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L.W.S - Summer Recruitment 2024


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Lightning World Sports


Hello hello! The L.W.S HQ team have decided it's time to OPEN our recruitment.

As always recruitment process is focused more on the applicant(s) effort and dedication, building, ability to focus, creativity, and lastly adequacy for the job, business as usual.

Along side the basic application format which is posted below will be a shortlist of 'x' amount of applicants. These shortlisted applicants will then be tested via the L.W.S HQ.

Be advised our recruitment application process will end on  June 20th  , During this time, you may edit your application.


The LWS HQ team reserves the right to deny, or remove any applicant from the application process at any time.

This can happen for many reasons, and LWS HQ will not have to explain their reasoning to applicants should this happen.

Here's some examples of why your application may be  removed/denied :

If you are caught plagiarizing another applicant's app, or event links you will automatically be removed from the application process.

Overall behavior and suitability for the spawn, it's access and features. General attitude towards community will be an important factor.

L.W.S Former Members are not required to open an event topic.


Those who want to apply must:

Have been playing on the server for over a year or more.

We will focus on in-game activity for the last months.

Minimal reports the last 6 months.

Be mature and responsible enough to take on the role.

Have done a minimum of 30 to 80 events through the course of 2023 - 2024. <- We take this a lot into consideration.

Must join our LWS Discord server:  https://discord.gg/u6jNacw 

If you do not meet the basic requirements. Feel free to speak with LWS HQ via PM or via our Discord channel. All cases will be dealt with via merit on a case by case basis.

Application format:

In-game Name:
Account username:

Joined the server on (Date):
Events topic link: (In case you haven't posted your events on Discord):

Events you see yourself doing if you get to join L.W.S:
Let us know your current Gang/Groups memberships:
Explain what you understand by our motto, "Exclusivity, Quality and Fun":

Explain why you want to join L.W.S:
Are you a former L.W.S Trusted Member?:
State something briefly about yourself:


Failing the application format will get you instantly denied.

Have any questions regarding the recruitment? Feel free to open a ticket on L.W.S' discord.

Good luck!

Exclusivity, Quality and Fun!

President: @Hotfire

Vice President: Colobria

HQs: @brondy,@FoxZilla  

Regards, Colobria.

L.W.S Vice President.

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Posted (edited)

In-game Name: Aveyro.
Account username: sayebelpropyakhra123.

Age: 18.
Joined the server on (Date): In late 2018.
Events topic link: (In case you haven't posted your events on Discord): Not applicable.

Events you see yourself doing if you get to join L.W.S: Any type of event that requires excitement, teamwork, and deathmatch, these are the types that everyone likes the most, and I in particular, and which I have always hosted in the past. Instead of chicken events.
Let us know your current Gang/Groups memberships: S.W.A.T.
Explain what you understand by our motto, "Exclusivity, Quality and Fun": Exclusivity, Quality, and Fun means that we focus on creating unique, high-quality events that are enjoyable for everyone. "Exclusivity" highlights that our events are special and one-of-a-kind, while "Quality" signifies our commitment to ensuring that every event we host is top-notch, runs smoothly, and is well-organized. Ultimately, "Fun" is the primary goal, making sure all participants have a great time and enjoy the experience.

Explain why you want to join L.W.S: Reflecting on my time with L.W.S, I'm reminded of the immense enjoyment and fulfillment it brought me. Being a former member holds significant importance to me, as it was an experience that allowed me to fully immerse myself in the group's activities and community. The shared passion for organizing events made every moment memorable. I am eager to rekindle that and contribute once again to this vibrant atmosphere. Rejoining the group would allow me to relive those cherished moments and continue to be an active part of this community.

Are you a former L.W.S Trusted Member?: Yes, I am.
State something briefly about yourself: During my previous time with LWS, I enjoyed every moment of organizing and hosting events, and I’ve taken the time to reflect and improve since my removal. I am eager to demonstrate my growth and once again contribute positively to the group.

