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Selling my GT house


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@Hitman said in Selling my GT house:

You know what a scam is? ETF well that is this sale haha, but it does not matter if you continue with your business, I only indicate that it is a scam, because in a house like that my dog lives xDDD


The majority of people here posting auctions, placing bids etc on our server do not conform to what you would suggest to be a 'good deal' when buying or selling auctions.

The market value, or the income related to the property is irrelevant when deciding how much to offer to buy a property for, or to sell a property on the auction site.

In no way whatsoever, is it a 'scam' as you label it.

If, like many others here you have been playing on the server for multiple years you would know that houses/businesses carry a lot of value in their location. Ghost Town being one of them. Purely because its the main 1v1 area, always has been. Whilst yes, 130m which was the initial auction price was a little high and since lowered to 95m, there will always be someone out there who will want the property enough in order to warrant them placing an offer, or buying it.

Thats how its always worked, even before auctions were a thing on SAES.

Another example for you;

I owned a casino in LV, Flamingo Casino to be exact. I originally bought that casino for around 50m about two years ago. I recently sold it for 430m.
In those years prices have skyrocketed due to players sitting on a large amount of money in comparison to a few years ago. Added onto the fact its seen as somewhat of a status symbol, as to who has the biggest/best buildings/businesses.

Now, you don't like it whatsoever, which I can tell by your posts on the majority of topics in this forum.

If you are not posting to submit a bid to the seller I will kindly ask you to not post on auction topics at all.

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