OutLaws Extortion Bussiness.

Protection exchange for weekly profit of local motel business.




OutLaws Hideout.

Place were recurses such as hostages, stolen cars or stolen goods are being hidden.




OutLaws Warehouses.

This is place where our drugs and weapons are being stored before reaching our street dealers.






In the heart of a gritty and shadowy urban landscape, where the neon lights flickered with a dim glow, the OutLaws gang had slowly but surely carved out their nefarious empire over the span of three long decades. At the helm of this formidable criminal organization stood a cunning and ruthless mastermind, a shadowy figure whose true identity remained shrouded in mystery, even among the innermost circle of the gang.

The gang's ascent to power was far from haphazard; it was a meticulously calculated progression, marked by a series of illicit activities that demonstrated both their audacity and their cunning. In the early days, they operated in the shadows, engaging in petty crimes and small-scale drug deals to establish their presence without drawing undue attention. Their strategy was simple but effective: keep a low profile while gradually amassing power and influence.

As time passed, the OutLaws expanded their operations, moving into more lucrative and high-stakes endeavors. They began to monopolize the illicit arms trade in the city, flooding the streets with an arsenal that was as deadly as it was illegal. Their network of connections grew exponentially, reaching into the darkest corners of the criminal underworld and infiltrating key sectors of the city's infrastructure.

The gang's enforcers were renowned for their ruthlessness, instilling fear in anyone who dared to cross their path. These loyal foot soldiers would stop at nothing to protect the gang's interests, leaving a trail of broken lives and shattered dreams in their wake. It was this reputation for brutality that helped the OutLaws maintain an iron grip on their territory, dissuading rival gangs and law enforcement alike from challenging their dominance.

But perhaps the most insidious aspect of the OutLaws' rise was their infiltration of legitimate businesses and political circles. Their mastermind, a strategic genius, had a knack for identifying vulnerable institutions and individuals to exploit. Bribes, blackmail, and extortion became their weapons of choice in manipulating those in power, ensuring that the gang's influence reached far beyond the criminal underworld.

In the end, the OutLaws gang's formidable ascent to power was a testament to their patience, cunning, and ruthlessness. From their humble beginnings as small-time criminals in the shadows, they had evolved into a menacing force that held the city in a vice grip of fear and corruption. And as long as their enigmatic leader remained at the helm, their reign of terror showed no signs of waning in the dark and unforgiving urban landscape they called home.


Years 1-5: The Genesis


In the heart of a rundown neighborhood, where boarded-up buildings loomed like silent sentinels of decay, the seeds of the OutLaws gang were sown. A disparate group of individuals, united by a shared desperation to escape the clutches of poverty and despair, found solace and purpose under the leadership of a man known simply as "Big Boss." He was charismatic, with an enigmatic aura that drew the lost and disenchanted to his side, igniting a criminal journey that would reshape the very fabric of the neighborhood.

Their initial foray into the world of crime revolved around the illicit trade of drugs and arms, an audacious move that set the stage for their ascent. The gang cultivated hidden patches of marijuana in abandoned lots, brewed potent methamphetamine in clandestine labs, and engaged in the production of various narcotics that were as dangerous as they were profitable. This shadowy operation thrived in the underbelly of the neighborhood, supplying a growing demand for illegal substances.

To ensure the distribution of their illicit products, street dealers were enlisted and paid a generous percentage of their earnings to push the drugs onto the streets. These foot soldiers operated with a streetwise cunning, navigating the alleyways and backstreets, becoming the lifeblood of the OutLaws' operation. Their network spread like wildfire, ensnaring new recruits with promises of wealth and camaraderie.

Yet, the OutLaws didn't stop at narcotics. They took a calculated risk by recruiting hitmen with military experience into their ranks. These seasoned individuals brought their tactical prowess to the gang, using stolen blueprints to manufacture and sell deadly weapons on the black market. The arsenal they unleashed onto the streets included everything from concealed handguns to heavy-duty assault rifles. With a finger on the pulse of the criminal arms trade, the OutLaws became a formidable force to be reckoned with, able to arm both themselves and rival gangs.

