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[HANDLING] Watch the road! P.I.T maneuver Suggestion


Posted (edited)

Greetings SAES comunnity and players who are intrested and are willing to waste their time to read this suggestion. First we will start with what is P.I.T maneuver and for what is it used. So:

-The P.I.T maneuver (precision immobilization technique) or TVI (tactical vehicle intervention) is a pursuit tactic by which a pursuing car can force a fleeing car to turn sideways abruptly, causing the driver to lose control and stop.
The technique is used by law enforcement officers to bring car chases to a conclusion.

When I'm playing  SAES most of the time I play spawned as police officer, nowdays because of lack of police activity I find myself to patrol alone. When I stubmle across criminal activity (it plays out in car persuit) as there are more criminals all the time than police officers (they can shoot me out of their car if they are alone with colt or if more they can easely destroy my car)
Lets talk now about the problem I have every single time I'm alone on patrol as police officer.
Why, but why is P.I.T maneuver so bugged? So you literally can't do P.I.T maneuver because all cars in SAES are bugged out. They have high speed and when you approach the targeting car if you are trying to do P.I.T maneuver you fail hopelessly as its bugged. My suggestion is to reform it by any way the car gravity system. The car buggs are here present on server since the day I first started playing SAES, which was way back in 2013. You have a fast car that handles like paper plane. Why is Gta San Andreas singleplayer car handeling better than of SAES?
So not only I would like to state that we need P.I.T maneuver but also to reform car handeling gravety as is utterly stupid.  So we need solution for cops patroling alone (as they can do nothing when alone in car persuit) fixing the P.I.T maneuver (car gravity and speed) or adding stingers in police cars and adding server rule that usage of police stingers is allowed only in case if police officer dosent have a partner plus only official squads and pro cops would use them if needed.
P.S. As Brophy said I know that SAES isn't „ business model“ and that SAES clan dosen't pay developers to do scripts on daily basis, but in the future time it will be good if there can be some results and you can fix it.

Best Regards,


Edited by Frizi
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11 answers to this question

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There's one issue that makes PIT maneuver unreliable even with reworked handlings : player synch, and this server isn't alone in having to deal with this issue.

A few years ago we increased Crown Vic's weight in line with that of a larger van to more easily allow PIT manuevers, but for balancing reasons we didn't apply it to the rest of the police vehicles.

I think this is a bit of a trivial issue as usually you would play with squads so I don't know if anything really needs changing here, but an easier solution (not saying it's balanced) would be allowing cops to use small firearms from driver's side

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Posted (edited)

@Tut Allowing cops to use small firearms from driver's side would also be a good thing to do .Make it balanced so its not too op for the crim side.Maybe some colt or tec-9.


Edited by Frizi
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9 hours ago, Tut said:

but an easier solution (not saying it's balanced) would be allowing cops to use small firearms from driver's side

Sounds great. I would also suggest limiting passenger weapons to pistols and SMGs only for everyone (yes, criminals and cops), because car pursuits end in a matter of seconds with an assault rifle spray from miles away.

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Cops use a pistol as tazer so I don't know if that can become an issue compared to the colt which can fire more rounds a minute. 

As for the PIT itself, considering most people have high ping I would suggest desync ramming, there are video's of how to do it in different games like arma. But it also works in MTA. Otherwise you could also join groups like SAI which have stingers on their cars. Making solo patrols easier.

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I don't know on why people cannot become sai, please enlighten me as they have a public recruitment program.

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Posted (edited)


@WeppoDear Weepo, I'll try to explain it to you in paragraphs, so that later it won't be "I didn't know".
- When the cup is broken in half, you don't drink from it anymore, you throw it in the trash, this also applies to this system that I explained above the system is broken and it needs a fresh change as it was never dealt with it. Would be good if this thing is corrected in future because it's frustrating for me and other players who face this problem.
-This problem doesn’t only apply to police officers but criminals too, criminals have the same tendency of doing P.I.T maneuvers in their favor. 
-To justify the fact that both sides (law/criminal) have the same rights, values and usability from some progress, which was made for the general good of the server.
-As officers, criminals also hate being “sprayed” with M4 in a car drive-by.
- You see gentleman Tut is open to conversation, discussion, consultation, evidence and is ready to submit a complete, realistically effective conclusion, you on the other side like some imposter, you are not ready for anything nor do you have understanding, because patrolling and to be AFK all the time like you isn’t the same. You are just sweeping the dust under the carpet.
-That thing “I don't know on why people cannot become sai, please enlighten me as they have a public recruitment program.” Not everyone can become SAI and not everyone is interested in becoming a SAI.
- Again to mention what was written above, you gave me a reason and not a fact to fix something broken.

 @TutAnswering to Tut

I’m working on solution and looking for hard evidence that I could ultimately justify my foundation of this suggestion.

Best Regards


Edited by Frizi
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"you throw it in the trash, this also applies to this system that I explained above the system is broken and it needs a fresh change as it was never dealt with it."

There is no PIT system and the current way of how this game works does not support a PIT the way YOU would like it to happen. The game simply isn't made to have it. Let alone player sync from MTA not being able to handle it even if you tried to script it. Even if it WAS possible this would take the recourses away from the scripters who have enough on their plate already. 

As all the other crap you put out is just that, crap. I'll move to your second point. 
SAES won't change to SMGs from cars only, ofcourse you don't believe that! So if you want that to happen then make a POLL to get players to vote. You'll see the results coming 😉 + they won't change something so substantial without playerbase support.


you on the other side like some imposter, you are not ready for anything nor do you have understanding, because patrolling and to be AFK all the time like you isn’t the same. You are just sweeping the dust under the carpet.

If you wanna go down the road of roasting me for anything cop related, at least get more then 10k arrest rather then sub 300. (263 as of writing this) Get some experience in the server by playing as a cop rather then just bribing. 


Not everyone can become SAI

You can, even crims can. Unless you simply don't have any reputation or experience on the server they might reject you based on you having to gain experience first. Or you are just too toxic for them to even be bothered with you personally. 

kind regards,

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