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[CS APPLICATION]: alexishellas

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Application Type: CS

Your ingame username: alexishellas
Your ingame alias: Alexis
Your real name: Alexis
Your DOB: 12/10/96 00:00
Your gender: Male

Nationality: Greek
Country of residence: I am from Greece
Language skills: I can speak English at a good level, German and Greek of course
English Proficiency: I would rate myself with 8/10

How long you have been playing: I joined at late 2011 with breaks between all those years.
Your strengths: First of all I am talkative, which leads to resolving any troubles with talking. You may have noticed that I have never been part of a fight nor being disliked by anyone for a specific reason. That is because I am a chill guy and mature enough. Of course like anyone else I troll for fun but never taking it on the next level, that is why there are barely people getting mad at me when I troll. When I realise I cross a line I am solving the issue by saying that I am sorry. I am good at organizing things and pretty good at explaining things. It is something I am doing with or without being part of the Community Staff team. When people ask questions I tend to answer them right away , I don't troll new players with immature jokes like /quit or something like that. I am answering them seriously so they know that there are people willing to help them getting comfortable within the server. Another big strength of me is that I am active at hours where help is needed, In general I am active but being active at the hours some extra hands might be needed is an advantage. I wont list any in-game strengths which I find pretty unnecessary for this application
Your weaknesses: As I stated in the question above, I might some times take trolling too far, but I resolve the issue the moment it happens. A big weakness of me is that I tend to get mad when unfair things happen,that is mostly an out of game weakness but it has happened in-game also, used to happen when I was younger to be honest I haven't caught myself being "jealous" pr "mad" for a while now. Another weakness of me is that I postpone things in my life which is something I am working on to get better, it mostly happens because I lose focus. Happened a lot in my university years but I was able to control myself. There are more weaknesses on me like there are on many people, but I think those are the important ones you should know.

Member of the SAES discord server: Yes

Reason for application: I believe I am a good fit to be part of the team mostly because of my strengths, also like most of the people I always wanted to achieve my "Ultimate Goal" in saes which was being part of the Admin team. I might wasn't successful in the past, but I believe I have brought myself into being someone that is a good fit. I am active, helpful and mature which for me should be the least a possible candidate should have.

Unique qualities you can offer: Well, being talkative and cheerful can sort some things on itself. Even in the case I am successful this time I don't want to become someone that is not likeable by the community , It is not at the same scale of course but people tend to get a bit of a high ego when they acquire a rank or a spawn other don't, in my case that hasn't happened when I joined the lines of Desert Eagles which is a goal for a big group of the people playing. I believe people feel safe talking to me about all sort of things either they are for MTA, or their personal life. Now don't get me wrong I am not saying that every person should be the the psychologist of the community, I just think that is a unique quality of me that not many posses.

Server Memberships: I am part of Desert Eagles/OutBreak Organization/Secret Service/Helvete/San Andreas Fire Department/San Andreas Interceptors/raceTech/All Load Trucking
Additional information: Well, other than that I was studying for some years in the past. Studied Materials science of engineering and after that Computer Science. I start my master in Cybersecurity in October hopefully. Outside gaming I enjoy drinking beers with friends or spend some time with my girlfriend. Not much of a hobby guy some basketball now and then but surely not a sports guy.

Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: I believe all my legitimate punishments were on 2020. One admin jail because of a mistake I did while defending a Bank robbery ( Defended on first door on a county bank, after the first door was cracked), it was a mistake I can't remember if it was because I didn't remember the rule of defending on first door or because I didn't notice the first was cracked. I didn't complain in either case it was fair and it was my bad. I believe that the same year I got a mute for a wrong chat by kain if i am not mistaken. After that I received some mutes for fun by some people, nothing serious
Previous (legitimate) bans: I haven't been banned.
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