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Closed Organisation  ·  46 members

The Company

The Company

The Company

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@the-company said in The Company
Ingame name: DonneL[BF]/Mr.Legend[BF]
Username: rayensolo123
Country of Residence and Nationality: Tunisien and i live in the capital
Spoken Languages: English , Frensh , Arabic , and little spaniol
Age: 16
Date of the beginning of your SAES career: I have 3 month
Previous organisations and the reason why you left or got kicked out:
~[NavM:]~(teal) Kicked because i dont help in Turf in someday And I regretted it
~[Lunas:]~(maroon,sienna) I go Lunas just for help it .
Has anyone in The Company convinced you to join us? If yes, who?: N/A I decided to come alone because ThC is Active gang and im good member and friendly .

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Ingame name: Ozz
Username: Ozz
Country of Residence and Nationality: I'm from Bulgaria and I live in Bulgaria.
Spoken Languages: Bulgarian, English, Russian (In process of studying)
Age: 19
Date of the beginning of your SAES career: The winter of 2014. I've had some breaks though.
Previous organisations and the reason why you left or got kicked out: None yet.
Has anyone in The Company convinced you to join us? If yes, who?: Yes, it was Dankata.

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Dear applicants,

@Vynee, you have shown great improvements since the last time you applied, You have finally made it. Congratulations. ~[Accepted]~(lime)

@Ozz. very good impression on members which led you directly to the test part which you also passed. ~[Accepted]~(lime)


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Yours sincerely,

Director of The Company

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Ingame name: Ryns
Username: Afffh
Country of Residence and Nationality: I'm from tunisia and I live in sousse.
Spoken Languages: English French arabic
Age: 16
Date of the beginning of your SAES career: 2017
Previous organisations and the reason why you left or got kicked out: None yet.
Has anyone in The Company convinced you to join us? If yes, who?: Yes, it was llightside

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Ingame name: waggers
Username: waggers
Country of Residence and Nationality: Northern Ireland, Irish
Spoken Languages: English
Age: 18
Date of the beginning of your SAES career: december 2018
Previous organisations and the reason why you left or got kicked out: i never joined any gangs. I played SAES quite a lot but just played with a gruop of friends and we created our own little gang. Those friends stopped playing so now I'm looking for a new group of people to play with.
Has anyone in The Company convinced you to join us? If yes, who?: [ThC]Light[Chaos] convinced me to join ThC after a brief conversation ingame and a tour of the base.

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  • In game name:Sohayb

  • Username: zouka04

  • Country of Residence and Nationality: Country : Algeria (OumbWagi ) Nationality Algerien.

  • Spoken Languages: English -Arabic And Frensh

  • Age: 17

  • Date of the beginning of your SAES career: 1 Year.

  • Previous organisations and the reason why you left or got kicked out

SAFP:i left because i want to join FBI with my friends.
FBI: i left Bcz i'm bored for copside and i decided to play as Crim better.

  • Has anyone in The Company convinced you to join us? If yes, who?: Yes @yamach20 told me.

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Ingame name: 203|Lacrim
Username: lacrim
Country of Residence and Nationality: Sousse,Tunisia
Spoken Languages: English Arabic And French
Age: 17
Date of the beginning of your SAES career: 6month ago.
Previous organisations and the reason why you left or got kicked out:
Los_Lunas: Leave i will expalin ingame
Has anyone in The Company convinced you to join us? If yes, who?: Yes, @LightSide @Cold

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Ingame name: plodi
Username: plodche
Country of Residence and Nationality: Im a Bulgarian and i live in Bulgaria.
Spoken Languages: Bulgarian and English
Age: 20
Date of the beginning of your SAES career: about a month ago
Previous organisations and the reason why you left or got kicked out: I was a part of Rampage Rednecks but i decided to leave because of the inactivity of the gang and the fact that the friends im playing with are a part of your organisation.
Has anyone in The Company convinced you to join us? If yes, who?: Yes, Ozz and Dankata.

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Hello Applicants,

@sohaybX, ~[PENDING]~(orange)
It's been a while you've been hanging around with us, you proved that you deserve another chance by the efforts you've been doing, you will be tested again. Prepare yourself for it and good luck.

@naderEA, ~[PENDING]~(orange)
A good potential, you successfully passed the voting phase and I think you're ready to move for the next step, prepare yourself for a test, best of luck.

@Lacrim & @plod, ~[UNDER REVIEW]~(gray)
Keep hanging silently until we take the right decision (weird private messages are associated).

@waggers, ~[UNDER REVIEW]~(gray)
Your situation was considered and appreciated, sorry for your loss, and our condolences. Take your time and we will keep our eyes on you, RIP nan.

