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[HOW TO] Request Rewards & Create Spawns/Gates/Markers/Mappings/Shaders

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All requests related to organization/group rewards are to be reported on our bug tracker. Go to this link: http://bugs.saesrpg.uk/

In upper right corner, select your view as gang management issue:

Remember to add into the request:

The location of your base. I'm not talking about co-ordinates in this case, I'd rather have a picture of the base location attached to the report if it's possible. This step isn't necessary if your gang is well known or have kept the same base for a very long time.

When to change something?

Due to the amount of gangs asking to change bases, rewards, etc. right after getting their last base/etc, we have decided that from now on you can only ask for gang rewards changing once per level if you are level 4 and under, and once every 2 months if you are level 5.

Creating your spawn:

Take for example TT spawn.

<spawn id="Tuga Thugs" skin="108,109,195" x="2798.73" y="-2456.16" z="13.63" rot="90" weapons="1,1;24,250;27,150;28,450;31,400;34,100;46,1" 
description="A street fighter gang focussed on making tournaments and beatdown competitions with prizes." r="195" g="74" b="44" restricted="gang,TugaThugs" ganglevelrestriction="1" />

  • spawn id="" name of the spawn on the menu

  • skin="" skin IDs for the spawn.
    Refer to https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/All_Skins_Page and https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Special_Skins_Page for the IDs.
    These need to be separated by a comma (,).

  • x="" y="" z="" rot="" x, y, z coords and rotation of the spawn. Once again if not in the issue either go to the place on the server and type /getpos or ask for it in the issue.
    weapons="" The weapons IDs for the spawn.
    Refer to https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Weapons for the ID values.
    f.ex TT has brass knuckles,1;deagle,250;combatshotty,150;uzi,450;M4,400;sniper,100;parachute,1
    So it goes like id,ammo;id,ammo;id,ammo always separate id and ammo with a , and different guns with ;. If you're not sure how much ammo they can have, look up another group with the same level and add the same amount.
    I'll try to look up the old level ammo list and add it here if I find it.
    description="" description for the spawn which reads in the white box above the spawn menu when spawn is selected.

* r="" g="" b="" color for the spawn and the blip.
restricted="" Restricted to the gang(/gang/squad)
This needs to be typed EXACTLY like on the gang panel. f.e [AA], S.W.A.T. (note it has a dot in the end aswell) TugaThugs
If they're over level 4 they can use the new part which is
ganglevelrestriction="" here you can enter 0-5 and only the people with or above the level can spawn as it. e.g for probationary spawn make the other one with 1 and the other with 0

You can test a single spawn string at: https://mta.x11.tech/spawn/


  • Modded skins which may not be used: 2, 10, 13, 20, 36, 37, 38, 62, 72, 94, 95, 152, 154, 192, 204, 211, 212, 213, 217, 239, 241, 242, 258, 270, 287, 292, 307, 310, 311

Creating custom skin shader:

With the introduction of skin shaders to the server for organisations some of you might be wondering how to make the proper image file for the skin shaders. Here's a tutorial on how to.

  • Step 1 (programs) :

You are going to need a couple programs in order to create this. The first being TXD workshop, which can be downloaded here.

Besides that, you will also need a program to edit an image, Like photoshop, or even paint.

  • Step 2 (finding your skin) :

In order to modify the skin's texture, you are going to need the original texture first. If you know the numeric skin ID, it makes this a lot easier, if not you are just going to have to look through the list. The list of skins and their names can be found here. What you need from that list is the "model" Once you have located the model name you can continue to the next step

  • Step 3 (exporting your skin) :

Boot up TXD workshop which you downloaded in the first step, and on the left top there should be a button "open IMG", click this.


Now browse to your gta3.img file, which can be located in your rockstar games/models folder. In my case the location of this file is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\models\gta3.img

Once you have opened it should look like this:


In the search bar type the skin model name you found in step 2, and add .txd to it. For example if my skin would be skin ID 29, the skin model name is wmydrug so in the searchbar I type wmydrug.txd. It should locate the file, and you click it. Then the window should look somewhat like this:


It is important you note the texture name, which can be found here:


Just note this down somewhere, as it will be important later on. Now click the export button, and select the PNG option.


Click this button, and save the file anywhere you can find it yourself. You can now close txd workshop and no longer need it.

  • Step 4 (modifying your image) :

Open the file you exported from txd workshop with your image modification program of preference, you now have to do your editing magic, and make it look fancy. you should be able to figure out what the proper parts of the image correspond to on the player's body. Sadly due to the current bug in MTA with skin mods there is no good way to preview it now. (There are other programs for it, but I don't know them)

When you are satisfied with your image you are Done. You will request it on the bug tracker GM section. The GM team will need the following details of you:

  1. the file itself, upload it to any file sharing website and send them a link.

  2. the texture name you noted down in step 3

  3. the EXACT name of your gang's spawn. this is case sensitive

  4. the model ID of the skin

Your shader can be denied by the GM if they think your skin doesn't suit your roleplay, if the file is too large, etc.

Creating spray tag:

As with the new tagging update, of which general info can be found here, gangs will have to request their tag to be uploaded to the server.

The spawn classes are the names of your spawn exactly as they are listed in the scoreboard (tab) this IS case sensitive.
The image preview would be the image posted in the tracker issue
the image download would be a link to a download for your image, the image has to be 256x256 in size. in .dds format.