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In-game Name: Asgal
Account username: asgal44

Age: 24
Joined the server on (Date): Since 2011
Events topic link: (In case you haven't posted your events on Discord): I'm shared on Discord

Events you see yourself doing if you get to join L.W.S:
Let us know your current Gang/Groups memberships:

  • EISA - Vice Leader
  • San Andreas Studios - Leader
  • Cunning Stunts - HQ
  • ZIP - Member
  • SAI - Member
  • SAPD - PC
  • SAM - Member
  • GXT - Member
  • Brinks - Member

Explain what you understand by our motto, "Exclusivity, Quality and Fun": LWS privileges are the same for everyone on the server. It is the entertainment offered by the LWS group with its quality and unique events.

Explain why you want to join L.W.S: I want to be a member of this group because of LWS's aim to entertain players. Besides, I have always wanted to be a member of the server's highest quality and longest active group the LWS.
Are you a former L.W.S Trusted Member?: No.
State something briefly about yourself: I am Asgal. My real name is Mete. I've been playing in SAES since I was young. I have known the LWS group for many years and have always thought about joining. I'm excited to apply for the first time. I am currently a member/hq in many groups and I feel ready for LWS. I hope I will be successful.


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In-game Name: Winter
Account username: ilyass99

Age: 21
Joined the server on (Date): Can't recall the date exactly but it was on late 2019.
Events topic link: (In case you haven't posted your events on Discord): I do post on LWS Discord server.

Events you see yourself doing if you get to join L.W.S:  Frankly, I will not deviate from the regular events that every player enjoys. A prime example is Last Man Standing, which has been a long lasting event that could even be considered a pillar of our group's core, alongside other events such as Box, race, etc. However, this does not mean I will simply stop there. I am always looking forward to implementing new events and considering players' suggestions to bring them into play while of course preserving the uniqueness, exclusivity and quality.
Let us know your current Gang/Groups memberships: SWAT - DE - ALT - SAI - RSA - RaceTech - PC - Gov - CC - SAM
Explain what you understand by our motto, "Exclusivity, Quality and Fun": We don't just say 'Exclusivity, Quality, and Fun' -- we live it." This is what LWS Group is. It means that everything they do has these three things at heart. There are three main ideas which divide all experiences up to be unique, exclusivity seeks the unusual rather than the usual, commitment to quality ensures each event is distinct and well put together while the server also shares nothing but high end material in its bid for this. However, their true edge lies in a different area entirely, fun. This organization stands out most because of how much excitement there is throughout all members connected with them not only creating or hosting something but making connections between people through moments filled with joy, laughter and shared delight.

Explain why you want to join L.W.S: I have been around the server for quite some time and have been hosting events from time to time and I gotta say, I do admire the way the group works and would like to experience such thing, I am passionate about hosting events and would like to help the players host their own events and perhaps come up with ideas to host my own and bring the motto into reality. I would like to be a valuable asset to the group by providing my best qualities and providing to the players one very unique asset, availability.
Are you a former L.W.S Trusted Member?: No.
State something briefly about yourself: My name is Ilyass, a 21 Years old Moroccan student. Currently in my second year of studying electrical engineering at university, I have had a passion for playing and exploring games since my youth, cherishing the enjoyable moments each game brings.

Edited by Winter_Soldier
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In-game Name: Miltingary
Account username: mehmet1106

Age: 17
Joined the server on (Date): around 2015
Events topic link: (In case you haven't posted your events on Discord): on dc

Events you see yourself doing if you get to join L.W.S: Generally, most people prefer to create quick and easy events for the media archive. Yes, this could be my preference when necessary, but I usually don't want to do boring events because why would I do boring things in a game that I play to have fun? I usually don't like events that rely on luck or where the winner is chosen by others, such as Chicken Shooter or Lucky Nade. I don't see myself organizing these types of events. I see myself organizing events where experience prevails and people have fun, such as AvD, Tennis Nade, Football and more.

