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All Load Trucking

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ALT Mechanic RP w/ ~[RaceTECH]~(green,black)
Participants: @Rubik And I
Story: I was about to leave base and head home when I got a call. There was a guy on the phone saying his truck won't start and he needed some help. He was on the highway coming from San Fierro when his truck just killed on him. He seemed to be having some trouble with his truck so i went grabbed my tools and went out to help. I asked him what seemed to be going on with it and he didn't know where to start other then the ignition wouldn't work and the motor refused to start. This seemed to be a good looking truck so I was a little confused at why it seemed to have these problems so early on. After inspection I came to realize that the truck wasn't being treated properly. The fluids were low to none he claimed to have had the dam truck for 7+ months and has never done an oil change etc.. Although all those issues needed fixing it seemed all he needed was a boost off. The battery was completely dead and how he got it started in the first place was a mystery. Luckily I had some jumper cables handy on my tow truck so I connected those and gave the truck some juice. Wouldn't restart initially so I gave it some time on the charge and sure enough it cranked. Before taking off I also made sure to put some oil and coolant in the truck and gave him the bill for services. Told him to treat the truck better and give me a call if he has more problems.
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/5WVbide

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ALT Trucker RP With [SAM*]John
Participants : [SAM*]John

Story : its was afternoon, i was just eating my lunch and got a call from the Jefferson Hospital's medic, he told me that he need me to deliver as soon as possible a 12 crates of medical equipment from the port to jefferson motel hospital, i finished my lunch, load the trailer, and drove to Jefferson motel.

Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/TfQlG8p

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^[ Roleplay: ALT Air delivery]

It was early afternoon. I had some work to do, filling some formats and adjusting my schedule. Usually I'm the kind of guy that enjoy working at night, the quiet environment is one of the things I enjoy the most, but it doesn't mean I can't work with the day light.
I was typing in the computer, making sure I was doing my work the best I could, sorting some delivery requests I already take care of, filling the formats and of course, giving the details of them.




After a while I got a phone call. It was an old customer, the rich guy which I once attended with Reginalds help. He told me he was pleased with my services that last night, and he was willing to keep requesting them, from me or Reginald particularly. It wasn't really a surprise hearing those words coming from a customer mouth. I love what I do, and hence I do my best. That customer is a really important businessman so he of course needed someone he could trust with his deliveries.
Anyhow, he told what I needed to do, it was once again an Air Delivery, but first, I had to search for the principal cargo, which were some steel cords located in the Red Country Farm. After getting those steel cords I needed to deliver them to the Bone Country Airport. It was an easy cake request, I'm used to challenges, and this one wasn't one.




I went for my truck in order to get those steel cords with me. I don't like to ask about the business on hands, I only care for the cargo I'm delivering and whether it is legal or not. Further than that it is none of my business, so I had no idea what that rich businessman was planning with those steel cords.
Last time he made the service request he was shipping some motorbikes, so I thought he was associated with the automotive undustry, but now, with these steel cords I think his business might go further than just focusing in one industry. Maybe he's also in charge of a construction firm.
Shortly I got the steel cords, I got them to our runway and packed them all in one of our planes.




I took off the runway and went straight to the Bone Country Airport. It wasn't precisely a long trip, but I wanted to do the deliver as fast as possible, after all, ALT is known for the quality and speed of the deliveries, and of course if you hire a plane it is because you need things to go fast.
All I can say about the delivery is that it wasn't no problem for me, the flight was calm, the weather was clean and really sunny. I landed in the Bone Country Airport, got inside one of the hangars and took the cargo down in there.
After getting everything ready I made a last call to the businessman. He told me to leave the cargo right where it was, just like he told me to do the last time. By this point I'm a bit curious about how my client looks like and how much money does he has.
Whatever, all I can say right now, is that the job was done.




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All Load Trucking - Roleplay / Mech Patrol

Participants: Darknight & Myself
I started my night shift out at base when I begin to get calls from customers. It was a pretty busy day and I was receiving most calls from LS/LV So I got my tow truck and went to work.

Firstly I got a call a for a tow job. Car needed to be moved from where it broke down at to the customer's garage to I quickly went on location and meet the customer. Then towed the car to a garage on the back end of LV.

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Then the mechanical orders started flowing. One guy needed a new battery on the spot and I changed a couple gauges. The battery was damaged by a previous accident and was jammed in place. I have to take a drill and remove the metal bar that was covering it. Took some time

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Next up I changed and rotated some tires in a nearby location. The customer had a spare in the truck to a added it on and rotated the back 2 tires per customer request.

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Along with some roadside assistance helping a guy with a faulty starter and finally a case I couldn't finish on the road. The guy had a bad accident and I had to stop the mech patrol and get that car to a shop A.S.A.P

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To be continued..

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Activity type : Refueling gas stations
Date : 25.11
Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/XgszPG2

Activity type : Refueling gas stations
Date : 26.11
Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/StQENyK

Activity type : Refueling gas stations
Date : 26.11
Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/kErdKGk

Activity type : Refueling gas stations
Date : 27.11
Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/LDiib1U

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Activity type : Refueling gas stations
Date : 29.11
Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/66HqocX

Activity type : Refueling gas stations
Date : 30.11
Screenshots :https://imgur.com/a/oyum15H

Activity type : Refueling gas stations
Date : 01.12
Screenshots :https://imgur.com/a/Bar9uDE

Activity type : Refueling gas stations
Date : 02.12
Screenshots :https://imgur.com/a/U6fSnTO

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