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[SUGGESTION] Add a tutorial for new players


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Recently, I've recruited two of my IRL friends to SAES, and I've discovered that explaining the entire server/gameplay takes time. Sure, they can use f1 to read about the server, but who wants to read it? Even well-known games (League of Legends/World of Warcraft ect...) have a tutorial/teaching scene when you join the game for the first time; my suggestion is to at least make a clear practice tutorial for new players, at least as a criminal, a cop, and a trucker, on how to buy a car, how to get weapons, and so on, so that those who join the server for the first time may stick around and not get bored because they did not, I'm confident that more people will ultimately join the server, and it's not difficult to script or unusual to do so.

18 answers to this question

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There's plenty of information on forums and F1, however @xBlue made a video tutorial some time ago, it's quite helpful, check it out

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I'm aware that there is plenty of information in the F1 and the tutorial Videos ect... and so does every other game but trust me, a practice tutorial is another thing, that Tutorial is in the forums which will take any newbie a long time to understand what is SAES Forums, and even longer to find it while a practice tutorial for all new accounts will be a must where they will behave a quick view on the gameplay, my point is, don't treat them as you are doing them a favor playing your server, I always witness a guy asking a lot of random questions on the main chat then he just quit the game when he is bored and couldn't understand

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while i was replying a guy had the same problem im talking about, he was asking alot of questions how to get money how to buy weapon where is the cars ect... then got bored and quit, check login/quit logs down

I agree that we have our old solutions(f1 ect...), but if they truly worked, we would never have to explain to someone how to collect money/arrest, etc., implying that they are ineffective and require a change. On top of that, scripting such things is not difficult to obtain. When players log in for the first time at 00:00:00, they are relocated to a location where they can practice being a cop, a criminal, and then a trucker/civilian.

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SAES has ((I believe))aproximately 2-5 new player/accounts created daily ((because that's the number of people we see asking random questions about the gameplay with MTA Default names daily)), they either keep asking random questions on the mainchat then leave or press f1, get bored reading all of that then leave the server, and let's be honest SAES is slowly losing its popularity lately, so you'll want to keep those new players so we start seeing new names in the server

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Honestly, I said before that you need this LIKE video learn new players about how to go SR BR PBR JB cause any new player don't have patience for read Server rules and modus operandi
better make videos or something like it explain new players every thing about life as criminal or cop or civilian and how it work

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@Law said in [SUGGESTION] Add a tutorial for new players:

Honestly, I said before that you need this LIKE video learn new players about how to go SR BR PBR JB cause any new player don't have patience for read Server rules and modus operandi
better make videos or something like it explain new players every thing about life as criminal or cop or civilian and how it work

Videos are just as bad, why waste time watching a video for x minutes? When you can have a tutorial in game that lasts for x minutes instead, it's much better actually doing the activities in game than watching a video and doing it afterwards.

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@Law said in [SUGGESTION] Add a tutorial for new players:

Honestly, I said before that you need this LIKE video learn new players about how to go SR BR PBR JB cause any new player don't have patience for read Server rules and modus operandi
better make videos or something like it explain new players every thing about life as criminal or cop or civilian and how it work

The best method to learn is to practice. You can show someone how to arrest in a video, but he won't get all the details unless he does it himself.

Due to the decline in daily active SAES players, we must make every effort to retain as many new players as possible and engage them in our community.

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There's no specific tutorial ingame that can be done ingame (as you suggest) for various reasons that are kinda obvious.

The things SAES are based on are just things you should keep on your mind as an active roleplay player not just a player who is willing to enjoy a shooting type of game. The only tutorials that can be shown ingame are simply how to move and jump and maybe crouch if that's possible for most of the games. Since games are getting more and more complicated, specific games will ensure to give you hints/ideas in order to process in the game not because it's about you respecting an npc within the game or u might get punished for killing somebody. It's about how it should be played. In reality, gta SA is just the game we all know since it's released. Giving it some more options and more effects that make the game different somehow is something else which can't be expressed by the game developers themselves in specific situations, like SAES. It's not a bunch of mini games to show you what the concept of the game you're playing but it's about communication, "roleplaying". The only tips/ideas you might need can be found in an article or someone should explain them to you because it can't be shown in the actual game itself or it can be provided jn specific videos on Youtube just like how FiveM servers wok, they make their own server, own script (but they are mostly the same, they just change the logo and name) then they provide videos / admins that can resolve issues regarding the gameplay for you.

Long story short, SAES can't have some tutorials given ingame and even if that magically happens, the tutorials will be larger than the script of the server itself lol.

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@Faysal said in [SUGGESTION] Add a tutorial for new players:

There's no specific tutorial ingame that can be done ingame (as you suggest) for various reasons that are kinda obvious.

