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Participants: @BurakO
Date: 06/05/2021.
History: One normal Sunday my boss called me to give me some tasks to do. But today was not a normal day, since today I had to do some special tasks, at first glance they seem normal tasks, but they had to be done with very important people from SA. The first task was to refill LS Gas. After filling LS Gas, I went to take some vehicles to the reporters company. After taking the vehicles to the company, I went back to the ALT office and finished my work day.


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Participants: @BurakO
Date: 06/05/2021
History: My day started like everyone else, until I was called by the vL of an organization in which they traffic humans, drugs, and others things... this same one is known as Navy Malistrip. Burako called me to ask me for a favor that I owed him once I needed help from them. Basically what he had to do was transport kilos of drugs from the NavM base to their warehouse where they keep their drugs. In this job I was going to earn a lot of money. The first thing I did was put the drugs in cookie boxes, in case the cops stop me they don't suspect me. When I arrived at the NavM warehouse I helped a member to store the drugs, after placing the drugs the member paid me the money from work and I left.


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Type Of Activity: Delivering oil tanks to ALT base.
Date 20/05/2021
Participants: @Brother

My boss in the trucking division called and said there was an emergency as they were lacking oil at the OIL Refinery in the ALT Base. Since I had a nearby delivery in Las Venturas, I was able to contact a friend of mine who could sell me an available oil tank just so I could deliver it immediately. Long story short, I was able to deliver the oil tank time, although I also had to plug in the hose into the main oil deposit, just so it was available for everyone who needed it. As my last task, my boss told me to check every single gas truck engine just to make sure everything was fine, and fortunately, it was. After all that, I went home and cracked open a cold one to relax for the rest of my day...

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Participants: @LuisHDz
Date: 12/05/2021.
History: I received a call during the night while having my late night shift, which was a call for help since a man had his car damaged for the excessive ammount of dust in his SUV engine. Long story short, I managed to get through the lack of tools, I only had a wrench, a few cleaning tools and an alligator clip to check if his car's battery had died. Luckily, everything was great and the client was able to turn his car on and left the scene.

Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/0x45diI

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Participants: @Brother
Date: 20/05/2021.
History: My boss called me because there was a gas shortage at the base, so I immediately contacted one of the providers at LV. I received a call to pick up the gas tank and went immediately to the destination just so I could leave fast and finish my boss's task. Long story short, I was able to pick the gas tank, I drove all the way to ALT base, I had to plug in the gas hose from the gas tank to the oil deposit and fill it all the way. After I was done with that part, my boss also told me to check all the gas trucks engines, just to make sure everything was fine, and fortunately, it was. After I had completed my duty, I went home and decided to crack open some cold ones to relax the rest of the night watching a football game.



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