Let us know your current Gang/Groups memberships: HoodBoyZ/Brinks/ALT/SAI/SAFD/SAM/raceTECH
Explain what you understand by our motto, "Exclusivity, Quality and Fun": I think it means enabling players to spend their free time having fun and enjoying quality time while earning rewards.

Explain why you want to join L.W.S: My main reason for joining L.W.S is that it consists of high-quality members and is one of the most beneficial groups for the server. Additionally, this group will allow me to have fun while doing useful things for both myself and others.

Are you a former L.W.S Trusted Member?: No
State something briefly about yourself: I'm Mehmetcan. I live in Turkey. I started playing SAES at a very young age. I usually do whatever I do for fun.

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In-game Name: Stark
Account username: jt16

Age: 22
Joined the server on (Date):
Events topic link: (In case you haven't posted your events on Discord): Posted on Discord.

Events you see yourself doing if you get to join L.W.S: As LWS, our role is to host events that the community enjoys and the community usually enjoys the classic events e.g. Last Man Standing, Races, Car Shows, etc. Although the fact stated before I also see myself being creative and hosting some fun events e.g. Death Races , Diving Competitions, finding the objects around the SA map, and many more.
Let us know your current Gang/Group memberships: I'm currently HQ of the best criminal organization in SAES named Renegados, CLO - Recruta, Cuban Cars - Mecanico, and last but not least raceTECH - Profesional.
Explain what you understand by our motto, "Exclusivity, Quality and Fun": From my perspective what it means is that being part of LWS is a privilege that you own by working hard and once you get the chance to be part of it you own exclusive powers and features, quality over quantity, and last and the most important is to have fun and enjoy the gameplay but also make the community have some enjoyable moments.

Explain why you want to join L.W.S: I've been in SAES for a quite good time now and I never had the chance to be part of L.W.S before although I've been part of construction groups e.g. ZIP a couple of years ago and I loved the experience of building, which made me Interest also of joining in LWS ( Back then there was no construction code generator ) and make some good constructions for events. Now, at this stage, I see the opportunity to try again and utilize it to make some good activities to keep the community active.
Are you a former L.W.S Trusted Member?: No
State something briefly about yourself: Hey there, my name is Jorlyn I'm 22 years old I live in the USA I spend most of the time working to pay my bills (like hotfire) living the American Dream I guess, in my free time I like to play on my PC and hang out with my friends.

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n-game Name: AnKush
Account username: aminato77

Age: 16
Joined the server on (Date): 2020
Events topic link: (In case you haven't posted your events on Discord):
Maybe my discord's channel is a detail about that.

Events you see yourself doing if you get to join L.W.S: For events, I can post about popular ones such as Last Man Standing, Lucky Nade, Lucky Tube, some parkours, Chicken Shooter, True or False, and more. There's no need to mention many details.
Let us know your current Gang/Groups memberships: Here is a list of my current organizations & the ranks:

  • Rogue 21: Staff Sergeant
  • Cunning Stunts: Director Team (HQ)
  • Outbreak Organization: Soldier
  • The Motor Heads: Master Petrolhead
  • San Andreas Fire Department: Engineer
  • Racetech: Racer
  • San Andreas Transportation Services INC: Taxi driver
  • All Load Trucking: Mechanic
  • ZIP Construction: Architect
  • BRINKS: Instructor
  • Radio SA: DJ

Explain what you understand by our motto, "Exclusivity, Quality and Fun": LWS emphasizes the fun side of events, creating an enjoyable environment. Being part of the LWS community means participating in the best events and earning great rewards. Members can immerse themselves in exciting and memorable activities. This involvement ensures they experience the joy of events and exclusive prizes. LWS makes every occasion thrilling and rewarding.

Explain why you want to join L.W.S:  I've always harbored a deep passion for curating exceptional events that enrich the experiences of SAES individuals. Joining LWS represents an exciting opportunity for me to delve into new realms within their dynamic society. It's a chance to not only contribute creatively to the community but also to immerse myself in the collaborative spirit that defines LWS. I pride myself on being readily available to support any player or organization seeking to organize and host memorable events. My commitment lies in ensuring that each event is meticulously planned, seamlessly executed, and leaves a lasting positive impact on everyone involved.

