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BREAKING NEWS - National security announcement (DEFCON1)

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Breaking News: Tensions Escalate Between Secret Service and Desert Eagles, White House Declares DEFCON 1

In an unprecedented development, sources from within the White House have confirmed escalating tensions between the United States Secret Service and  the Desert Eagles. The conflict reached a critical point earlier today when the Desert Eagles allegedly issued multiple direct threat and tried to spit in the face of the Director of the Secret Service.

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The Incident

The conflict reportedly began over a classified operation that both the Secret Service and the Desert Eagles were tasked to oversee. Details remain scarce, but it appears that a significant disagreement over the mission's execution led to a severe breakdown in communication and cooperation between the two agencies.

The Threat

According to confidential sources, the situation took a dire turn when members of the Desert Eagles unit issued a veiled threat towards the Secret Service Director. This threat has not been taken lightly, given the elite and highly trained nature of the Desert Eagles, a unit known for their specialized operations in high-stakes environments.

White House Response

In response to this grave internal threat, the White House has declared a state of martial law and elevated the national defense readiness condition to DEFCON 1, the highest level of military preparedness. This declaration is an indication of the severity of the internal conflict and the potential risks it poses to national security.

Martial Law Declared

The declaration of martial law grants Homeland Security and Secret Service expanded powers to maintain order and ensure the safety of the nation's leadership and its citizens. All civilian rights will be temporarily suspended, and curfews are expected to be enforced across major cities. The Secret Service will take over the functions of civilian government institutions to restore order and resolve the conflict.

Official Statements

The President, in an emergency address to the nation, stated:

"We are facing an extraordinary situation that requires extraordinary measures. The integrity and safety of our nation are paramount. We are taking decisive action to ensure that this internal conflict is resolved swiftly and effectively. I urge all citizens to remain calm and cooperate with the authorities as we navigate through this challenging time."

What Happens Next?

With DEFCON 1 in effect, the Secret Service and Homeland Security are on high alert, prepared to address any immediate threats. Security around key government installations has been significantly increased, and Homeland Security has been mobilized to support local law enforcement.


The nation stands at a critical juncture as the Secret Service and the Desert Eagles, both integral components of national security, find themselves in a standoff. The hope is that through the imposition of martial law and the heightened state of readiness, a resolution can be reached without further escalation. The situation remains fluid, and further updates are expected as more information becomes available.

Stay tuned for continuous coverage and updates on this developing story.


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Breaking News: Court Summons Issued for Desert Eagles Officers

In a dramatic turn of events, three officers of Desert Eagles unit have been officially summoned to appear in court, facing serious charges that have sent shockwaves through the nation.

Officers Summoned:

  1. Major Curvy
  2. Flight Lieutenant Hawkins
  3. Petty Officer Dinaz




Allegations and Charges

The summons, issued by the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, lists a series of grave accusations against the officers:

Major Curvy


  • Count 1: Complicity in conspiracy to commit hostile actions against federal government officials.
  • Count 2: Unlawful use of force resulting in civilian endangerment.
  • Count 3: Failure to obey a lawful order under Article 92 of the UCMJ.

Flight Lieutenant Hawkins


  • Count 1: Conspiracy to commit hostile actions against federal government officials.
  • Count 2: Threatening the Director of the Secret Service.
  • Count 3: Failure to obey a lawful order under Article 92 of the UCMJ.
  • Count 4: Sexual assault rape and intimidation of civiliians 

Petty Officer Dinaz


  • Count 1: Participation in unauthorized surveillance operations on civilians.
  • Count 2: Unlawful use of force resulting in civilian endangerment.
  • Count 3: Failure to obey a lawful order under Article 92 of the UCMJ.


Threat to National Security

The charges stem from a series of alarming events that have unfolded over the past few weeks, culminating in a violent confrontation between the Desert Eagles and Secret Service. The situation has raised questions about the internal cohesion and discipline within the nation's military units.

According to confidential sources, Major Curvy and his subordinates allegedly plotted hostile actions that included direct threats to the Secret Service Director. This unprecedented breach of protocol and respect for the chain of command has prompted a swift and decisive response from the highest levels of government.

