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Personal Information
In-game name: My ingame name is Jamal.
Username: My usenrame is 'moenesmjaid'
Age: Im 16, turning to 17 soon.
Nationality: Im Tunisian.
For how long have you been playing SAES:RPG?: Been playing on the server for almost 2 years.
How many hours a day can you be online?: I can stay online for 4-10 hours daily (i can 14 hours in vacations.)
Previous G/S/Gs and time spent in them (List all of them, no matter how many):
OC = Left to join cop side. 2 mounths
STF = Still doesnt know the reason of the kick. 3.5 months.
CMC = The gang got closed. 1 week
ICE = lul, joined this 'garage squad' by mistake, i got lv3 the first day i joined. 1week
FBI = Well, i had fun here, learned everything about cop side there, but my time came to re join the dark side again. 2.5months
RebelsMC: I can explain ingame. 1 week.
TST = Got problems with a PVT member. 1week.
NNB = Actually, got bored of cop side, wanted to leave it (i got blacklisted for leaving without telling a HQ). 2 months.
OC= Re-joined once it got lv2, helped it to reach lv3, then got kicked due to a toxic behavior. 2 months.
ThC = Well, the most G/S which i had fun, spent there almost 2 months and half.
WA= Can be explained in game, if you're intersted to know the reason. (1week)
Leaving/Kicked Causes (Explain briefly): Already explained above.
Important Questions
Why do you want to be apart of the Rebels MC?: Well, just wanted to re-join the family, thats all. I also can crack perfectly which would benefit ya in BRs, and as u can see, i replyed. :D
Explain our Role and what we do in San Andreas: Rebels MC were founded by a bunch of friends 'Felix, bas and LilRab' they decided to create a family called RebelsMC, they got some bikers in. Their main role is getting rid of all drugs.
Do you own a Freeway?: Ofcourse i do, i have 4, (3 customs)
What does Roleplaying seem to you?: Roleplaying is When two or more players act life like in a game , in order to provide a more realistic gameplay meeting real life senarios
Are you willing to sacrifice time and effort towards our family and why: Yes, and i can put efforts in those MC wise becuase i really like it. I also replyed, which proves im trustwhorthy to join.
Add a picture of your favourite bike to even be considered: Sorry, couldn't find it, but its just a Freeway.

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@James said in Rebels MC -Level 2:

@Jamal said
ICE = lul, joined this 'garage squad' by mistake, i got lv3 the first day i joined. 1week .very nice jamal . ((very nice jamal . you was ice one month and got kicked mate and don't for get i donate for you . and this is the garage squad??)))
wht you got kicked and denied from all look>>>
STF = kicked
NNB =blacklisted
OC= kicked
WA= kicked
RebelsMC = they know why
FBI = kicked or left its the same
ThC - i think you was kicked if not its the same. cannot balance on one team
and more and more + the denied you have received. and sapa. bad attitude,
~[sorry for posting this hear. but i had no choice from this person. i will deleted after some days]~(red)

Hello there, James.

Have you heard of discord? I am sure you have, do not post under this topic, I don't give a living shit if you delete it after some days but I am pretty sure we can handle our own Supporters and you can focus on your squad instead.

If you have any other complaints towards Jamal, please PM me on discord and I will more than gladly interact with you and discuss the details.

Click on this Discord banner to join our discord server:

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Have a wonderful evening!

- Markus, Secretary of the Rebels MC.

  • 2 weeks later...

@Jamal Thanks for showing interest by applying again, after two weeks of waiting. However, waiting isn't enough. You're told to hang with our members and we haven't seen you that often. Please hang with us for the next two weeks to show you truly want to be part of us.
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**Personal Information
In-game name: each
Username: Each
Age: 19, 20 in 3 days :)
Nationality: Lebanese
For how long have you been playing SAES:RPG?: I really don't remember exactly, but for sure 4-5years+
How many hours a day can you be online?: Not that active anymore but I'd say 2-3hrs. Increases during weekends.
Previous G/S/Gs and time spent in them (List all of them, no matter how many): I've been inactive for YEARS but i do remember some. MMC, UE, O, SoA, LMN, HS.
Leaving/Kicked Causes (Explain briefly): Never been kicked. Some died and i've left some due to reasons i don't remember lol.

Important Questions
Why do you want to be apart of the Rebels MC?: I would love to be a part of the Rebels MC as it reminds me of the old days of MMC and some of the members. Adding to that, I also love being a biker myself.
Explain our Role and what we do in San Andreas: Motorcycle Club that earns money by taking their chance on the opportunities they get like protection tasks, assassinations, bike and auto theft et cetera.
Do you own a Freeway?: For sure.
What does Roleplaying seem to you?: When a member pretends to be acting just like how a person would in real life.
Are you willing to sacrifice time and effort towards our family and why: Obviously, as a family, I am willing to do anything. Whatever makes us better and successful, i'll put time and effort towards it.
Add a picture of your favourite bike to even be considered:**


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@each Thanks for showing your interest in our club. We would like to see you around as much as possible, to get to know you a little, before making our decision.