Are you a former L.W.S Trusted Member?: im not

State something briefly about yourself: My name is Amin, but I go by AnKush in the gaming community. I started playing SAES back in 2020 and have been consistently active ever since. Balancing my dedication to studies with a passion for gaming, especially RPG servers, is a big part of my life. Beyond gaming, I also enjoy unwinding by watching football matches, which rounds out my interests nicely.

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In-game Name: lazar
Account username: kingfeuer

Age: 15
Joined the server on (Date): May 2021
Events topic link: (In case you haven't posted your events on Discord): On Discord

Events you see yourself doing if you get to join L.W.S: Well, being part of the building group ZIP allows me to have experience of the building panel, so I believe along with the original events, I am able to do new types using my experience. 
Let us know your current Gang/Groups memberships: SWAT, BRINKS, SAM, SAFD, SAI, ZIP, SS, LoungeVC and raceTECH. 
Explain what you understand by our motto, "Exclusivity, Quality and Fun": In my own interpretation, I can say this means that in LWS, events are not limited to a specific number, rather there can always be new types of events being made. By quality, it means that the events are not done with low care, rather they have a good standard which makes them playable and also enjoyable. By fun, It can mean that they provide entertainment to the community even if they lose the event.

Explain why you want to join L.W.S: I would like to join L.W.S as I believe with my building panel experience from ZIP as I mentioned before. I can make more types of events and also be a great member for the group. Taking part in previous recruitment (previous summer), I believe I have improved both my skills and my behaviour in the server. I would like to join because I want to host events as I find the job fun and entertaining and I do not have a history of abusing panels so I can be trusted.
Are you a former L.W.S Trusted Member?: No
State something briefly about yourself:
I am from Pakistan, playing SAES whenever I have some time and I mostly spent my time building something or being afk at LVX.


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Application Format

In-game Name: Flappy  
Account Username: Mamo123  

Joined the server on (Date): I've been playing since 2017  
Events Topic Link: (In case you haven't posted your events on Discord): I've posted my events on Discord  

Events you see yourself doing if you get to join L.W.S:
Upon joining L.W.S., I plan to host a variety of engaging events that cater to players' preferences. I intend to organize "Last Man Standing" for those who enjoy competitive shooting, and "Simon Says" to enhance participants' knowledge about the server. Additionally, I am enthusiastic about introducing innovative and creative events. Through these activities, I aim to enrich my experience and contribute positively to L.W.S.

Let us know your current Gang/Groups memberships: SWAT, SAI, PC, SAM, TMH  

Explain what you understand by our motto, "Exclusivity, Quality and Fun": 
The motto "Exclusivity, Quality, and Fun" signifies L.W.S.'s commitment to delivering unique, high-caliber events that provide an enjoyable experience for all participants. "Exclusivity'' highlights the distinct and special nature of our events, "Quality" underscores our dedication to maintaining high standards in event organization, and Fun ensures that the primary objective is to offer an entertaining and enjoyable environment for players.

Explain why you want to join L.W.S:  
I aspire to join L.W.S. because of my passion for creating and managing engaging events that enhance the community experience. I believe that being a part of L.W.S. will allow me to contribute my skills and ideas, helping to uphold the organization's esteemed reputation for delivering top-notch events.

Are you a former L.W.S Trusted Member?:No, I am not.

State something briefly about yourself:
My name is Jasser, and I am 21 years old. I am currently studying at university, where I am dedicated to my academic pursuits. Outside of my studies, I am passionate about gaming and enjoy creating engaging events that bring communities together. I am always eager to learn and bring a positive attitude to every challenge I undertake.

