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Closed Organisation  ·  46 members

The Company

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Event Number: #917
Event type: Chicken Kicker
LWS: Epic
Prize: 1.000.000$
Winner: Colobria
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/WO0FTMp
Event Number: #918
LWS: Epic
Prize: 500.000$
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/SLmZvut


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Assisting AA to Bank Robbery - Responding to Store Robberies.

Along the night The Company met with some crimininals and gangs members, responding to criminal activities and conspiring against the law. @Arms-Assassins organized a Bank Roberry, ThC came over to their base and were involved in this heist .

Bank Robbery:
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Store Robberies:
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~[Roleplay#: 386]~(silver,gray)
~[Participants:]~(gray,gray,gray) @Emergency-Task-Force (@SOHYEB)and @Tony-Montana
~[Story]~(silver,silver,gray,gray):**This evening I was sitting enjoying a little drink at the headquarters and suddenly an unknown number called me and I was saying that he was one of the drug dealers and one of the biggest criminals. In fact, I did not answer because one of my friends the police arrested him like this so we decided to meet in one of the major And we are talking about this thing. I took my car and headed to it. I bought two bottles of the drink we drank and spoke to us. I decided his test for drugs, but in reality he did not know much about it. In one of the question, which is how to choose the good quality of drugs, he said, I dont know. You want it he wants 500 kilograms, this is a very big weight, and no one has even bought it before even the big gangs. I told him there is no problem. I went home and there I thought well and dissolved the code which he wanted to end our gang of drugs and grab us 1 after the other. I thought about the solution, which is to go Without the goods, but it was surprising that he did not come to the place where we and I decided to meet, and he was a policeman from the fight against drugs and that man was not with him and there I thanked myself that I did not take that much of the drugs my car was searched but the policeman found nothing and there got angry and decided that I take revenge on him, and I plan to take another car out of my car and head to me And it killed him took the amount of arms and went to him and found him either his home Atelguet him to where he died this penalty betrayers As for the FBI did not leave anything shows that I killed him and I learned from that act intelligently makes you live in safety.


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Roleplay#: 387
Gangs Participating: @Arms-Assassins @Generation-X @Los-Inkas @Clandestine-Mob @The-Company

Roleplay Story:

  • The set up

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Tonight there was an union among various the most scandalous gangs througout San Andreas. We arranged this meeting at @Arms-Assassins home. The principal target of this meeting was creating a plan to get out of jail some high reputationed and respected gangster.

Everyone attended this meeting according to break in jail early morning before the sunrise. Mr.Asexyno had the plan for this feat. First of all, he gathered with 3 gang members in AA base, then he explained them the plan. The plan was the next: Drive to Los Santos and keep hanging around the jail around 4 AM o'clock, hence they were being intercepting by Police Patrol that on shift guarding the
surroundings of jail. After Mr.Asexyno explained it, they were lead by Mr.Gonzalo, he led them towards arms storage of Arms Assasin. Mr.Gonzalo had a small talk the condition and agreements for using AA weapons, then I agreeded him. Mr.Gonzalo and Chaflo took the armament and brough it till the Huntley so we drove through the highway to Los Santos Prison.

Arriving at Los Santos Mr.Asexyno had everything setted up. To start with, Mr.Asexyno called 3 new gangster fellas Pood and Noizi (and another one with a very poor reputation). They positioned on an alley close to Prision. On the another hand, then started hanging around the prision, in fews minutes after starting hanging they had in sight the Police patrol, Mr.Asexyno right away started chasing after it untill the Officers noticed that we were after them. Officers stepped out of car on middle of road, aiming at our Huntley ordered to hands up and step out of our huntley, we "pulled over", a Clandestine Mob member come in front of the police patrol intersepting it, the officer got surround by us after one of them died they gave up and run away weeping like babies.

After we got rid of the Prision Wardens, we drove with adrenaline towards the entrance of Prision, we finally broke into and releaze many prisioners, friends and unknowns. Once our member was with us we left the prision recklessly driving. We didn't left any footstrints or identities of any of us. We gathered in a bar in The Company building and had a great party.

Participants: @M7mDGr7 @Poodlyz @DocPizza @chafloque @Gonza @Noisyboy



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Event Number: #919
Event type: Attackers vs Defenders
LWS: Epic
Prize: 3.000.000$
Winner: IKEA Team
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/UHMh2zU

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