The things SAES are based on are just things you should keep on your mind as an active roleplay player not just a player who is willing to enjoy a shooting type of game. The only tutorials that can be shown ingame are simply how to move and jump and maybe crouch if that's possible for most of the games. Since games are getting more and more complicated, specific games will ensure to give you hints/ideas in order to process in the game not because it's about you respecting an npc within the game or u might get punished for killing somebody. It's about how it should be played. In reality, gta SA is just the game we all know since it's released. Giving it some more options and more effects that make the game different somehow is something else which can't be expressed by the game developers themselves in specific situations, like SAES. It's not a bunch of mini games to show you what the concept of the game you're playing but it's about communication, "roleplaying". The only tips/ideas you might need can be found in an article or someone should explain them to you because it can't be shown in the actual game itself or it can be provided jn specific videos on Youtube just like how FiveM servers wok, they make their own server, own script (but they are mostly the same, they just change the logo and name) then they provide videos / admins that can resolve issues regarding the gameplay for you.

Long story short, SAES can't have some tutorials given ingame and even if that magically happens, the tutorials will be larger then the script of the server itself lol.

I'm not suggesting a full game practice tutorial mode nor a tutorial that teaches someone how to get a ProCop diploma or how to crack a bank, just the bare minimum of the basic baby steps that everyone would need to properly play the game without having any problems, just a floor with 3 markers, 1 blue 1 red 1 yellow and he will have to go through the 3 and pass 3 simple missions, as a cop you will give him an NPC with some wanted he will have to taze and arrest 3 times, as a criminal you will give him a robbery and show him how to sell weapon/drugs, and as civillian, he will spawn as a trucker/delivery man and deliver something, then you will get him aware of rules, how to buy a car ect... and he will be ready to play SAES with no problems even if he can't speak English, and if he still has any question he can ask any admin

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@Faysal said in [SUGGESTION] Add a tutorial for new players:

There's no specific tutorial ingame that can be done ingame (as you suggest) for various reasons that are kinda obvious.

Long story short, SAES can't have some tutorials given ingame and even if that magically happens, the tutorials will be larger then the script of the server itself lol.

SAES can totally have in game tutorials and no the tutorial scripts wouldn't be larger than the server itself. The gameplay loop for saes is not that complicated or indepth as you're making it out to be not to mention that saes is not a roleplay server.

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I think this would work fine, just to show like some of the basic stuff. You could use like a moving ingame camera in the game to show like an SR building, police stations, properties for healings, SR drops and such. Shouldn't be that hard to make either. It's more a matter of what would you show in there that's critical for a new player to know that won't be found within F1.

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@Yannick said in [SUGGESTION] Add a tutorial for new players:

I think this would work fine, just to show like some of the basic stuff. You could use like a moving ingame camera in the game to show like an SR building, police stations, properties for healings, SR drops and such. Shouldn't be that hard to make either. It's more a matter of what would you show in there that's critical for a new player to know that won't be found within F1.

Well to be honest, Everything could be found in the F1 but name me a new player that would spend his time reading that F1 and understanding it, things will look complicated for him so he will just disconnect and find another typical server to play, especially if he can not speak English

And as Hex mentioned, I hardly doubt the scripts gonna be too huge and you won't have to script the extra lines to avoid any bug abuse as it's only the new players those with 00:00:00 time played who will be forced to do it and have an access to it, and I don't think any new player will start his career caring about bug abuse

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Tutorials in game would be indeed the best thing possible, lets you go through all the basic rules and stuff and atleast makes you aware of multiple stuff that you would take a lotta time to discover if you were on your own (it's less likely to happen now since everyone is being recruited and taught, but still not everything is well taught). The system can also be f.e when you spawn as a Police Officer Trainee you get a panel of information in several languages explaining what you should do, general and full information about it which might also be a reason for new players to stick to the server. Also another suggestion is that when a player tries to access a spawn h is not a apart of, the error message should be changed to something that would make it clear, f.e "You cannot access this spawn because you are no part of the group (spawn name)" and can also make an opportunity for gang, groups and squads to set their own error message as an information (F.e: You're no part of "gang", you may need to apply at "link" to gain access this spawn)

(I haven't read any of the stuff above tbh but if there's something off topic here lmk)

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@Dinaz said in [SUGGESTION] Add a tutorial for new players:

Tutorials in game would be indeed the best thing possible, lets you go through all the basic rules and stuff and atleast makes you aware of multiple stuff that you would take a lotta time to discover if you were on your own (it's less likely to happen now since everyone is being recruited and taught, but still not everything is well taught). The system can also be f.e when you spawn as a Police Officer Trainee you get a panel of information in several languages explaining what you should do, general and full information about it which might also be a reason for new players to stick to the server. Also another suggestion is that when a player tries to access a spawn h is not a apart of, the error message should be changed to something that would make it clear, f.e "You cannot access this spawn because you are no part of the group (spawn name)" and can also make an opportunity for gang, groups and squads to set their own error message as an information (F.e: You're no part of "gang", you may need to apply at "link" to gain access this spawn)

(I haven't read any of the stuff above tbh but if there's something off topic here lmk)

Interesting proposal, which might be placed with mine to remove the haze for new players, and my major reason for that suggestion is, as you indicated, to clear the haze and blur for new players; "new players to stick to the server"

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