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In-game Name: Liyones
Account username: dhiamlaih

Age: 19
Joined the server on (Date): 2016
Events topic link: (In case you haven't posted your events on Discord): https://saesrpg.uk/forums/topic/29835-liyoness-lws-events

Events you see yourself doing if you get to join L.W.S: As a future L.W.S member i see myself able to host any kind of the usual events such as LMS,CS,Lucky nade & more, with my creativity in construction i also see myself hosting huge type of events such as Attackers vs Defenders event and also i will try my best to come up with new types to break the routine of the repetition and make the events more fun.
Let us know your current Gang/Groups memberships:

  • Yakuza: Handyman
  • ZIP: Worker
  • RadioSA: DJ
  • TMH: Probationary
  • SaS: Member & Graphic designer

Explain what you understand by our motto, "Exclusivity, Quality and Fun":

  • Exclusivity:  i understand that i should be unique and special and my events should be special as well and not something i can find anywhere, being part of this organization means being part of something unique, where each event is designed to offer something truly special and different from the ordinary.
  • Quality:  I understand that everything in the organization is well detailed, starts from planning to execution and every detail is considered to ensure the best possible event, as a conclusion in L.W.S Quality is over Quantity and the events should be and are well organized and enjoyable.
  • Fun: I understand that this why people choose to join L.W.S, fun is the core of why people join and stay in here, it's actually about creating joyful, engaging and entertaining events that leave lasting positive impressions, Fun is what makes people excited and keep them come back and wait for your next event.

Explain why you want to join L.W.S:  Since I joined the server, I've always been interested in joining an organization that organizes events, and I feel the time has come to give it a shot and try my luck, I want to join L.W.S because im eager to gain more experience on the server and help people by hosting events, these aren't just words because im a man of my words and whenever I commit to something i make sure it happens, im ready to spend an entire day hosting events for people and easing the pressure on other members, i also believe im well suited for this role because im confident in my ability to host enjoyable events, im passionate about creating and organizing, and I take great joy in building, when you do something you love you do it perfectly and im certain that my enthusiasm will translate into events that people will enjoy, additionally, I want to leave a positive mark on the server, when I eventually leave, I want to be remembered for the good things I’ve done, rather than leaving without a trace and joining L.W.S will allow me to contribute meaningfully and ensure that my time on the server is memorable and impactful.

Are you a former L.W.S Trusted Member?: No.
State something briefly about yourself: My name is Dhia, and im 19 years old, turning 20 this August, Im from Tunisia exactly in Sousse and im currently in my second year of IT studies in high school, Although I have faced some problems in the past which delayed my academic progress but now im back on track and doing well, im also an active member of the Tunisian Red Crescent organization where im certified as a first aider, this experience actually has taught me new skills and the importance of helping others, I also have a passion for graphic design, which I pursue as a hobby, and I enjoy playing video games in my free time.


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In-game Name: JiirakDaniel
Account username: aymenjo68

Age: 21
Joined the server on (Date): somewhere in December 2018
Events topic link: (In case you haven't posted your events on Discord): all my events are posted in discord

Events you see yourself doing if you get to join L.W.S: I love races, so race events is what im gonna be focused on mostly, along with the other event types, of course.
Let us know your current Gang/Groups memberships: 

- Santucci Mob


- All Load Trucking

- ZIP Planning & Construction

- raceTECH

Explain what you understand by our motto, "Exclusivity, Quality and Fun": from what i see, the motto contains 3 main words, which tells 3 facts about L.W.S! Exclusivity, meaning to be given certain special abilities which are only exclusive to L.W.S members to host and hold an event for other players on their own.
Quality, meaning to use those abilities to provide the best qualities and make player-friendly environment events.
Last but not least, Fun, meaning to make a good impression and keep the event fun and enjoyable despite all the hardships and stressful moments you go through as L.W.S member.

Explain why you want to join L.W.S: I just really enjoy building, helping people and organizing random events in general, so why not combine those and take them to a next level.
Are you a former L.W.S Trusted Member?: No
State something briefly about yourself: im known in-game by the name "Jiirak" or "JiirakDaniel" but my real name is Aymen, im a 21 years old male, born and raised in tunisia, i don't do much gaming but i spend most of my free time in SAES. 
outside the house, im studying / working in the civil engineering industry, specializing in planning and construction, and i enjoy swimming as a hobby, i also love playing chess against old people..