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Personal Information
In-game name: Doro374
Username: doritos123
Age: 16
Nationality: Portuguese
For how long have you been playing SAES:RPG?: Ive been playing for less then a year
How many hours a day can you be online?: 2/3
Previous G/S/Gs and time spent in them (List all of them, no matter how many): Just One non official .
Leaving/Kicked Causes (Explain briefly): Leader deleted it.

Important Questions
Why do you want to be apart of the Rebels MC?: Because i like the gang and i watched their evolution to official and i want to help them to keep growing.
Explain our Role and what we do in San Andreas: Rebels are a group of bikers and mechanics.
Do you own a Freeway?: Yes.
What does Roleplaying seem to you?: Play like real life .
Are you willing to sacrifice time and effort towards our family and why: Because i want to help and be part of their history .
Add a picture of your favourite bike to even be considered:


In-game name: iggyfree
Username: gianniboy456
Age: 17 years
Nationality: belg
For how long have you been playing SAES:RPG?: like 4years
How many hours a day can you be online?: like 648 hours
Previous G/S/Gs and time spent in them (List all of them, no matter how many): I have been inactive for too long and can no longer remember :/ my excuses
Leaving/Kicked Causes (Explain briefly):////

Important Questions
Why do you want to be apart of the Rebels MC?: you are nice guys to chill with, you are ready to help each other every moment and that is what friends really do
Explain our Role and what we do in San Andreas: Motorcycle Club that earns money by taking their chances in the field of security duties and murders and cycling and car theft.
Do you own a Freeway?: for sure
What does Roleplaying seem to you?: when a member has problems you try to help by acting like in real life
Are you willing to sacrifice time and effort towards our family and why: of course you should always try to help you circle of friends whatever circumstances
Add a picture of your favourite bike to even be considered: https://www.google.be/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwi_zJ3WpJviAhXMJlAKHdT6Ch4QjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F254523816418962931%2F&psig=AOvVaw1tSG8vVq6th_-lhpP7v_PL&ust=1557932411644201


@doro374 Thanks for showing interest, as said in game, show yourself around more often. Will re-assess in 1 week.

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Personal Information
In-game name: zedescaido
Username: zedescaido
Age: 15
Nationality: Portuguese
For how long have you been playing SAES:RPG?: 1 Month.
How many hours a day can you be online?: 2 hours and in weekend 4.
Previous G/S/Gs and time spent in them (List all of them, no matter how many): None.
Leaving/Kicked Causes (Explain briefly): .

Important Questions
Why do you want to be apart of the Rebels MC?: Because i like to hang with Rebels members and i like their activitie too and i think i can grow as player with them , also can help in activitie and make Rebels grow as organization.
Explain our Role and what we do in San Andreas: Rebels are a motorbike gang that makes a lot of activitie and are a group of bikers
Do you own a Freeway?: Yes
What does Roleplaying seem to you?: Play like real life.
Are you willing to sacrifice time and effort towards our family and why: Because i wanna grow as player and also want to help you in whatever you need.
Add a picture of your favourite bike to even be considered:https://cs4.gtaall.com.br/screenshots/5a9f9/2015-10/large-fit/631ecd304dd66e96e2fa3fa282a1321695fbca49/300519-gta-sa-2015-10-17-22-09-49-571.jpg


Personal Information
In-game name: justul
Username: wil01000
Age: 17
Nationality: Germany
For how long have you been playing SAES:RPG?: 2months
How many hours a day can you be online?: 2-3
Previous G/S/Gs and time spent in them (List all of them, no matter how many): TST almost 2weeks
Leaving/Kicked Causes (Explain briefly): I'll explain ingame

Important Questions
Why do you want to be apart of the Rebels MC?: I want to be part of this gang because i liked their role also their members so i decided to join to try to help this gang with my activity
Explain our Role and what we do in San Andreas: Rebels MC were founded by alot of friends 'Felix, bas and LilRab' they decided to create a family called RebelsMC, they got some bikers in. Their main role is getting rid of all drugs

Do you own a Freeway?: yes
What does Roleplaying seem to you?: acting like real life
Are you willing to sacrifice time and effort towards our family and why: Yes ofc I will try my best and to help this family to grow up
Add a picture of your favourite bike to even be considered: alt text


Personal Information
In-game name:Jerome
For how long have you been playing SAES:RPG?:3 days
How many hours a day can you be online?:2(in the vacations 3-4)
Previous G/S/Gs and time spent in them (List all of them, no matter how many):None
Leaving/Kicked Causes (Explain briefly):
Important Questions
Why do you want to be apart of the Rebels MC?:I am fond of motorcycles and i love this gang members.I think i will be better with you.
Explain our Role and what we do in San Andreas:You are collecting tribute and hanging around with your freeways
Do you own a Freeway?:Yes
What does Roleplaying seem to you?:Roleplaying is play this game like real life
Are you willing to sacrifice time and effort towards our family and why:f this gang will grow i can do everything i can for this gang.
Add a picture of your favourite bike to even be considered:https://pasteboard.co/Ig9ILEE.jpg


Thanks for showing interest,


Contact an HQ in-game.



Somehow you've managed to ignore and DM us. That doesn't work in your favor when applying for a gang (-:

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