Petty Officer Dinaz is facing charges related to unauthorized surveillance of American citizens, a clear violation of civil liberties. His involvement in violent clashes with the Secret Service further complicates the situation, highlighting a breakdown in discipline and oversight within the Desert Eagles.

White House Declares DEFCON 1

In response to these developments, the White House has declared a state of martial law and elevated the national defense readiness condition to DEFCON 1. This move underscores the gravity of the internal threat posed by the actions of the Desert Eagles.

Court Appearance

The summoned officers are required to appear in court on June 21, 2024 at 21:00, at the San Andreas Federal Court. Failure to comply with this summons could result in immediate arrest and further legal consequences.

Official Statements

The President, addressing the nation, emphasized the importance of accountability and rule of law:

"No one is above the law. The actions of these individuals, if proven true, represent a serious breach of trust and endanger the very fabric of our democracy. We will ensure that justice is served and the integrity of our institutions is preserved."


As the nation grapples with this unfolding crisis, all eyes will be on the upcoming court proceedings. The outcome will not only determine the fate of the accused officers but also set a precedent for how such serious breaches of conduct are handled in the future.

Stay tuned for continuous updates and in-depth coverage of this developing story.

Edited by Weppo
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The whitehouse press office 
Official Statement
July 16, 2024


Statement on the Desert Eagles Court Case and Internal Military Proceedings

In light of recent developments regarding the court case involving Major Curvy, Flight Lieutenant Hawkins, and Petty Officer Dinaz of the Desert Eagles unit, the White House wishes to address the concerns of the American public and reaffirm our commitment to justice and the rule of law.


Recent Developments

On July 15, 2024, General Rosen, the commanding officer of the Desert Eagles, informed the San Andreas District Court for the District of Commerce that the three officers accused of serious misconduct would not be attending any court hearings. Instead, General Rosen has declared that these matters will be dealt with internally within the military framework.

General Rosen's Statement

General Rosen addressed the court:

"The matters concerning Major Curvy, Flight Lieutenant Hawkins, and Petty Officer Dinaz are of a sensitive nature and pertain to national security. As such, I have decided that these issues will be handled internally within the military framework. The Desert Eagles have their own protocols for addressing misconduct, and I assure the court and the public that appropriate actions will be taken. Therefore, these officers will not be participating in any civilian court proceedings."

The White House Perspective

The White House acknowledges the gravity of this situation and the concerns raised by General Rosen's decision. The administration is committed to ensuring that justice is served and that the actions of the Desert Eagles are subject to appropriate oversight.

President's Response

President.Schmidt has been briefed on the situation and emphasizes the importance of maintaining the integrity of both our civilian judicial system and military justice system. The President has called for a balanced approach that respects the protocols of military discipline while ensuring accountability and transparency.

President.Schmidt stated:

"No one is above the law. While we understand the unique circumstances of military operations and the need for internal discipline, it is crucial that actions of serious misconduct, especially those involving threats to federal officials and civilian safety, are addressed transparently. We are working closely with the Department of Defense to ensure that justice is not only done but seen to be done."

Next Steps

The White House is facilitating a high-level discussion between the leadership of the Desert Eagles and the Secret Service to address the concerns and establish a clear path forward. This meeting aims to ensure that both agencies cooperate fully and that the integrity of our national security and judicial processes is upheld.

Director of the Secret Service, Director.Wallance, emphasized:

"This is not just a matter of internal discipline. These charges involve threats to federal officials and the safety of civilians. Bypassing the judicial process undermines our legal system and sets a dangerous precedent."


The administration is dedicated to maintaining the balance between military necessity and judicial oversight. We assure the American public that we are taking all necessary steps to resolve this matter judiciously and transparently. Further updates will be provided as more information becomes available.

We thank you for your understanding and patience as we navigate this complex situation.

For Further Information:

White House Press Office
Phone: (202) 456-1111
Email: press@whitehouse.gov
Follow us on Twitter: @WhiteHousePress


End of Statement


Stay tuned for continuous updates and in-depth analysis of this developing story.


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