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In-game Name: Oscar
Account username: oscar1999

Age: 25
Joined the server on (Date): 2011 september (Don't have exact date)
Events topic link: (In case you haven't posted your events on Discord): Located on discord.

Events you see yourself doing if you get to join L.W.S: All of them. But to be more specific I'd like to do some dope TDM and LMS maps.
Let us know your current Gang/Groups memberships:

  • FBI  - Assistant Special Agent-In-Charge (sHQ)
  • ZIP - Supervisor (HQ)
  • ALT - Yard Manager (HQ)
  • SAM - Flight Paramedic
  • SS - Field Agent
  • PC - ProCop
  • Government - Department Leader (Urban Planning and Environment)

Explain what you understand by our motto, "Exclusivity, Quality and Fun": The ability to host events are limited to LWS alone with top quality work that lead to enjoyable gameplay for participants.

Explain why you want to join L.W.S: I have a deep understanding of the build panel and want do quality events with that knowledge. I would like to expand my building skills even more.
Are you a former L.W.S Trusted Member?: No
State something briefly about yourself: My name is Oscar and also happens to be my nickname. I am 25 years old and currently spend majority of my day wiping ass and playing with toys (With my 8 months old son). I am slowly heading back to work but not rushing anything at the moment. I am a huge Ice Hockey fan supporting local team. And gaming is also a big part of my life as well and has been for many years now. 

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In-game Name: TITO
Account Username: bary123
Age: 25
Joined the server on (Date): In late 2011

Events topic link: Discord.

Events you see yourself doing if you get to join L.W.S: 
For sure I can make all these fantastic events like LMS, PUBG, and Team death-matching and I can offer also new types that can upgrade the players' experience to the next level.

Let us know your current Gang/Group memberships: 


-ZIP Planning & Construction

Explain what you understand by our motto, "Exclusivity, Quality and Fun":
Certainly. The motto, "Exclusivity, Quality, and Fun," encapsulates our dedication to crafting exceptional events that prioritize distinctiveness, excellence, and enjoyment. 
"Exclusivity" underscores our emphasis on offering distinctive and unparalleled experiences, setting our events apart as unique and exclusive affairs. 
"Quality" underscores our unwavering commitment to delivering events of the highest caliber, characterized by meticulous planning, seamless execution, and impeccable standards. 
Finally, "Fun" represents our foremost objective: ensuring that all participants derive enjoyment and satisfaction from the event, fostering an atmosphere of delight and fulfillment throughout the experience.

Explain why you want to join L.W.S: 
I am enthusiastic about optimizing the SAES server experience for LWS members through the good types and high quality of designing events and sharing my experience with LWS members.

Are you a former L.W.S Trusted Member?: NO.

State something briefly about yourself: 

My real name is Abdelrahman Tarek, 25 years old, live in Egypt and graduated in computer science. I play the SAES server for fun to kill my free time. The first time played in the SAES server was in 2011 and I became a pro player in the SAES server in 2020. I love playing games and watching wrestling, football, and movies.

Edited by TITO
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In-game Name: ButcheR
Account username: gadar

Age: 22
Joined the server on (Date): Since 2019
Events topic link: (In case you haven't posted your events on Discord): I'm shared on Discord

Events you see yourself doing if you get to join L.W.S:Honestly, I find it challenging to picture or foresee myself making any specific type of event.as I thrive on inventing creative and imaginative experiences. My determination is unwavering in formulating novel events that captivate and charm participants.
Let us know your current Gang/Groups memberships:

  • Yz - Member
  • OB - Member
  • GXT - Member

Explain what you understand by our motto, "Exclusivity, Quality and Fun": Lighting World Sports embodies its motto, "Exclusivity, Quality, and Fun,". Through exclusivity, L.W.S distinguishes itself by offering unique service and limited access, creating a sense of prestige among its members and events. The commitment to quality ensures that every aspect of L.W.S, from hosting events to assisting fellow players, adheres to high standards, delivering excellence in all endeavors. Despite this dedication to excellence, L.W.S maintains a vital focus on fun, recognizing the importance of creating an enjoyable and engaging environment within the gaming community. Together, these principles form the foundation of L.W.S, where exclusivity, quality, and fun come together to shape a distinctive and outstanding gaming experience.

