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Dogs in Police Ranger (again)


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So, it's been basically 11 months since I've suggested this and I don't know how many months since it got tagged as [TO BE SCRIPTED], but it hasn't been implemented yet.

Dog's can't drive cars or enter any other car than a Enforcer
My guess is the dev team probably forgot, so just I wanted to bring this up again.

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with the patch in March allowing canines to sit in rear space of any 4door vehicle, do you still find this needed? @Matheus
if yes, thank me later for the bump ;)

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@Tut-Greco There is a bug, I spawned as police dog and tried each vehicle in the PD garage with my partner. However every freaking vehicle ejects the dog out.

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@Tut-Greco well, when I posted this I thought canine being able to enter the Police Ranger would give this vehicle a little more of a purpose, since no one uses it. And frankly, now that canine can enter every 4-door police vehicle, I don't think this would be necessary as it would still not be used as much. Maybe boost the Ranger a bit? Or give it some other unique script? I don't really know, but I might try to come with some new idea for it...

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