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ALT RP with TST.
Participants: @NORI999 and Flex.
Story: While i was in my office, watching soccer, i received a phone call from a TST officer, asking for ALT mechanic service. I rode my Towtruck and hit the road all the way to TST base, where i found him waiting for me at the main gate. He directly showed me the damaged vehicle, where i took a look around and found some missing Metal Scrap. Luckily, i brought some with me, where i put them in my toolbox. I picked up some of the kits i need and started installing the Metal Scrap. After a couple of minutes, i asked the officer to turn on the engine once again to make sure everything is fine. And as i predicted, it was all okay! The officer appreciated my work and he also told me that TST will use ALT services from now on!
Album: https://imgur.com/a/RpOXqpv

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~[E]~(yellow)vent: Slippery Race
~[L]~(yellow)WS/G6: [STF]Ramos
~[W]~(yellow)inner: ToB|Rubik
~[P]~(yellow)rize: 1.000.000$
~[A]~(yellow)lbum: https://imgur.com/a/YEpOzCh
Description: This is a race event with a twist, the hoster pops the tires of the cars and the players will have to race with them like that.

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