Explain why you want to join L.W.S: I want to share to all people my works, and i want to be friends with other members so we can hlep each other abt our game problems, and i want to learn alot from all workers here in lws.
Are you a former L.W.S Trusted Member?: No.
State something briefly about yourself: 
Hello I used to be called Sadok in real life , I'm 22 years old I'm an easy going person,funny and i respect everyone. I enjoy talking and being around with different types of people ,and I like to always challenge my self to improve my performances and skills , I grew up in Tunisia and still studying. My dream was always being a famous football player , in my free time,i practice many activities such as playing video games,playing football and swimming .I'm so friendly and I believe that I'm a very organized person, So I outline my tasks in time and the result is most of times positive.

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in-game Name: zodiac
Account username: klk12

Age:  19 (20 this 22nd of june)
Joined the server on (Date): 2013 with inactivity periods
Events topic link: (In case you haven't posted your events on Discord): i have them posted in discord

Events you see yourself doing if you get to join L.W.S: I envision organizing a variety of enganging events, including: Tic tac toe, parkours, death races, marathons, PUBG matches, and true or false quizzes. Additionally, i aim to introduce new and creative events that will captivate and entertain the community.

Let us know your current Gang/Groups memberships: Renegados HQ - OutBreak - HQ - rTech Veteran - CLO soldado - ALT member

Explain what you understand by our motto, "Exclusivity, Quality and Fun": Exclusivity means creating unique, original events that reflect my personal creativity. Quality involves ensuring that each event is well-organized, engaging, and meets high standards. Fun focuses on designing events that people will thoroughly enjoy and find worth spending their time on.

Explain why you want to join L.W.S: I used to be part of a non official group name ''Central Event Organization'' back in 2018 where i had to build the maps from zero for the events that i was about to host, i used to make them with the civilian spawn, and since then, i wanted to join LWS to create  new maps, events and have better organization within the events i host
Are you a former L.W.S Trusted Member?: No
State something briefly about yourself: Solrac and dinaz are my fans #1

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In-game Name: ThunderWing

Account Username: neel30

Age: 23

Joined the server on (Date): 2013 ( Inactive period from around 2015-2022/23)

Events topic link: (In case you haven't posted your events on Discord): Yes, I Have posted them on Discord

Events you see yourself doing if you get to join L.W.S: I would like to host several events including Last Man Standing ( Crowd Favorite ), Races ( With different vehicles such as RC-Tiger, Sandking, Unique type of vehicle sets ), Parachute Landing on a target or a moving vehicle, Lucky and Unlucky nades , Hide & Seek, Swimming races and marathon, kamikaze my aircraft/chopper, also would like to do the events which people already like its important to take in consideration what the host wants and build the idea around him. Additionally, I will keep hosting popular events and use player's feedback to make the events more enjoyable.

Let us know your current Gang/Groups memberships: FBI - Special Agent In Charge ( sHQ ), All-Load Trucking ( Brass ), Secret Service, BRINKS, Race-Tech, ProCops

Explain what you understand by our motto, "Exclusivity, Quality and Fun": "Exclusivity, Quality, and Fun" means organizing unique and enjoyable events. Exclusivity is about creating special events that attract players. Quality involves maintaining high standards to ensure events are well done and set on a top-quality stage. Fun is about engaging the community and continuously improving events to provide entertainment and fair competition.

Explain why you want to join L.W.S: I am eager to join LWS because I believe I can significantly contribute to the team by focusing on the quality of events rather than just the quantity. I aim to create events that align with the host's vision, ensuring their ideas are brought to life and are entertaining for the crowd. Additionally, I will maintain high standards for all events, ensuring participants always enjoy and engage in their game-play and lastly have a fair winner.

