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Application Type: CS

Your ingame username: russel91198
Your ingame alias: [FBI]Russell
Your real name: Jerome
Your DOB: 07/07/98 00:00
Your gender: Male

Nationality: Maltese
Country of residence: Malta
Language skills: English - Maltese - Italian
English Proficiency: 9

How long you have been playing: Well over a decade - 2011.
Your strengths: Few of my most proven strengths would be leadership and communication - I always make sure everyone is heard and feel their opinion valued, which brings me to another aspect useful to leadership, empathy. Observing the SAES staff over a years made me realize, these strengths mentioned above were prominent on most if not all staff which in turn allows the player to be heard and led in a way which promotes a friendly atmosphere amongst the community. I'm an adept learner but most importantly I'm able to pass knowledge down on subjects which I'm competent in, in a way that any person could pick up.
Your weaknesses: I'm very harsh on myself when it comes to my standard of operation, meaning if I were to make a mistake you can bet I'll still be thinking about it the next day on how I could've performed better and met the proposed criteria of a certain task. Current ongoing issues in life can cause me to be inefficient in my judgement, when that happens I tend to distance myself from responsibilities until it's dealt with.

Member of the SAES discord server: No

Reason for application: I've seen the community grow and change throughout the years, I've been on MTA for most of my gaming experience as a player and now I'd like to provide the knowledge, skillset and attitude to the community and join the ranks of staff and be a helpful member of the community.

Unique qualities you can offer: My mapping quality is mediocre currently but given some time I could get back on the saddle. I had published and made most of the mappings I had available for a side project of mine. Mapping is probably the most common quality you could find in MTA however that's all I have to offer in terms of 'MTA skills' aside from unique personal qualities which lean more towards management.

Server Memberships: DE AU/SF Lieutenant - HLS General Agent - FBI ASAC (sHQ) - SAi Cadet - ALT Brass Manager of Fuel Division
Additional information: https://imgur.com/a/M548KTY

Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: Joined BR as AAPD - I had returned from inactivity and just wanted to play as cop, not knowing that was against the rules. I had a couple more throughout the years but nothing particular stands out except for that one.
Previous (legitimate) bans: 2012 - TempBan for logging on a day after failing DE recruitment and just said 'fuck all you guys' or some shit like that, long time ago. 2015 - Banned for being affiliated with an RPG server which had acquired SAES resources unbeknownst to me.

Edited by Russell
Updated server memberships
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