@Afffh-0, ~[DENIED]~(red)
Life is so weird, I think you're already an SAFP. Next time you can take one minute to reject your application, lazy niq.

~[PS: Whoever got a pending can be tested by our official @Testers on our discord]~(red) (CLICK ME) ~[or you're able to contact any available High Council, Board of Director, and Coordinator in-game.]~(red)

Yours sincerely, Strong
Director of The Company

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@the-company said in The Company:

Ingame name:Apollo
Country of Residence and Nationality:Albania
Spoken Languages:English 9/10
Date of the beginning of your SAES career:2019
Previous organisations and the reason why you left or got kicked out:Ive been Cripz but i got kicked cuz i insuilted HQ after he told me something and i started insuilting him,anyway i was leaving them after CripZ turf. I was NavM and i left becouse i didnt feel myself comfortable
Has anyone in The Company convinced you to join us? If yes, who?:@DarkSideR

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Ingame name: RachelRAiNBOW
Username: rachelrainbow94
Country of Residence and Nationality: California, USA American
Spoken Languages: English
Age: 26
Date of the beginning of your SAES career: Recently sometime in November but I did play wayy back in 2010
Previous organizations and the reason why you left or got kicked out:s of recent no affiliation with any organizations. I was in some of the gangs back in 2010 but its kind of far back to remember
Has anyone in The Company convinced you to join us? If yes, who?: Noizi

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ingame name: Dark
Username: dark12336
Country of Residence and Nationality: Palestine, Palestinian
Spoken Languages: English,Arabic
Age: 16
Date of the beginning of your SAES career: 2 days
Previous organizations and the reason why you left or got kicked out: I havent joined any group yet
Has anyone in The Company convinced you to join us? If yes, who?: Killer,Viktor

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Ingame name: AlfredoLG
Username: AlfredoLG
Country of Residence and Nationality: Mexico, Mexican
Spoken Languages: English, Spanish
Age: 21
Date of the beginning of your SAES career: 15/01/2021
Previous organisations and the reason why you left or got kicked out: N/A
Has anyone in The Company convinced you to join us? If yes, who?: Yes, Blue.

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ingame name : Hammer
Username: Andomiiie
Country of Residence and Nationality: Algeria
Spoken Languages: English, Arabic,
Age: 18
Date of the beginning of your SAES career: 1 Year (554h)
Previous organisations and the reason why you left or got kicked out: Los Lunas : i left cuz i dont like this gang| NavM : i got kicked cuz i got adminjail ( i know rules now)
Has anyone in The Company convinced you to join us? If yes, who?: FreshCoffe and DarkSideR

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Ingame name : 203|Luc
Username: Pirlok
Country of Residence and Nationality: Canada
Spoken Languages: English, French
Date of the beginning of your SAES career: 2y ish
Previous organisations and the reason why you left or got kicked out: none
Has anyone in The Company convinced you to join us? If yes, who?: Lightside showed me how to access the forum application

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ingame name : 203|lamers)) .
Username: Arran17
Country of Residence and Nationality: Algeria .
Spoken Languages: English, Arabic,
Age: 18 .
Date of the beginning of your SAES career: 2 Year .
Previous organisations and the reason why you left or got kicked out:
F.B.I : i left cuz i dont like this Squad and cant playing as COP .
Has anyone in The Company convinced you to join us? If yes, who?: KARIM & Andomii .

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@Hammer-0, after numerous complaints from our members about you insulting not only random people but also one of our members, as well as you asking impatiently for your final result, we have decided that you will be denied for our organisation. In The Company we have respect for each other and someone like you does not fit in that. You should fix your attitude and it is better that you move on to a different organisation.

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Ingame name:Dracula
Country of Residence and Nationality:Turkey
Spoken Languages:Turkish and English
Date of the beginning of your SAES career:2017
Previous organisations and the reason why you left or got kicked out:Outfit:I left with an agreement
Has anyone in The Company convinced you to join us? If yes, who?:Yes, Griffin

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Game Name:203 | LoOopa
Country of residence and nationality: Algeria, Algeria
Spoken languages: English 6/10
Age: 21
Start date of your career in SAES: **2019
Previous organizations and reason for leaving or expelling you:
Cripz: I gave it up because it is an idle gang and its members insult me
Lunas: I gave it up because my rank was demoted to shQ
Has anyone in the company convinced you to join us? If yes, who ?: NA

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Result Time !

@AlfredoLG : Under review. Find any HQ ingame to solve several problems.

@Pirlok : We want to see more of you in the game. Show yourself more !

@Red-12 : Denied. Dont bother to apply again.

@Dracula : Denied. Dont bother to apply again.

@David-LoPa : Under Review. Our members have not made a full decision. Keep hanging !

Best Regards
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