These formative years were marked by audacity, resourcefulness, and a relentless drive for power. The gang's ability to adapt and diversify their criminal activities set the stage for their subsequent ascent through the criminal underworld. As the OutLaws honed their skills and expanded their influence, their enigmatic leader, Big Boss, continued to guide their treacherous journey, his charisma and cunning propelling them towards a future filled with both peril and promise in the heart of their beleaguered neighborhood.


Years 6-10: The Ruthless Expansion


As the OutLaws continued their relentless march towards dominance, they entered a new phase of expansion that sent shockwaves throughout the criminal underworld. Diversification was their modus operandi, and the gang's activities became increasingly audacious and ruthless.

Kidnapping became a sinister specialty for the OutLaws during this period. They honed their skills in abducting high-value targets, turning them into bargaining chips for extracting exorbitant ransoms. The gang operated with chilling precision, selecting their victims carefully and striking swiftly. Each abduction was meticulously planned, with an emphasis on maintaining the element of surprise and secrecy. The fear of falling into the OutLaws' clutches spread like wildfire, paralyzing even the most formidable adversaries.

The gang's reputation for brutal torture tactics added a chilling dimension to their kidnappings, casting a long and harrowing shadow over rival organizations. In some instances, these kidnappings served a dual purpose as intelligence-gathering missions. Captives were subjected to relentless questioning, revealing valuable information that the OutLaws would exploit to their advantage, further solidifying their grip on the criminal landscape.

Simultaneously, robberies became a lucrative and frequent source of income for the OutLaws. Stores, banks, and jewelry shops became their prime targets, but the gang's approach was far from impulsive. They operated with meticulous precision, often beginning their heists by kidnapping the boss or key personnel from the targeted bank. This inside knowledge provided invaluable insights into the security measures and weaknesses of their chosen targets.

Armed with this insider information, the OutLaws executed high-stakes heists that left no room for error. Their meticulously crafted plans ensured they left no traces behind, eluding law enforcement and confounding rival criminals. The audacity and finesse with which they executed these robberies struck terror into the hearts of the city's financial institutions, leaving them vulnerable and helpless in the face of the OutLaws' relentless ambition.

Years 6 to 10 were marked by the ruthless expansion of the OutLaws gang, as they seized control of the criminal landscape with a chilling blend of calculated kidnappings and meticulously executed robberies. Their iron grip on their chosen domain only tightened with time, as they continued to evolve, adapt, and refine their criminal endeavors under the watchful eye of their enigmatic leader. The shadow they cast grew darker, their influence more far-reaching, as they operated with a cold and merciless efficiency in the heart of their urban battleground.


Years 11-15: Carjackings and Hostage Power


In the relentless pursuit of wealth and dominance, the OutLaws expanded their repertoire of criminal activities once more, delving into the realm of carjacking with surgical precision. Their expertise in this dark art was unrivaled, and they operated with a level of finesse that left no room for error.

Carjacking became a cornerstone of their operations during this period. The gang's members had an uncanny ability to steal vehicles swiftly and silently, leaving behind no clues for investigators to follow. These stolen cars were then strategically sold on the black market, fetching top dollar for the gang. This new venture not only added substantial wealth to their coffers but also bolstered their formidable arsenal, as some of these cars were equipped with hidden compartments for transporting contraband.

However, it was the emergence of a more sinister tactic that truly set the OutLaws apart. Hostage abuse became a dark facet of their operations, a potent weapon they wielded with chilling efficiency. The gang began kidnapping individuals, sometimes their own targets, and using them as leverage during criminal activities. This tactic had a twofold purpose: to ensure compliance during heists and to create a strategic advantage over law enforcement.

In some cases, the OutLaws would take hostages from rival gangs, effectively ransoming them back to their criminal competitors. This ruthless maneuver not only augmented the gang's income but also forced the police to tread carefully. The fear of innocent lives hanging in the balance made law enforcement think twice before taking action against the OutLaws. The hostages themselves became a living deterrent, shielding the gang from hasty intervention and allowing them to operate with relative impunity.