Once you are done with mapping your base in MTA map editor, use Ikzelf's or NanoBob's converter to convert mapping to LUA:

Mapping shaders:

Mapping shaders can be created with this tool. Once created press the "Generate lua (loop)" button and then include this & the used images in your tracker request.

Your combined images can be 1024x1024.
For more limitations be sure to checkout this topic: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/5633/shader-size-limits

Furthermore any image dimension has to be able to be divided by 4. Valid values are: 32,64,128,256,512, etc


  • Runways are only allowed for organizations with a role that fits them.

  • Bases should reflect a gangs role play

  • Invisible walls are not allowed and should be avoided.

Creating gates:

Take for example TT main gate

<!-- TT Gate -->

<trigger x="2774.1999511719" y="-2455.8999023438" z="12.800000190735" height="4.0" radius="8" movetime="2000" allowed="class,Tuga Thugs Probationary,Admin,Tuga Thugs">
<gate object="3037" shader = "gateShader.dds" pos=" 2774.1999511719,-2455.8999023438,14.800000190735,0,0,0" start=" 2774.1999511719,-2455.8999023438,14.800000190735,0,0,0" finish=" 2774.1999511719,-2455.8999023438,19.800000190735,0,0,0" />

<!-- End of TT Gate -->

This exists of 2 different xml nodes
The first one is a <trigger> the trigger defines the area which you have to be in for the gate to open.
This XML node starts with <trigger> and ends at </trigger
on the <trigger> part it has a couple arguments which define the area.
These are the arguments:

  • x = "", y = "", z = "": These specify the coordinates of the center bottom of the area which you have to be in for the gate to open.
    height: This is the height in meters for which you want the detection to be

  • radius="": This is the radius of the spherical shape that you have to be in centered on the x,y,z coordinates.

  • movetime="1000": This is the time in milliseconds

  • allowed: This specifies the classes which are allowed to use the gate.

If the gate is inside an interior, add interior="" dimension="" aswell.

place all gates that you want to be opened by this. A trigger supports multiple objects to be moved at the same time

A gate XML node is started with a <gate and ends at the />
The gate also has a couple arguments which are the folowing:

  • object: This is the model id of the object which you can find in the map editor by double clicking the object.

  • shader: This is the name of a shader. shader = "fileName"

  • pos: This is the original position of the gate you want it to be in in closed position.
    The format for any position is like this:
    pos=<x>,<y>,<z>,<rotation x>,<rotation y>,<rotation z>

  • stop: the stop position x,y and z should be the position you want your gate object to be at in the open position. The rotation is the rotation you want the gate to CHANGE from the starting position. If your gate only moves up and down (or left and right, etc) this can be left as 0,0,0. However if you want it to rotate (for example by 90 degrees horizontally) it would be 0,0,90

  • finish: The start position x,y and z should be the same as the regular pos, however the rotation has to be the rotation you want the door to CHANGE with when the door is closing. Like with the stop position if your gate does not need a rotation, these are 0,0,0. If your gate would be like a door opening at a 90 degree angle, you would want to have 0,0,-90 here.

Creating warp markers:

<interior restriction="team,SA News Agency" name="SANAstaffEntrance">
<entry pos="744.45062255859,-1358.7075195313,13.5" rotation="90" int="0" dim="0" />
<exit pos="694.13665771484,-1468.8438720703,102.9086227417" rotation="90" int="0" dim="352" />

First line
the start, <interior ALWAYS HAS TO BE THERE.
After that if the marker needs to be restricted, add the restriction="" part. Once again, same as the gates, same arguments go here, if the marker doesn't need to be restricted, you can keep that part off
Whether you added restriction or not, next part is name="" inside the brackets you just enter a name for the marker, f.ex MMCint then close the line with >
Next line
<entry pos="" is the coordinates in the game where the entrance to the interior will be. Once again, if not in the issue listed, ask for it
rotation="" is the rotation of your character when you leave/exit. On the entry part it is your rotation when you exit and on the exit part it's the entry. This can be put to anything between 0 and 360, doesn't really matter that much. Remember that

45North East
135South East
225South West
315North West

int="" and dim="" is the interior and dimension of the marker itself. Once again you can find it on the mapping file. If this is an entrance to an interior, keep both at 0. If it's a marker inside and interior to exit or to another part of the interior, enter the dimension and interior of the interior mappings
3rd line
Same as for above, except interior and dimension has to be the same as the interiors one. If this is f.ex from the street level to the roof, no need to change the interior and dimension.
Last line
</interior> always needs to be there to close the tag

Creating base peds:

You may use the following example:

{model = 246, x = 402.79, y = -1871.59, z = 8.30, rot = 180, animBlock = "STRIP", animName = "STR_Loop_A", dim = 0, int = 0, weapon = 24, class = "CripZ"},

Where model represents the skin ID of the ped. Use X,Y,Z to determine the coordinates of the ped and rot for its rotation(Z). Dim and int will be dimension and interior respectively. MTA animations come in "blocks", you will have to add it in "animBlock" and the name of the animation you desire inside that block in "animName".

If you want the ped to hold a weapon, use "weapon=" and its ID, otherwise you may remove it from the example.

If you want the ped to be applied your gang shader also add "class=" and the spawn/class name of your gang, otherwise you may remove it from the example.

Requesting a vehicle wrap

You may use the following topic as a guide:
Use the following link to request "GM wrap":

Rules for gang vehicle wraps:

  • Must be related to gang/squad role

  • Must be "realistic" and simple (no excesive unnecesary drawing)

  • Gang logos will only be allowed if they represent a legal brand, a motorcycle club or any legal association ingame.

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