Are you a former L.W.S Trusted Member?: No I am not.

State something briefly about yourself: My name is Neel, I'm 23 years old and hail from India. In my younger days, cricket was my passion,currently I work part-time but in the evenings, you'd find me immersed in SAES. I enjoy a mix of first-person shooters like CounterSrike(CS: GO and CS2) and COD: MW, as well as sports games like FIFA 23, NBA 2K24, and Rocket League. I consider myself confident and outgoing, always eager to make new friends. In-game, you'll know me as "ThunderWing" or simply "TW". And just a fun note: Adding another Thunder to the team wouldn't hurt, right?

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In-game Name: qiezz
Account username: pete2011

Age: 21
Joined the server on (Date): 2011
Events topic link: (In case you haven't posted your events on Discord): I have the first topic on archive.saesrpg.uk and there but can't find. DISCORD now.

Events you see yourself doing if you get to join L.W.S: I have lots of ideas for new events. My favorites are red light green - from the squid game, or for example a 1x1 race, on the bridge, whoever falls into the water, you lose. I really want to do an event like PUBG, anything to do with moto jumping aka Parkour, including racing, parkour, catch up. I can say a lot of things, but it's better to show it in practice..
Let us know your current Gang/Groups memberships: The Secret Circle Company.
Explain what you understand by our motto, "Exclusivity, Quality and Fun": I don't have to follow everyone else, but have my own imagination and creativity in creating events. They should be unique and with an approach to what the players like. There should be no misunderstandings and no problems at the events. Players should have fun, they should enjoy these events, and when I do them with a lws member, that's what happens.
Uniqueness, quality and fun.

Explain why you want to join L.W.S: I've been trying to get into this group for quite some time, I've enjoyed doing events for a long time. I think I have about 120+ events under my belt, but I always have to go inactive because of the rockets.
I want to join in order to show really good events, communication and fun. Uniqueness, quality and fun.
Are you a former L.W.S Trusted Member?: NO
State something briefly about yourself: My name is Petro, i'm 21 years old, from Ukraine. Basically I'm working, always, every day. Day after day, I work out at the gym. When the War started in my country, I started to help military and civilians, I volunteer. I don't have time for other games, I like to play SAES in the evenings, but I don't always have enough time for that. I like to smoke weed and have a good time on SAES with my guys from Secret Circle and not only.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In-game Name:  YankaTa
Account username: iani582094

Age: 18
Joined the server on (Date): Don't know the exact date but it was around the end of 2016
Events topic link: (In case you haven't posted your events on Discord):  https://saesrpg.uk/forums/topic/31434-yankatas-lws-events/#comment-340084

Events you see yourself doing if you get to join L.W.S: I'm an open minded person who is always trying to be innovative and try something new & extaordinary so I'll try to avoid doing the usual events and make something else, more spicy 🙂
Let us know your current Gang/Groups memberships: I'm a Black~Bullets member, mapper for Lounge and an ex ZIP Architect
Explain what you understand by our motto, "Exclusivity, Quality and Fun":  Video games priority number 1 is to have fun and this is what LWS is trying to bring for the rest of the community. Don't be average, be the opposite - try out new things, be unique, try to make the game more enjoyable for the players, go beyond your limits and always give your best.

Explain why you want to join L.W.S: I basically explained most of it in the previous question's answer, but yeah. I really enjoy building stuff in SAES and I love to do good and make others feel good, makes me happy. 1 way to do that is by putting my buildings in use, host events and bring joy to the server.
Are you a former L.W.S Trusted Member?: I am not.
State something briefly about yourself: I am patient and a perfectionist, I'm always trying to give my best at literally anything I get myself into, doesn't matter how much time it would take.

Edited by YankaTa
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  • brondy locked this topic

We are pleased to inform you that the recruitment process has been completed. We appreciate the interest and effort of all applicants who participated. The results will be announced soon. Stay tuned for further updates. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Lightning World Sports

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