Hostage-taking became a chilling trademark of the OutLaws, a stark reminder of their willingness to use any means necessary to achieve their goals. Their reputation for cunning and brutality continued to spread like wildfire, further solidifying their reign of terror in the urban jungle they called home. In years 11 to 15, the OutLaws thrived on their mastery of carjacking and the calculated power of hostages, setting the stage for even more audacious and ruthless endeavors in the years to come.


Years 16-20: The Role of Transport and Hitmen


In years 16 to 20 of their criminal reign, the OutLaws displayed a keen understanding of the evolving dynamics within their treacherous urban landscape. Recognizing the paramount importance of efficient mobility and the need for personal protection, the gang took strategic steps to fortify their position and enhance their influence.

The OutLaws established a formidable team of skilled transporters and bodyguards. These professionals played a crucial role in ensuring the safety of high-ranking gang members, as well as facilitating the gang's expansive criminal operations. Mobility was key, and these transport experts orchestrated the swift and discreet movement of gang members, vital equipment, and illicit goods across the sprawling urban terrain. Their services were especially critical during turf wars, where enemy dealers often met their untimely demise. With these skilled transporters and bodyguards at their side, the OutLaws gained a tactical edge, allowing them to navigate the dangerous streets with relative impunity.

As the gang's influence continued to grow, they ventured into the lucrative world of hitman contracts. The OutLaws capitalized on their reputation for professionalism and discretion, offering their lethal services to eliminate adversaries on behalf of clients looking to settle personal vendettas or eradicate troublesome rivals. Their hitmen were known for their cold efficiency and unwavering commitment to completing the job, no matter the cost. Their discretion ensured that their involvement in such contracts remained a well-guarded secret, a testament to their ability to operate in the shadows without leaving a trace.

This calculated diversification of the OutLaws' operations allowed them to solidify their power in the criminal underworld. With a well-oiled machine of transporters and bodyguards ensuring their safety, and a team of ruthless hitmen at their disposal, the gang expanded their reach and influence, making them a formidable force to be reckoned with in the unforgiving urban landscape they called their domain. These years marked a period of calculated growth and adaptability, setting the stage for even more audacious and ruthless endeavors in the years to come.


Years 21-30: Business Extortion and Dominance


As the OutLaws' criminal empire continued to expand and evolve, they embarked on a new avenue of criminality that would further solidify their dominance over the city's underworld. During this period, the gang began offering "protection" services to local business owners, employing a ruthless extortion tactic that left no room for refusal.

Business extortion proved to be an immensely effective means of income for the OutLaws. Local CEOs and entrepreneurs, faced with the terrifying alternative of refusing, reluctantly accepted the gang's "protection." This protection came at a steep price, as business owners were forced to pay a significant percentage of their profits to the OutLaws. Those who dared to defy these demands were met with swift and deadly consequences, with the gang's reputation for brutality serving as a chilling warning to any potential dissenters.

Over three decades, the OutLaws underwent a remarkable transformation. What had once been a ragtag group of individuals seeking survival had morphed into a powerful, well-organized criminal syndicate. Their influence extended into various facets of the city's underworld, from narcotics and arms dealing to kidnapping, robbery, and the dark art of business extortion. The streets were painted with a tapestry of fear, with the OutLaws casting an ever-lengthening shadow over their rivals and even law enforcement.

Under the enigmatic leadership of "Big Boss," the gang thrived in the shadows, pulling the strings of the city's underground economy with an iron grip that seemed unbreakable. Their ascent from humble beginnings to the apex of criminal power was a testament to their adaptability, ruthlessness, and relentless pursuit of dominance. As they entered their fourth decade of criminal reign, the OutLaws remained a formidable force, their presence lurking in the darkest corners of the city, their criminal reign showing no signs of waning.


Level10:Leader (Big Boss):


level9:vice leader : 


 Level8:Headquarters Command:
Level7:Sub Head Enforcers:      
 Level7:Respected Members:


 Level6:Elite Hitmen:

 Level6: Expert Transporters :

 Level6:Senior Bodyguards:


 Level5: Senior Kidnappers:


Level5:Master Robbers:
Level 4:Experienced Carjackers


Level 3:Skilled Street Dealers
@ernz, @kevin,  @S.O.F & @so3lou

 Level3: Proficient Drug Manufacturers
@saife123@GR4Y ,@tasa & @HRIZEN

Level 2:Junior EnforcersEntry-level Members

@ski7,  @Rocket,  @kafou,  @dabeba,  @DuppyMTA0000,   @MarveL

@haroun ,  @spicy , @tripyboy,  @Baheryes , @skye @Brahim @Eren & @achour 
Level 1:Street-level Recruits:

@boody,  @davexx ,@GOAT ,@Vxloc ,@arrom, @dinux, @Dany7654 ,@slider,  @Zaha ,@lela, @Dream,

 @zak@Stroke@Tony@g5, @cass, @Alex, @ganouch, @Aizaaz ,@Slipout@Thamond,

@PaBLo@Sohaib@Morpheus@glas ,@Luki@LuDaKa ,@Travvi ,@Outlaw980 ,@khanh8003 ,

@ViniJr@Twister@Ankush77@Negrazo ,@OGGY ,@Xoeric@Quas@JiiRak@JellyFish & @CanDO

Level 0:Associates/Informants

@jebenigrac, @nino4433 ,@nightstick ,@h-47,  @PlayBoy ,@fatbatman ,@Conee@RafxX07 ,@Ak-47

@ein ,@jigga, @dabel, @YosoX ,@selar-b,  @alencik, @diegoo, @kolyasab, @Yuki ,@yoceff@VeX ,@vexwife,

,@heldwh, @angryyyyy, @protvvv ,@gladio ,@DaLi ,@buddler@ZuKs@Hoodrich,@marbourou,  @pacbeers ,

@Weezy@Skilers@Vukex@SickBoy@Zombra@Lewy @LuXa@Saoud, @brenaaa, @Abdo@sami,  @Fesko@Rocken , @Venom &   @CaPu


In the secretive and dangerous world of the gang, adherence to a strict code of conduct is crucial for survival and success.

Here are ten very important rules that members of the gang must follow:

Absolute Loyalty:

Loyalty to the gang and its leadership is paramount. Betrayal is met with swift and deadly consequences.


Omertà - The Code of Silence:

Members must never disclose gang activities or secrets to outsiders, including law enforcement.

Violators face severe punishment, often death.


Follow Orders without Question:

Members are expected to obey orders from superiors without hesitation.

Questions or doubts are discussed privately, not in front of other members.


No Fraternizing with Law Enforcement:

Members must avoid any personal or professional relationships with law enforcement officers.

Informants are considered the ultimate traitors.


Respect Turf Boundaries:

Respect the gang's territorial boundaries and do not encroach on the territories of other gangs without approval.


Maintain Discretion in Personal Lives:

Keep a low profile in personal lives to avoid drawing unwanted attention.

Avoid flashy displays of wealth.


No Double-Crossing:

Betrayal or double-crossing within the gang is met with extreme violence.

Internal disputes are resolved within the gang's hierarchy.


Protect the Gang's Reputation:

Actions taken by individual members reflect on the entire gang.

Maintain a ruthless and fearsome reputation.


Avoid Unnecessary Violence:

Violence is a tool, not a hobby. Unnecessary bloodshed can draw unwanted law enforcement attention.

Use violence strategically and sparingly.


Pay Tribute to the Organization:

Members must contribute a portion of their earnings to the gang's finances.

Funds are used for various purposes, including legal defense and bribes.


These rules are designed to ensure the survival and prosperity of the gang while maintaining a facade of discipline and order. Breaking these rules not only jeopardizes individual members but also threatens the stability of the entire organization, often resulting in direct consequences.


Edited by voli
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